Chapter 863 Understanding
Everyone in the living room knew that Luo Xudong had been in contact with Hawkeye, but no one thought of asking him about it. His standpoint was different, and sometimes some issues were very sensitive. Now it's not a last resort, so try not to touch this sensitivity as much as possible. Wire.

However, even if you want to ask Luo Xudong, you can't. Now he is on a mission outside.

Time is still a little weak, but he still insists on sitting here.

"Auntie, has my dad still not been found?" Shi Guang spoke without confidence, and his body was still very weak.

Bei Sitian shook her head, "The information is wrong, the Shi family is not with Zhang Di."

According to the previous information, several senior members of the Shi family were brought to BJ by Zhang Di, but after Zhang Di was captured, he searched all of his strongholds in BJ, and none of the Shi family members were found.

However, in fact, the Shi family did set off with Zhang Di, and they seemed to have disappeared from the world suddenly.

Shi's family's life and death are uncertain, Shi Shi is worried, and he no longer has the mood to laugh and laugh.

Bei Sitian looked at Shi Shi and said, "What do you know, but you still refuse to say it now?"

She knew that she hadn't told all the time before, maybe it involved some family secrets, so she didn't blame it, but in the current situation, what they lack most is information.

Shi Guang looked up at Bei Sitian. At the moment there were De San, Qiao Hongjie, Tian Zhi and Wei Zhongxun in the room. He was stunned for a while, closed his eyes and said, "It's not that I didn't want to say it, but I did. I'm afraid you may not be able to." will believe it."

Wei Zhongxun raised his eyebrows and said, "How do we know if you don't tell me?"

At this point, Shi Shi has no other choice. It is impossible for him to find members of his own family by himself. The only thing he can count on now is the Qingyu School!

Qingyu School was willing to help him, naturally because of the relationship between the aunt.

"Our Shi family... is actually a subordinate family." Shi Shi said.

Bei Sitian had already heard him talk about this matter, but others didn't know that the Shi family was a well-known big family in the world of mysterious medicine, what kind of behemoth was it that could make the Shi family a subordinate family?
In fact, many people are thinking that the strength of these families may not be anything before the blank 200 years of history. Of course, this is just a guess. , There are a large number of talents in the mysterious medical world!
As for the method of generation after generation, there are not many records in the history of each family, so when there is a mysterious doctor who can make magic spells, everyone feels that there is no one before, and Wei Zhongyuan's reputation is also the same for a while.

"The main family of the Shi family is a really big family, even though the population is not that large." Shi Shi said.

Everyone quietly listened to him continue to speak.

Shi Shi hung his head for a while, then raised his head, "It's gone."

Everyone: "???"

Are you kidding us?
The corners of Wei Zhongxun's eyes twitched, "Is that brat making fun of us? Believe it or not, I'll take you out and throw you into the alley right now?"

De San pursed his lips, and it was rare to support Wei Zhongxun's suggestion. Halfway through his words, his appetite was whetted. How could it be summed up in two words?
Time passed, "There are not so many records in the family history of the subordinate family, not to mention there are missing ones."

However, Bei Sitian didn't believe what Shi Shi said, even though the Qin family's family history had so much content, the Shi family only recorded much more.

But she knew why Shi Shi didn't say anything about it. It involved the big secret of the main family that day, that is, the secret of the twins, so he refused to reveal it easily. From this point of view, the Shi family still has a certain degree of loyalty to the main family. of.

Seeing everyone's dissatisfaction, Shi Guang smiled wryly in his heart, and hurriedly said, "I don't know much about the Lord's family, but I do know a little about Hawkeye."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief. If you talk about general, it can be summed up in two words, and it will really be thrown out for you!
"Hawkeye is a special department of the military. It exists as mysteriously as the Ninth Department of the General Staff. Of course, you probably don't know what the Ninth Department of the General Staff is. You just need to know that it is mysterious." Time said.

Wei Zhongyuan wanted to beat someone up again, this kid really deserves a beating, the look of 'you are ignorant' really makes one's hands itch.

"Speaking of which, if Hawkeye is a special department of the military department, then the association is the power of the political department. The association looks very loose, but in fact the several permanent directors in it are quite capable and influential. One of the two departments In the open and in the dark, the interests are different, but the beliefs are the same, so we can check and balance each other but watch each other."

Of course, Shi Shi didn't sum it up by himself, but as the heir of the Shi family, someone had already analyzed these forms for him.

"The association is very powerful and spreads over a wide area, so it is quite capable in intelligence gathering, but if it is really serious, I am afraid that Hawkeye will be dispatched. Hawkeye is like a sharp sword. Where!" Time continued.

"How much do you know about Hawkeye?" Bessian asked.

Shi Guang drank his saliva, and continued: "The composition of Hawkeye is much simpler than that of the association. It is divided into three groups, the logistics group, the intelligence group, and the vanguard group. The specific functions can be imagined according to the names. They are all literal meanings, so I don't need to explain them. what."

Tian Zhi asked curiously: "Why do you know the composition of Hawkeye so clearly?"

Shi Shi glanced at him with a look of contempt, "No way, who made me a member of a big family, these things are not a secret in the big family and big schools, and we have to deal with them from time to time, let alone the people who make up the magic horse. , that is, I know those people inside, hehe~"

He gave Tian Zhi a slap in the face, with a gloomy expression on his face, this kid deserves a beating!

"Who is Cheng Shuwei?" Bei Sitian immediately asked.

Shi Guang was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed, "You know Cheng Shuwei? No, Cheng Shuwei led the team for this operation?"

Seeing how Qingyu saw Hawkeye for the first time, they must not know Cheng Shuwei, so there is only one possibility, the person leading the mission this time is Cheng Shuwei!
Bessie looked at him silently.

Seeing her demeanor, Shi Guang didn't dare to offend Bei Sitian, and hurriedly said: "This Cheng Shuwei is the leader of the vanguard team, a very powerful person!"

Seeing Bei Sitian's disapproving expression, Time was not convinced, "Cheng Shuwei is really amazing, the vanguard group is divided into twelve groups, he is a proper big boss!"

Bei Sitian didn't expect to meet someone with such sharp eagle eyes. Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Time muttering to herself.

"The matter this time is definitely not as simple as you said. If it is just to arrest criminal suspects who have fled overseas, there is no need to dispatch Cheng Shuwei!"

 Continue to code the next chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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