Chapter 892 It turned out to be him!

Bei Sitian probably knew who the other party brought, and she wondered what kind of special the adult among them would be, whether they would bring them medicine, or have other functions.

The other party came back soon after eating, and Bei Sitian had to lie on the bed again and pretended to be unable to move.

Those people came in with incense, and when they smelled the incense, Bessie knew she could move.

The driver put a paper bag on the table and said, "Eat."

This is half a roast chicken.

Bei Sitian glanced at the half roast chicken and didn't move. The driver ignored it, locked the door again and left.

Beth Tian waited quietly for a while, and seeing that the other party had really left, she picked up the powder and tested it, and found that there was no bad water or other things, so she started eating with peace of mind.

Anything is delicious when you are hungry, not to mention this kind of regional food.

They lived together peacefully all night, and when it was just dawn the next day, before six o'clock, Bei Sitian was escorted into the car.

Another car set off together, and Bei Sitian saw through the window a large and small person coming out of the house.

The youngest was about five or six years old, the little boy looked very haggard, his face was pale, and he looked overly frightened.

The grown man lowered his head, and Bessie took a look at it and found it very familiar, but the man lowered his head, she didn't see it very clearly.

I thought that the other party would disappear after he got into the car, but when the man got into the car, he raised his head slightly. At this moment, Bei Sitian saw his appearance clearly, and was immediately taken aback.

Jiang Xin!

What's the matter Jiang Xin, didn't he go with Jiang Mingzhong to do the mission of the association, why did he appear here!
And he appeared here, so what about Jiang Mingzhong?
Bei Sitian frowned slightly, because she had no contact with the outside world when she came to this small mountain village. She had no news about Jiang Mingzhong and his son.

Jiang Xin also looks very haggard. The things he has experienced at the age of less than 20 are really unimaginable, which makes his shoulders sag and looks like he is overburdened.

The two cars started and drove towards the outside of the mountain together. This time, the car drove for less than four hours, and finally left the mountain and entered a county town.

When we arrived at the county seat, the car stopped to rectify, those people wanted to eat.

Bei Sitian can't see what Jiang Xin looks like, and it's hard to pass on the news now. Her backpack is in that small village, and the satellite phone is naturally not with her.

Wei Zhongyuan, Hawkeye and others should have followed her all the time, if she wants to contact, just leave a trace.

Entering the county seat, Bei Sitian saw a third car of the same model!

After a short pause, this time the three cars drove back and forth together, not knowing where the destination was.

At this time, Bei Sitian was not in a hurry. She could not let Jiang Xin be taken away and take medicine, nor could she just watch those children die, so she would definitely do her best to save them.

It's just that her strength alone is still very weak. The opponents are all young and strong men, including mysterious doctors. If she knows how to fight talismans, she can't deal with so many people at all.

Bei Sitian waited and watched, if there is a chance, she still wants to get in touch with Jiang Xin.

She was not allowed to get out of the car along the way, not only her, but also the blood banks on other cars were not allowed to get out of the car.

Meals are fast food, delivered to the car.

Looking outside, it should be about to enter Suizhong County. As for where to go, Beth Sweetie wondered, this road is not close!
At four o'clock in the afternoon, the car finally stopped. Bessian looked out and actually stopped behind a hospital building.

Three cars drove in through the back door and drove directly to the underground garage.

Beth Tian was slightly surprised. You must know that even BJ's big hospitals now, not every one has underground garages, most of them are above-ground parking lots.

This underground garage was purposefully built.

The car was going down like a spinning top, and Beth Tian didn't know how many underground floors it was.

I don't know why, but I like to do a lot of things under the ground. Is it because I think it's hidden under the ground?

The car finally stabilized. Bei Sitian saw that there were many jeeps of the same model in the parking space below, and there were already seven or eight parked here.

On the other side is a safety door, and before Bei Sitian could look carefully, the car door was opened.

"Come down." The thug said bluntly.

When Bei Sitian got out of the car, she saw Jiang Xin also got down, and her heart skipped a beat. When Jiang Xin saw her, he wouldn't shout out stupidly, would he?

She always felt that this possibility was very high, and Jiang Xin didn't know that she was here as an undercover agent, so she might think that she was also arrested!

Just when Bei Sitian was very worried, Jiang Xin raised his head and looked at her.

Beth sighed sweetly...

I thought they wouldn't be taken to the same place, but I didn't expect to be together, but Bei Sitian couldn't help it, who would have thought that Jiang Xin would be in the other car.

Then, Jiang Xin glanced at her, then looked away without stopping.

Bei Sitian was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that she was easily overwhelmed, thank you so much for being old!

The little boy next to Jiang Xin was terrified. Because he was walking slowly, he was pushed by the thugs behind him. Jiang Xin hurriedly grabbed the boy's hand and lifted it forward to avoid being punched and kicked by those people.

The little boy held Jiang Xin's hand tightly, with a look on his face that he was about to cry but didn't dare to cry, which made people feel a little unbearable.

The three of them were pushed into the safety door, walked up the stairs, and then entered the safety door, and there was a bright corridor.

The lights are white, not dim at all, and it doesn't feel like you're underground at all.

After they were sent over, they were not sent to the blood collection site, but they were locked together in a room.

Bei Sitian knew the reason. The other party was probably going to prepare highly poisonous things. Before that, they might have to do some inspections for the three of them, feed more nutrients, and ensure that their physiques were better. Only in this way could they be able to survive the poisonous Persist more under the action.

Every second that he lasted under the severe poison, the effect of the blood would be enhanced, which is why Qing Yan likes to find children who are full of energy and energy.

Any child of this type will be very tolerant of pain, and the persistence time is much longer than that of ordinary children.

Before that, not only should they be given food, but also they should be checked regularly, and sedatives should be added in advance to prevent strong struggles caused by fear.

After all, this group of people will do everything possible to keep the blood banks going!

Those who locked the three of them together left, Bei Sitian looked at Jiang Xin, and Jiang Xin was also secretly looking at her.

Bei Sitian stood up and walked towards Jiang Xin's direction. Jiang Xin's face was slightly gloomy, looking at Bei Sitian wondering what she wanted to do.

When Bei Sitian came to his side, she called softly: "Jiang Xin!"

(End of this chapter)

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