Chapter 873 The Lost Woman

Luo Yirui's complexion had returned to ruddy, so Li Xuejun didn't notice anything unusual, but Shi Guang was quite surprised, this kid's recovery ability is also very good, he saw with his own eyes that his energy was seriously exhausted, and he almost fainted due to loss of strength .

It didn't even last for an hour, so it's all right?

The aunt is an evildoer, so is her son? !

Shi Shi grew up in a big family, so he is quite discerning. When he came to the red lacquer compound, he knew that the person living here must be a military boss!

Thinking about my aunt's abilities, it's normal to know such a big guy, Shi Shi didn't dare to look casually, and walked inside behind Li Xuejun and Luo Yirui.

When Luo Yirui went in, Zhou Quan had already left, they were all secretly protecting, Luo Yirui himself didn't know, and the boss didn't intend to let him know.

But when Zhou Quan left, he took those five people with him, and the boss had already greeted the old chief.

Wu Yuekai's face was full of red, and when he saw Luo Yirui, he was about to grin to the ears, which made Li Xuejun secretly roll his eyes. He couldn't see the way the old chief saw the three little kids.

Little did he know that Li Xuejun didn't look much better when he saw the three children, but he couldn't see it himself.

"Grandpa!" Luo Yirui called out forcefully.

"Hey!" Wu Yuekai agreed, laughed loudly, beckoned Luo Yirui to go over, held him in his arms, and reached out to touch his head.

Wu Yuekai was really relieved after listening to the whole process described comprehensively. He never thought that Xiaorui would be so smart and quick-witted when encountering things. More importantly, he could keep calm and not panic. Under such circumstances, his judgments and decisions are all correct, which is really beyond people's expectations!

It can be foreseen that his achievements in the future will definitely not be inferior to those of his parents!

Now that Luo Xudong took over this matter, Wu Yuekai didn't plan to intervene too much, but he must be watching, asking about the progress, otherwise someone would always be watching Xiaorui and the two little darlings, how could he feel at ease.

"Xiao Rui, I will ask your Uncle Li to go back with you later, and bring your two younger sisters to live with grandpa for a while. Grandpa will miss you even if you are not here." Wu Yuekai said with a smile.

He planned to take care of the three children while Luo Xudong and his wife were away, otherwise he was really worried.

Shi Guang saw the old man and the novel for a long time before he noticed himself, and suddenly felt that his sense of existence was so low...

Shi Shi saw that Wu Yuekai's eyes were very fond of Luo Yirui, but when he faced himself, he became flat. This shows that the old chief is not as easy to get along with as he looks on the surface, so he dare not casually brush his presence .

He introduced himself, and under Wu Yuekai's gaze, he also roughly explained the whole story.

Regarding Shi Shi's performance here, Wu Yuekai heard from Zhou Quan that although his ability was average, he did not leave Luo Yirui alone in times of crisis, and even though he was suspected of being used again, Shi Shi's worries about Luo Yirui were real.

As long as someone is sincere to Luo Yirui, Wu Yuekai will be very kind, this is probably Aiwujiwu.

Both Luo Xudong and Bei Sitian already knew about this incident. Bei Sitian did not return to BJ, but set off from Ningjin County to other places. It seemed that with Luo Xudong's cooperation, he found clues about those people.


In a remote small village, a young man walked cautiously at the entrance of the village. Every time he took a step, he had to conduct a test. It will flow slightly.

The roads in the village are uneven, sometimes very muddy after the rain, and even if the donkey carts pass by, there will be holes left even if they dry out. Over time, the holes will get deeper and deeper.

There are quite a few pits like this on the village road. Even if there is no problem with the eyes, you have to look at your feet when you walk, let alone the eyes. So the young man fell twice before walking 20 meters.


On the other side came a young man of about the same age, he hurried over to pick up Shi Jianbin, and helped him walk towards the village.

The village is very small, with just over 100 households. These 100-plus households are not normal. Most of them are children, ranging from three to eleven or twelve years old. Although there are adults around, they are not related by blood.

"Didn't I tell you to call me when you came out? Why did you run out by yourself!" Shi Jianhua said with a frown.

Now the family is in trouble, and they are imprisoned in this remote mountain village in a disguised form. Except for those people, there are only children who have no freedom like them.

"Sorry, I got lost in the mountains, is there a place to stay here?"

Just as the two of them were walking back, a clear and pleasant voice sounded from behind.

Hearing this voice, Shi Jianhua turned around in astonishment, and saw an extremely beautiful woman standing there, wearing neat trousers, showing a pair of straight legs, wearing a sun protection clothing on her upper body, combing Ponytail, carrying a big hiking bag behind his back.

Although the village is remote, it is not completely isolated from the outside world. People will always come here, but usually there are two results for people who come here. One is the kind that encounters some things and leaves quickly, and never comes back again. , and there is another kind that is in good spirits and is permanently left behind.

But even if it stays permanently, it will disappear in a short time. Basically, there are no outsiders except their family members.

And their family members have survived to this day because they hold a secret.

Shi Jianhua frowned and looked at the girl. This girl should belong to the category of donkey friends. It is not uncommon for people to go into the mountains alone, but staying in this village is not a good choice. He was about to remind him when two women suddenly walked out from beside him. Come.

The two women approached the woman with a smile, and said, "Young lady, if you want to stay, you can go to our place. It's the best farmyard in this village. Meal and accommodation are all included."

"How much is it for one night?" The woman asked as she followed the two women away.

Shi Jianhua looked at their backs solemnly, another fell into a trap, but they didn't dare to remind them casually, just look at Jianbin's eyes.

"Why do I feel like I've heard this voice somewhere before?" Shi Jianbin said suddenly, the voice sounded familiar to him, but he forgot where he heard it.

While the two were talking, the woman suddenly turned her head, her gaze fell on Shi Jianbin's face, she paused for a moment, then turned her head and continued walking.

 Two more today

(End of this chapter)

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