Chapter 868 Can You Fight Talismans

Time stared at Shi Shi for two days, but still did not wait for Bei Sitian and others to come back, knowing that something was wrong, either Bei Sitian and others did not notice the mark he left, or there was something wrong with the mark he left .

With my aunt's cleverness, it's impossible not to find such a small room, so it's probably the second possibility.

If this is the case, it can be explained, he must be under the surveillance of those people.

Shi Guang didn't even intend to have any interaction with Luo Yirui, he went to the small courtyard in the middle of the night yesterday, found Brother Tian Zhi who was on duty in the wing room, and explained the situation to him.

Brother Tian Zhi said that it would be fine to let him continue as he is now. Shi Shi can't help much anyway, and the task will be completed if he can deliver the news.

Shi Guang didn't plan to come to the school again this day, after all the news had already been passed to Xiaoyuan, he just had to wait for Bessian to come back or Xiaoyuan to take action, but for some reason he still came.

Looking at Luo Yirui's small figure walking under the afterglow of the setting sun from a distance, the shadow stretched very long, and watched him disappear from sight before turning around and leaving.

The buildings here have already started to rise. They are all six-story buildings with north-south transparency. They look fresher than bungalows. Many people are willing to buy one, which is very face-saving.

The building has been built, and only decoration is left to move in. Time goes between buildings, even though it can be illuminated by the afterglow, but the heart is gloomy, and there is no news from Shi's family until now. He knows that it will happen in one more day. One more day of danger.

"Brother Shi Shi." A childish voice sounded behind Shi Shi.

Shi Shi turned around suddenly, and saw Luo Yirui standing not far away with his schoolbag on his back, looking at him, his small face was full of inquisitive expressions, and his expression changed, "What are you doing here, go home!"

Luo Yirui knew that Shi Shi had followed him for two days. If he remembered correctly, he should have gone to Ningjin County with his mother. Why did he appear here, and why did he follow him?

Seeing Shi Shi's panicked face, Luo Yirui was also taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Shi Guang looked serious, first looked around, but did not see any suspicious person, immediately took Luo Yirui's hand and walked towards the wide street outside.

Although he can't be sure, but he has always had an idea, maybe these people want to use him to lure Luo Yirui to some remote places so that they can be arrested?After all, BJ is Qingyu's home game, those people must be wary.

The building here has not been officially moved in yet, and the renovation workers have all left at this time, so there are very few people here, if those people's goal is really Luo Yirui, maybe they will do it in this kind of place!
As soon as the thought of time fell, he saw two men appearing in front of him. These two men put their hands in their trouser pockets, walking towards this side with a carefree look.

When Shi Shi saw the appearance of these two people, he was relieved. Such an unscrupulous gangster should not belong to that group. Just as he was thinking, his hands tightened. He looked back and saw Luo Yirui stopped in his tracks. Ken was dragged away by him again.

"What are you doing, get out of here with me!" Shi Guang had a bad temper, so he had no patience at this time.

Luo Yirui shook her head, "Surrounded."

Shi Shi was stunned, and looked around, only the two people who came over did not see anyone else, "There are only two people."

Luo Yirui looked at the path on the left with heavy eyes.

The people hiding there suddenly had their hair stand on end. For some reason, when the child looked over, he always felt that his gaze could penetrate the darkness and see them clearly.

It's fine if only one person thinks this way, both of them have this weird feeling, they can't help but look at each other, and at the same time, a thought flashes in their minds, that child has discovered them!

"Brother Shi Shi, how is your talisman fighting?" Luo Yirui asked suddenly.

Time was suddenly asked this question, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while, how about it?He hasn't even managed to make a magic talisman yet, so how can he fight talismans!
But it would be too embarrassing for him to say no to a child.

Luo Yirui glanced around, "There are five people in total, two for me, three for you!"

Shi Shi was surprised and opened his mouth, "Why?"

Luo Yirui was also very surprised, raised her head and said: "You are older than me, shouldn't you deal with one more?"

Shi Shi pursed his lips, his brows twitched, he really couldn't refute this, could he use hand-to-hand combat?In fact, he can only use hand-to-hand combat!

Luo Yirui didn't know much about it, he could feel the spirit of the other party, although he wasn't very strong, but he should be a kind of mysterious doctor, if he could also fight talismans, then he might have some troubles today.

What to do if you can't get out, just call for help if you can't get out, anyway, this is not really no man's land, there will always be one or two people who can hear it!

But it can't be done now, Luo Yirui's heart is a little bit ready to move, since he came back that time, there is no more interesting thing, when encountering this incident today, he always feels that it is aimed at himself, and he also wants to take advantage of it This opportunity to try again!

So... don't rush to call for help.

Seeing that Luo Yirui wasn't flustered at all, Shi Guang thought that he had already found a 'retreat' for himself, thinking how could he not be as good as a five-year-old child?

Thinking of this, he took a few deep breaths, and then calmed down. This incident was caused by him, and Luo Yirui is the son of his aunt, so he must not be allowed to have an accident!

"I'll break out here in a while, and I'll entangle those two people, so you run to the street, back to school, and find the teacher!" Time said in a low voice.

This place is too far away from the small courtyard, it is unrealistic to run back. With Luo Yirui's small arms and legs, it is estimated that he will be caught if he can't even run a hundred meters, so he can only run to the school. Those people can't rob people in public!
Looking back in time, I saw Luo Yirui holding a talisman in one hand and a pen in the other, ready to fight...

"Spirit forming talisman and fighting talisman are different..." Shi Guang couldn't help reminding.

The method used to cure diseases and save lives is used for fighting. The energy and physical strength required are not comparable to ordinary times. Luo Yirui's magic spell is already very shocking. If he can still fight with charms... Then let other people live?
Not far away, a man who had been watching the scene put down his binoculars, and said to Zhou Quan beside him, "Brother Quan, do you want to do it?"

Zhou Quan shook his head, "Boss said that as long as it doesn't affect lives, we don't want to take action."

The man opened his mouth, thinking that the boss is really ruthless, and the one below is his own son, who is really going to be hurt by the other party, don't you feel bad?

But the next moment he didn't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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