Chapter 874 Dilemma
After Shi's family 'settled' in the small mountain village, this woman was the third wave of people who came here, almost without exception, they were donkey friends.

It is probably because life is getting better and better, and many people are beginning to pursue outdoor stimulation. It is not uncommon for a single woman to enter the deep mountains alone.

In the first two groups of people, a couple was run away, and the second wave was a small group of five donkey friends, two of whom left the small village, and the other three were left here.

Of course, those who left the village were all run away. This is because they had internal conflicts and split themselves, which gave the village an opportunity to take advantage of it. I don't know where it went, but I never saw it again.

The Shi family knew that this group of people was not good, and the fate of those three people might not be particularly good, because they had seen that group of people take the child away, and when they came back, they had a serious illness, had nightmares every night, and soon became depressed and die.

Because the child died abnormally, it had a great impact on the Shi family. It was also at that time that they began to realize that these people probably had no bottom line in some things.

Now the three elders and the three new generations of the Shi family are in the hands of each other, and the rest of the family can't do without yielding.

Shi Jianbin can only vaguely see a cloud of shadows now, and even when two people stand together, they will 'stick' together. His eyes were destroyed by these people using bad water!
Despite Shi Jianbin's behavior, the Shi family still did not give up trying to pass the news on. As for who to pass it on, they were quite at a loss.

Although the big families are friendly on the surface, but when the critical moment comes, no one knows if anyone will come forward. After all, friendship is one aspect, and competition is also one aspect. In comparison, competition is greater Some.

When interests are involved, the hearts of the people are different.

But no matter what, the Shi family still felt that the news should be passed on. The scattered Shi family members might have some ideas, which was better than just being slaughtered like fish on a chopping board.

Moreover, the Shi family still held some hope. Although this group of people didn't know who they were, they knew that they had raised so many energetic children in captivity. The purpose of the other party might not be acceptable to the public.

Pass the news out, one is to save themselves, and the other is to save these children. These children can be said to be the cornerstone of the mysterious medical world, and they are all quite good seedlings. What a pity.

Moreover, once the existence of these children is exposed, it will definitely arouse public indignation and social condemnation. In that case, there may be relevant people who take care of this matter, and the Shi family can take this opportunity to escape.

The news of the Shi family is very closed, so they have no good plans for many things, and they don't know what the outside world is saying about the disappearance of the Shi family, and they don't even know that someone wants to replace it.

"Brother, you said that if that girl gets run over, can we pass on the news through her?" Shi Jianhua supported Shi Jianbin and whispered in his ear.

When the previous two groups of people came here, the Shi family members hadn't fully realized their situation and future consequences, so they didn't take any action immediately.

At this time, I finally waited for someone to come again, so I naturally didn't want to let this opportunity go.

Shi Jianbin shook his head, "This woman may be inseparable."

Shi Jianhua was taken aback when he heard the words, and his eyes fell on the figure that had turned into two dots, "You mean, this woman's energy is not bad?"

Shi Jianbin didn't speak, she was not only good, she was quite plump, if this woman was a mysterious doctor, she must be a very powerful mysterious doctor, it's a pity...

For some reason, Shi Jianbin felt that this woman's voice was very familiar. It must be a voice that he had heard before and was hard to forget easily, but after a long time.

Perhaps because of this, Shi Jianbin didn't want anything to happen to this woman. He and the rest of the Shi family secretly guessed that those who were forcibly left and taken away were probably drugged.

Shi Jianbin's eyes were damaged because they were splashed with bad water. Some bad water needs human blood as an introduction. This human blood still needs highly poisonous human blood, which is why so many children are kept in captivity.

If they guessed right, all these phenomena could be linked together, and everything would be explained, but they had no evidence and relied on private guesses.

Although this conjecture is almost inseparable, the Shi family is a big family after all, and it is not easy to draw conclusions without evidence.

Shi Jianbin's eyes were blinded when he wanted to sneak away. That time, the Shi family almost lost and thought they were elders, so the Shi family never dared to act rashly again.

Shi Jianbin felt that since he was already blind anyway, if he had the chance, he must remind the woman to find a chance to escape from here early.

Shi Jianbin has a susceptible constitution, and he knows of three susceptible constitutions in this village. It seems that a very rare group of people was gathered together, just to perceive who is in good spirits, and then keep this person.

Although the small village is not big, there are a lot of adobe houses. Except for those who are already married, almost every adult in the family can have an adobe house.

Don't think that those people are showing kindness, living separately like this, and being watched by people on weekdays, they will not easily get together to discuss anything.

Shi Jianguang helped Shi Jianbin back to the house. Under the watchful eyes of the two women, Shi Jianguang held his breath and went back. This meant to prevent them from staying alone for a long time, but it did not completely prohibit them from communicating. socialize.

There is also a small fenced yard outside the adobe house. There is basically nothing in the yard, which seems to be newly fenced.

But what surprised Shi Jianbin was that the new girl actually lived in the adobe house nearby!

"Thank you very much. I didn't expect to live alone in a small courtyard. By the way, auntie, do you have anything to eat?"

The woman's voice was very nice, like the spring water of ding-dong, neither sweet nor greasy, it was like a little coolness in Xia Tian's chest, very comfortable!

Could it be that the village woman laughed twice, "It's all the food in the village, after all, it's not a real farmyard, so just don't dislike it, girl."

"If you don't dislike it, I will trouble you." The woman said with a smile.

When Shi Jianbin heard the footsteps gradually receding, he slightly turned his head and asked, "What's your name?"

"Master Tian." The woman said softly.

Shi Jianbin was stunned for a moment, he had never heard of this name before, "Why did you come here?"

"Come on a trip, it's exciting to climb wild mountains, why are you here?" the woman asked back.

Shi Jianbin paused, should he reveal something...

 I just found out that there is no update. I thought it was set up to upload automatically... There is another update at night, okay, I will try to update it once next week!
(End of this chapter)

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