Chapter 872 Hooked

Shi Shi has been paying attention to the movement around him, and he found that the alley here is really quite quiet, completely different from the alley over there at the aunt's house, and occasionally a person walks by here, with sharp eyes hidden in them.

It's fine if it's just one person, but I've met several people who are like this. This is not like an ordinary resident!

Shi Guang remembered that this little guy Luo Yirui deliberately showed weakness to lure these people to come here, presumably there must be a power here that can protect him, now it seems that his guess is right.

Shi Shi was a little apprehensive at first, these people should have stretched out their hands from looking like this, they are probably the security force protecting some important person, won't he be accidentally injured by rushing in so rashly?

Soon he felt that Luo Yirui on his back relaxed after seeing these people, and he knew it.

Shi Shi was also exhausted. Although he didn't exert much effort, he was mentally tense. After knowing that he could be saved, some flaws inevitably appeared.

The tall and thin man had been trying to find a way to stare at the big and the small ones. Seeing that the speed of time began to slow down, and there were really no people around, he felt sorry for himself if he didn't do anything, so he immediately moved his mind and called the other four people to narrow the area. Gradually surround them.

This time, they will definitely not let them run away again, the people over there must want Luo Yirui, and they still have to live, and the large rewards are enough for them to enjoy themselves for a year or two.

Shi Guang carried Luo Yirui on his back and finally exhausted himself. He walked with Luo Yirui on his back for more than 20 minutes. No matter how good his physical strength is, there is a limit. Anyway, he wanted to stop and rest for a while.

He put Luo Yirui down, and Luo Yirui had already recovered, but those people hadn't taken the bait yet, so he leaned his back against the alley wall, with his head lowered and his shoulders drooping, which easily gave people the illusion of being weak.

There is basically no danger here. He and his sisters come here every week. The plainclothes uncles here all know them. If they see someone doing something to them, it is impossible not to do it.

But now Luo Yirui's purpose is not to avoid danger for himself, but to let those people get caught, so the plainclothes uncles have a reason to do it!

After all, this is not that place. If you see something suspicious, you can knock it down first, and then interrogate.

"Are you okay?" Shi Guang asked Luo Yirui slightly, he never thought that Luo Yirui could recover so quickly.

Luo Yirui lowered her head and shook her head, without saying anything.

Seeing this, Shi Guang stood up straight and looked around. There was basically no one in the alley, so he turned his head and asked, "Is there a destination?"

Luo Yirui's heart moved slightly, and he subconsciously seemed to look up to the left, but he resisted it, and said in a low voice: "They are here."

Shi Shi was stunned for a moment, just as he was about to turn around and look back, he heard Luo Yirui say again: "Don't look back."

The people hadn't appeared yet, and Luo Yirui didn't know why, as if he could hear their slight footsteps, in short, he knew that someone was coming, and he didn't feel like an uncle in plain clothes.

Seeing three figures suddenly appearing at the corner of the alley two meters away, Luo Yirui breathed a sigh of relief, and finally took the bait!
At the same time, two people also appeared at the other end of the alley. Five people blocked a large and a small two in the alley, intending to catch a turtle!
But it's hard to say who will be the turtle, I heard that being a turtle is not good, Luo Yirui is going to give it up to these people.


Luo Yirui suddenly raised his head, and just when Shi Guang thought he was about to unleash another sharp blow, he heard him shouting, "Help~~~~!!"

Shi Shi took a step back in fright, and looked at the little boy who collapsed with a calm and calm personality. Fortunately, I was still in admiration just now, can you let me admire it for a little longer...

When the three people closest to them heard this piercing shout, their faces suddenly became very embarrassed. This is not sick and weak, it is full of confidence!

"Stop letting him yell!" The tall and thin man hurriedly waved his hand, and was about to lead someone up to tie up the two people, but he took two steps, but found that no one responded to him at all.

Turning his head, he saw his two companions standing there tremblingly, each with a cold muzzle on the back of their head, and one of them belonged to him, although they were not so close, they were tall and thin If you can feel it, if you make another move, there will probably be a hole in your heart!
"Raise your hands, turn around and lie on the wall, quick!" One of them shouted, the muzzle of the gun trembled slightly, and motioned for the tall and thin man to do the same.

Even though the tall and thin man was a mysterious doctor, he was not as powerful as a gun. He didn't dare to resist at the moment, so he could only raise his hands and lie on the wall. Immediately, someone came to search him and took away all the pens and yellow paper on his body.

Taking these things away, it seems that these people are not ordinary plainclothes people, and they obviously know the existence of this group of people.

The things were taken away, and the tall and thin man heard two thumping sounds from a distance. Don't think about it, the other two companions were also brought down!

At this time, he could not have imagined that there was a purpose for the senior and junior to bring them here, otherwise there would be such a coincidence that plainclothes would appear, it would be a capsize in the gutter.

After a while, Li Xuejun walked quickly from the other side, Luo Yirui narrowed his eyes into crescent moons when he saw him, "Uncle Li!"

Seeing that Luo Yirui was safe and sound, Li Xuejun breathed a sigh of relief. When he got the news just now, his heart almost skipped a beat. Fortunately, Zhou Quan showed up in time, otherwise the old chief might have killed these people in private.

Of course Zhou Quan is not protecting these people, he just wants to use these people to follow the clues to find the source, otherwise he will always be worried.

When Li Xuejun came out to pick up Luo Yirui, he listened to Zhou Quan's outline of the matter, so he knew that these five people were lured here by Luo Yirui, so he looked at Luo Yirui with shock.

In Li Xuejun's eyes, Luo Yirui was still a child. In fact, he was a child. When he was such a small person, when faced with five powerful enemies chasing him, not only did he not panic, but he responded very calmly. He even thought of it. The two younger sisters in the family and the grandparents who have no fighting power even thought of leading them here to be captured.

It can be said that Luo Yirui has accomplished many things that adults cannot accomplish, which makes Li Xuejun both surprised and happy. I am afraid that the old chief will be smiling when he hears it.

"Let's go boy, if someone didn't stop you, your grandfather would have to come here by himself." Li Xuejun laughed.

As soon as Wu Yuekai heard this, he wanted to come here by himself, but there were suspicious elements outside, how could they put the old chief in danger, even if it was even a little dangerous, they simply picked up the child and explained the process to him thoroughly before calming down.

(End of this chapter)

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