Chapter 891

The car saw the three people on this side, and the rear window was rolled down. One of the people in a black T-shirt nodded at the driver on this side, and then drove the car to the other side. It seemed that he planned to live nearby. down.

The three Qingyan people beside Bessian did not stay long, they escorted Bessian into the house, and locked her in a small room alone.

Before leaving the room, the driver took out a stick of incense and lit it, and quickly waved it in front of Bessian.

When he took out the incense, Bei Sitian smelled the faint smell, and immediately knew what kind of incense it was. She held her breath when he lit it.

However, when the man was holding the incense and shaking it, Bei Sitian's very cooperative legs gave way, and she fell down on the single bed beside her. Then she heard the door shut with a bang, and then it was locked.

As soon as they left, Bei Sitian got up quickly, took out a small packet of medicinal powder from the inside of her clothes, picked up a little with her fingers, wiped it under her nose, and then resumed her breathing.

The other party's incense is pediatrics in front of Bei Sitian. She has an extraordinary talent in incense. Even before she learned how to order magic charms, she already knew how to make incense. The incense she made is the master's They are all full of praise.

So for Beth Tian, ​​when the driver took out the incense, she knew the main ingredients and functions of the incense, and even estimated how long it would last.

Bei Sitian hid behind the curtain and looked out. The driver and two thugs greeted the three newcomers.

Because the distance is not far, Bei Sitian can also sense the spirit of the three newcomers. These three are the spirit of the two thugs, and the driver should be just a driver.

Although she didn't see anyone, Bessie knew that there must be other people in their car besides themselves.

Standing behind the curtain, Beth Tian's face was slightly gloomy, and she still had to face such a choice after all.

If these children are sent to the same place with her, she may still be able to help. If they are sent to a different place, how can she help?

She just watched them die without doing anything?

Therefore, if Bei Sitian wanted to save those children, she would have to do it here, and it would be impossible for her to reach those people's lairs.

This choice is very difficult. Sacrificing the children brought by the other party has a certain chance to find the old nest of this organization and save more children.

Turn a blind eye to the children they bring and let them take them away for medicine.

Generally, the process of destroying water and medicine is very cruel, because the highly poisonous blood is going to be used, so before the blood is taken, these children will be injected with highly poisonous medicine, and they will be cleaned up before they are on the verge of death but before they completely lose consciousness. of blood.

Therefore, most of these children died not from poisoning, but from blood loss.

This process is very painful. Beth Tian believes that if there is such a thing as resentful souls, these children will probably become evil spirits, because they die in too much pain, and they will probably hate this world and all adults.

Beth pursed her lips sweetly, now she sincerely hopes that the other party's car is empty, there is no one in the car, and there are no children, so that she doesn't have to worry about it.

Even though she knew the possibility was very low, she still couldn't help but look forward to it.

The sun has completely set on the other side of the mountain, and the night in the mountain feels relatively early. After the night falls completely, the bonfire party becomes more lively.

The six Qingyan people seemed to be very confident in their own incense, and they never cared about Beth Tian after they smoked her.

Beth Tian watched them walk towards the village. There are usually restaurants in this kind of village, which are opened by the villagers themselves.

The size of this village should not be small, there should be between 250 and [-] households, it is naturally not that big in the suburbs, but this is in the mountains.

Beth Tian moved the window lightly, and found that the window was locked, and it was locked!
This made Bei Sitian very surprised, whose windows were locked from the outside, it was specially prepared for a blood bank like them!

Thinking of this, Bei Sitian was startled, and then suddenly realized that her guess was right, this place was specially prepared for them!

It would basically take six to eight hours to drive here from the blood circle in the mountains, and it was just a good place to rest here. There was no reason for those people not to set up a place here.

From the looks of it, people from that organization have integrated into the village.

If it takes a long time, it is inevitable that someone in this village will be bought by this organization and become their eyeliner.

Fortunately, Bei Sitian didn't act rashly just now, otherwise she would be caught, not to mention that she would not be able to escape, even the people or children brought by the other party would not be able to escape, and the plan would fall short.

The windows and doors were locked, the other party should have lost his meal, and now he didn't know when he would come back. Beth Tian wanted to leave, so she could take this opportunity to think of a way.

The windows are made of glass, with four panes, even if they are knocked open, it is not enough for an adult to get out.

Although the other party mostly relied on incense, they didn't have a complete guard of honor. This was probably one of the reasons why they were able to hide for so long.

Just when Bei Sitian was about to think of other ways, a pair of big cute eyes suddenly appeared in her line of sight, and she lowered her head again, it turned out to be a little girl.

Beth Tian had an idea, looked at the little girl with a smile, and said, "Honey, can you do me a favor?"

The little girl blinked her eyes, then nodded.

"Go to the house opposite and see who lives there?"

The little girl turned around and ran towards the opposite room, looked in through the window sill, then turned around and ran back.

"An uncle and a younger brother." The little girl's voice was tender and sweet.

This little girl looks about seven or eight years old. If she is a younger brother, she should be between four and seven years old.

But why is there an uncle?
For an adult and a child, the blood of a child full of energy and energy should be used for bad water to be most effective. If it is an adult, it should be a very special adult.

Bei Sitian couldn't go out, and she didn't know what this grown-up looked like, so she could only wait in the room.

"Thank you baby, this is our secret, okay?" Beth said sweetly with a smile.

The little girl's eyes lit up. At this age, she has learned to share secrets. After sharing secrets, she is a good friend. That's why she felt a little excited.

Bei Sitian is a little embarrassed, she actually fooled a little girl, but children don't have that much thought, if they go home and learn the tongue from adults, if they know that the family is eyeliner or has related contacts, then it's not digging a hole to bury themselves !
(End of this chapter)

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