Chapter 875 Reminder
Shi Jianbin felt that when he first met someone and said something, especially some secrets, people would probably treat him as a psychopath...

They haven't even reached the point of exchanging words, at most they are a little bit better than strangers!

But let's not talk about it now, with the speed of those people's actions, I am afraid that this woman named Shi Tian will be forced to stay in a few days, and then taken away in depression and panic.

Shi Jianbin gritted his teeth, stood by the fence and said in a low voice: "Shi Tian, ​​what I say next is very important, whether you believe it or not, you must leave this village as soon as possible, no matter how much anyone keeps you... "

When he said this, he suddenly felt something was wrong, "...Shi Tian?"

no respond.

"Shi Tian, ​​are you still there?" Shi Jianbin stretched out a hand and stroked it twice.

no respond……

Shi Jianbin: "..." So what he said so earnestly and solemnly just now, he was speaking to the air?
Shi Jianbin stood there silent for two seconds, and an atmosphere called embarrassment spread, all because of the loss of seeing things...

And elder sister, do you make no sound when you walk?
Shi Jianbin coughed lightly, and returned to his room calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Shi Tian, ​​that is, Bei Sitian, went back to the room and checked the room up and down, but found no high-tech equipment.

This is also understandable, this small mountain village is too remote, relying on the sun during the day and the moon at night, if it is cloudy, it will be blind.

Normally, lamp oil is usually lit, but as for TV magic horses, it basically does not exist.

So as long as the sun sets here, every household will stay behind closed doors. It’s better if there is moonlight, but it’s pitch black without moonlight, and it’s scary to see the phantom of the mountain outside.

Therefore, the satellite phone in Bei Sitian's hand should not be too high-end. At two o'clock in the morning, she called the phone under the quilt and told Cheng Shuwei and others that she had successfully found a place and stayed.

After making the phone call, Bessie took out all the things in her schoolbag, and then remembered a layer of cloth, which was like a hard cardboard shell. After she put the satellite phone in, she covered the cloth and buckled the edge tightly. The eye-catching buttons make it look like the bottom of the schoolbag.

The satellite phone is her only means of contact with the outside world, so she must protect it.

Thinking of Shi Jianbin whom she saw in the evening, Bei Sitian couldn't help sighing that time is not forgiving, even a mysterious doctor will grow old and die one day.

Back then, Shi Jianbin and her participated in the exchange competition. Although Shi Jianbin was eliminated in the last round, he played really well, and he is also a new generation figure of the Shi family.

But when I watched it just now, there was a serious problem with his eyes, and his face showed a look of vicissitudes. The whole person's energy was not very good, and it seemed that some negative drugs were infiltrating on weekdays.

But I finally found Shi's family. Although I haven't seen it yet, Bei Sitian is basically sure that Time is hidden in this small village.

In this small village, apart from the Shi family, most of them are children, and then women. Except for the old, weak, sick and disabled, there are hardly any young adults in this small village.

If you guessed right, there should be a blood circle here!
The word blood circle is equivalent to the sheepfold, so it is easy to understand, but I don’t know if my family members know this.

 That's all for now
(End of this chapter)

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