Chapter 869 Angry

Shi Guang looked at Luo Yirui's tense face, his eyes were as calm as water, and the mysterious talisman and pen in his hands were in a state of ready to go, obviously waiting for the opponent to enter the attack range.

I didn't think much of it before, but after realizing that someone was going to kill him, time calmed down, at least it was not too late to understand at that time, and I was still full of confidence in myself.

But seeing Luo Yirui now, his self-confidence was blown to the ground. A five-year-old child, facing such a scene, wouldn't he be nervous and afraid?
To be honest, Shi Guang was very panicked. Facing so many people, he and a five-year-old child had almost no chance of winning!

If Luo Yirui knew Shi Shi's thoughts, he would be ashamed. Whoever said he wasn't nervous, he was almost so nervous. Not only was he nervous, but he was also very scared, and even regretted running into this alley. These people were obviously aiming at He came.

Luo Yirui's current behavior is completely influenced by his parents. When he thinks of his father's stern face no matter what happens, he can't help but tighten his face, and thinks of his mother no matter what happens. Seemingly calm, he subconsciously took out a pen and a mysterious talisman.

Although I can't be like my mother, at least I'm prepared, so I won't panic and be overwhelmed for a while.

The sweat on Luo Yirui's forehead betrayed his mood at the moment, but he didn't care about it at all, his nerves were tense, and his energy was mobilized, waiting for the first person to enter his attack range.

In addition to the two people who were fooling around at the beginning, three other people gradually appeared in their line of sight, almost encircling the two of them in the middle.

At this time, no matter where they run, someone can stop them!
"Follow us, you two, and we won't hurt you." One of the tall, thin men wrapped his arms around each other, looking at them with interest.

Luo Yirui said inwardly, "Oops, these five people didn't know whether they were guarding against Brother Shiguang or wary of him, but they stopped and couldn't go away. At this distance, the bursting of his mysterious talisman would not have much effect. At most, it would make the other party squint for a while." squint.

Luo Yirui knew that he would not be able to concentrate for a long time. If he continued like this, he would relax before the opponent entered the attacking range.

A five-year-old child can concentrate for a very short time, and of course most children don't think about it, but since Luo Yirui was kidnapped that time, Beth Tian explained to him a lot of things, including his attention span. Concentrate time.

Why did he explain this to him alone, because Bei Sitian knew that Luo Yirui made the mysterious talisman explode at the beginning, which showed that he was very talented in fighting talismans, and he was a boy after all.

Luo Yirui's age is here. With his age, he can only explode three mystical talismans, no more than three at a time. This is Luo Yirui's limit. If he is in danger and cannot deal with the enemy within these three times, he must quickly Find a way to escape.

This is what Bei Sitian told Luo Yirui. Although Luo Yirui didn't understand it very well, she kept her mother's words in her heart.

Exploding three times is for Dou Fu, and the time he can concentrate is probably only seven or eight minutes, which is at most, after this time, his concentration will start to slacken.

Sweat flowed from Luo Yirui's forehead to the tip of his nose, he rolled his eyes, and said coldly: "You five die honestly, I won't pursue you!"

This immature little voice had such a cold voice, coupled with the content of the speech, the faces of the five adults were all gloomy.

"Boy, don't you think we dare not touch you?" The tall and thin man said with a sneer.

The main task this time is indeed Luo Yirui's right, but as long as it doesn't kill him, it's fine, if caught, he will definitely be beaten up, let him know, a young brat, don't be so arrogant!
Luo Yirui also sneered, "Do you really dare?"

The tall and thin man gasped, the boy's disdainful and skeptical expression really made people angry, he really took himself seriously, who did he think he was, why wouldn't he dare?

The tall and thin man made a fool of the two people on Shi Shi's side. Their main concern was Shi Shi. How big a wave is it?

The thin and tall one is like teaching Luo Yirui a lesson. He wants to tell Luo Yirui that a child should look like a child. He thought it was all your family members who gave way to your ninja?
The two people on Shishi's side understood, separated a distance and began to approach Shishi, and two other people also moved forward, and the five moved together.

Seeing this, Luo Yirui breathed a sigh of relief, provoking the opponent was almost a subconscious behavior, as long as he could let the opponent enter his attack range, he would not stand still.

The tall and thin man entered Luo Yirui's attack range first, and he could tell that this tall and thin man was the leader of this group, so let this one have no fighting power first!
Luo Yirui remembered a sentence his father said to him, but...he forgot how to say it because it was too awkward, but he remembered to grab the leader of the opponent first.

He stared at the tall and thin man, but he didn't take it seriously when he saw that he was holding a pen and a mysterious talisman in his hand. This made him sneer in his heart. It is impossible to underestimate anyone on the battlefield. You deserve it! !

After the tall and thin man entered his attack range, Luo Yirui did not rush to attack, but waited for him to get closer and then approached him again. When the distance was less than two meters, the pen in his hand suddenly moved.

The pen fell to Xuanyang, and it took less than two seconds to draw the talisman. Luo Yirui immediately pushed out the talisman and let out a low voice: "Explosion!"

The mysterious talisman exploded quickly, and the thin and tall man couldn't react in time. How could he have expected that a five-year-old child could actually tap spiritual talismans, and even fight talismans!

He suffered the loss of underestimating the enemy.

However, it was too late to realize his mistake. The tall and thin man broke out in a cold sweat, and then he felt itchy all over his body, so he couldn't help scratching with his hands.

This scratching couldn't stop anymore, the harder the scratching, the more bloodstains appeared on the neck and arms, but still couldn't stop.

Luo Yirui didn't stop after a successful move, drew three mysterious talismans one after another, retreated one after another, and then shouted: "Brother Shi Shi, come here quickly! Explode me!"

How can Shi Shi still use his words, he backed up a long time ago, turned his head slightly and saw that the tall and thin man had already scratched his body to pieces, his nails were covered with blood on his fingers, but he still couldn't stop, he was startled.

Following Luo Yirui's burst of shouting, after the three mysterious talismans exploded, the other four people also did it!

(End of this chapter)

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