Chapter 864 Absorbing Qi Xinda

Shi Shi is keenly aware that this matter is not easy, but it is right if it is not easy. If it is easy, where can he find Shi's family?

"In this way, the Shi family may have a problem during the journey." Wei Zhongxun said.

Tian Zhi tilted his head and looked at him, "Brother Xun is talking about the day when Zhang Di suddenly lost contact on the way to BJ?"

Shi Shi was startled, and asked what was going on, and then found out that when Zhang Di led the team to BJ, one day he suddenly lost track on the road, and the whole team lost track. No one found out where they went, what happened? What, a day later, they reappeared in the local small hotel, and went on the road normally the next day.

It was probably at that time that the Shi family in the team was replaced by his own people.

So where did the family go.

With such a clue, Time felt that he had to go to the county where Zhang Di was the day he lost contact!

Bessian wanted him to go with himself and others until he was going back to Qixinda, but time didn't have so much time to wait, he was worried that one more day would lead to less clues, so he left the small courtyard and set off the next day .

Before leaving, time gave him a new contact method to keep in touch with each other.

Bei Sitian told him that he would go to meet him soon, Shi Guang nodded solemnly and left, he didn't say a word of thanks, it was hypocritical to say these things at this time, regardless of whether his family was rescued in the end, as long as he was alive, he would Pay back Beth sweet.

Bei Sitian found Wu Yuekai, explained her purpose of coming, and wanted to hear the old man's thoughts.

Wu Yuekai put down his teacup, and said with a slight sense of surprise: "If you want someone, just ask Zhou Biwu for it. Aren't you a cooperative relationship now?"

Bei Sitian stood there stunned, "Will eagle-eyed people listen to Zhou Biwu?"

Now it was Wu Yuekai's turn to be stunned, "Why didn't you listen? No matter how special Hawkeye is, he is still a soldier, and soldiers should obey orders!"

Beth pursed her lips sweetly, and then smiled wryly. She was constrained by her habitual thinking. She always felt that all the mysterious doctors were arrogant, so the department of Hawkeye must be the same, but she forgot that Hawkeye is a soldier. Special also belongs to the military department.

After Bei Sitian figured this out, she felt a little embarrassed, and was naturally laughed at by the old man. She immediately left the red lacquer compound and went directly to Zhou Biwu's place to ask for someone.

Zhou Biwu wasn't surprised to see Bei Sitian, he knew she would definitely come, but he didn't expect her to be so patient, and she came only at this time.

If Bei Sitian knew what he was thinking, she would be ashamed. She couldn't bear it, she didn't want to come and ask for someone directly.

"It just so happens that Cheng Shuwei is also here, so I just asked him to come with me." Zhou Biwu said.

Bei Sitian always felt that Zhou Biwu's meaning was not that simple, so she specially called Cheng Shuwei, and thought that Cheng Shuwei came to greet her specially at that time. Could it be that the military department wanted to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Qingyu?
Cheng Shuwei came soon. Unlike the last time I saw him, this time he was wearing a military green military uniform, with a tall and straight figure, showing the military's ability and crispness everywhere. If this is the first time seeing him, Bei Sitian will be very happy. It was hard to imagine that he himself would be a mysterious doctor.

After Cheng Shuwei saluted Zhou Biwu, he greeted Bei Sitian, "Meet you again, Doctor Bei."

Beth smiled sweetly and shook hands with him, and then sat down respectively.

"I came here this time, hoping to use Qi Xinda's strength." Bei Sitian said.

Cheng Shuwei nodded, "General Zhou has already told me that it's no problem to take Qi Xinda away, but we also have conditions. The eagle-eyed people have to follow him 24 hours a day. After all, Qi Xinda is too dangerous now."

This danger is manifested in two aspects, one is that he can cultivate a forbidden product such as hypnotic germs, and the other is his single mind, people give a photo and then go to work for others, it is scary to imagine...

In fact, Qi Xinda's single thought saved him. If he hadn't been so 'innocent', I'm afraid it would not be as simple as being under house arrest by Hawkeye. The handling is also relatively humane.

In addition, Bei Sitian also knows that the Qi family is the only existence that can check and balance Qi Xinda. The military department has already mobilized Qi Xiuhui's husband immediately, and BJ is transferred, so it is more reassuring to look under the nose.

In addition, Qi Xiuhui's father and younger brother also made some dispatches and entered some local institutions for strict protection.

In this way, no one can use Qi Xinda anymore, it would be best if Qingyu could absorb Qi Xinda.

Bei Sitian was surprised, "Why doesn't the military accept Qi Xinda?"

Don't say that he has stains or something, there is no such reason, and it is more reassuring to have this kind of talent in your own hands.

Zhou Biwu and Cheng Shuwei looked at each other, don't they want to absorb Qi Xinda into the army?Wouldn't it be good to give a high-level civilian treatment and conduct research in the rear of the military department?
You don't have to worry about Qi Xinda being caught and used maliciously, and you don't have to worry about Qi Xinda running around, which is of course the best.

But Qi Xinda didn't want to!
The military department also knew about the accident many years ago. At that time, Qi Xinda was a mysterious doctor specially hired by the military department. Since then, Qi Xinda has refused to associate with the military department.

Zhou Biwu also expressed his helplessness. What does the accident have to do with the military department? Why are you blaming the military department?
Qi Xinda said, there is no way, I hate it from the bottom of my heart when I see the military department!
So the military department's goal of absorbing Qi Xinda failed again, but Qi Xinda could not be allowed to continue to hide in the mountains. If someone took out a photo and he came out of the mountain casually, it would be troublesome.

But it's unrealistic to allocate a part of the staff to watch Qi Xinda, because just looking at it means watching it for a lifetime?In terms of the lifespan of a mysterious doctor, if there is one for 30 to [-] years, then for ordinary people, one-third of this life will pass.

So the best way at the moment is to find a trustworthy genre and absorb Qi Xinda!
Zhou Biwu was the first to think of Bei Sitian's Qing Yu!
Not to mention that his personal feelings are very biased towards Beth Tian. With Beth Tian's family, it is also the school of mysterious medicine that can be trusted by the military.

What's more, Bei Sitian has just finished the first cooperation with the military department, and the cooperation is quite smooth, and it can even be described as perfect. Under Zhou Biwu's operation, there is a plan to establish a long-term cooperation with Qingyu.

There is no pressure to absorb Qi Xinda Bei Sitian, but Bei Sitian still has to think about establishing a long-term cooperation with the military.

But any cooperation will involve interests. What if her interests cannot be unified with the military?
"Give me some time." Bessie said.

Zhou Biwu nodded, "Don't worry about answering me."

 While the baby is sleeping, the rabbit continues to code the next chapter, trying to finish writing and uploading before the baby wakes up

(End of this chapter)

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