Chapter 894 Who are you looking for!
Although Jiang Xin had eaten well after coming to the small courtyard, his physique was still not as good as those who had been training all year round. When a man stretched out his hand and pulled him, he pushed him aside, fell a big somersault, and hit the wall.

Seeing this, the little boy who had been snuggling up to Jiang Xin shivered in the corner, trembling all over.

Jiang Xin covered his hit head, opened his eyes and stared at the stars, vaguely saw that Bei Sitian had been pulled up by those people, and rushed up again, not caring about the pain.

At this time, he had already forgotten that Bestian's instructions to move forward were not counted as instructions, and he only thought about not letting Bestian be taken away, until the moment Bestian turned his head, the clear eyes made his body Paused there, and then woke up.

Bei Sitian was taken away, Jiang Xin stared at the closed door and stood there for a while, the hands hanging on both sides of his body were suddenly clenched tightly, his brows were lightly furrowed, and his eyes became firm.

He never wanted to turn back into that waif who dared to be bullied by wild dogs. He couldn't live up to the expectations of those who treated him well!
He has to become stronger himself!

In the past, this was just a fantasy, but it is not impossible now. One day in the future, he might be able to truly stand by the parents, in front of the adoptive father and master!

Jiang Xin stopped thinking about other things, sat down on the spot and began to practice the technique that Beth Tian taught him over and over again. After this period of study, he is not a complete novice. Although he is slow to learn, it is better than nothing. .

Bessian shook off the arms of these two people, and smiled lowly, "I can just walk by myself."

One of the men said 'Hey' and was about to step forward. The man in the black T-shirt in front snorted coldly, "Don't waste time, hurry up, if you delay things, you will be in trouble!"

The two men looked at Beth Tian with malicious intent. It would be a pity that such a rose with thorns would be drained of blood. If I could enjoy it in advance...

The two men's blood boiled when they thought about it, but they could only think about it, the matter of the blood sacrifice cannot be delayed, alas, a beautiful rose is about to turn into a dry corpse.

Bei Sitian walked among the three men, her speed was not slow, and she didn't procrastinate on purpose, so that the two men who were looking for opportunities never found opportunities.

The corridor didn't look dark. There were only three rooms in the long corridor. The place where Bei Sitian was locked up just now was one room, like a dozen meters away, and then the room at the end of the corridor.

If you don't know that this is a hospital, standing here, it's hard to believe that this is a hospital, especially when there is a faint smell of blood in the air, it looks like a slaughterhouse.

Well, it is not a lie to say that it is a slaughterhouse, but this slaughterhouse is more bloody and cruel.

Qing Yan's people directly took Bei Sitian into the room at the end of the corridor, opened the door, and a strong bloody smell rushed over, making people sick!
But when I walked in, I found that the inside was bright white. Whether it was the walls, tables and chairs, or the high bed in the middle that looked like an operating bed, they were all white without any bright red, which formed a great conflict with the smell in the air. contrast.

In the middle of the room were two people in white coats, with blue flames on their left breasts flaring wildly. The two men, a man and a woman, both wore masks, and their appearance and age could not be discerned.

"The blood bank is here, please both of you."

The Qingyan man who took the lead bowed and said politely, then retreated to the door and said respectfully: "After taking the blood, just call me, and I will take it to the headquarters."

He raised his head slightly to see the man and woman looking at him indifferently, and hurriedly closed the door. After closing the door, his heart was still beating rapidly.

Although it was not the first time he had done such a thing, every time he saw these two people, he felt his heart beating in his throat, and a kind of fear swept his whole body uncontrollably.

Bessian stood in the middle of the room, the smell of blood hit her olfactory system all the time, making her frown involuntarily, her expression became colder, and her whole body was covered with air-conditioning.

A man and a woman turned a blind eye to Bessian after she came in, and continued to be busy with their own affairs. After all the blood banks came in, they would collapse on the ground with fright, and they were the ones who carried them to the bed in the end.

Beth Sweet saw that they turned their backs to her and ignored her, and had no intention of doing anything. The energy of these two people, um, was much weaker than she imagined, and it was not a problem at all to get on the front bar, so why bother to attack from behind .

She began to look at the surrounding environment, and found that there were many bottles and jars on the table in front of them, among which there were many green and navy blue liquids, which should be used to prepare highly poisonous.

These two people don't know how many children and adults have been mutilated with these things!
Bei Sitian closed her eyes to hide the murderous intent in her eyes, and turned to see a lot of yellow paper beside the operating bed, as well as two brushes depicting golden flames.

She walked over and picked up a piece of yellow paper, but it was just ordinary yellow paper. Although the brush had a totem, it was just an ordinary brush.

The so-called beginning of the blood sacrifice was nothing more than the use of poison.

Apart from these things, this room is really quite simple, but there is always something wrong, oh yes, there are no windows here!
No wonder it feels awkward, a room without windows will feel a little depressing, even though the eyes are all white.

Bessian turned her head and saw that a man and a woman poured the liquid in the vial up and down, and finally the thing in the woman's hand turned orange, which should be the only warm color in the room.

Seeing the orange color, the two looked at each other and nodded one after another, as if it was done.

Bei Sitian only knows a thing or two about how the poison is formulated. After all, if the medicine wants to detoxify, it must at least understand certain toxicology and process, so the methods of these two people are really clumsy in her opinion.

After the two people prepared the poison, they put the small bottle on the table, and turned around to carry Bei Sitian to the bed, but when they turned around, they found that there was no one on the ground. people.

"Who are you looking for!" Beth's sweet face was a little dark, and they couldn't see such a big living person standing here?
Hearing the sound, the two turned their heads together, and saw that the person who should have been lying on the ground, or shrunk in a corner, or trying to open the door, was standing calmly behind the blood collection platform!
It was the first time for a man and a woman to see a blood bank like Beth Tian's. Seeing that she was holding a piece of yellow paper in her hand, they were a little dazed. Then they realized something, and they looked at each other.

This man is like-minded!
Why are you so sure, because Bei Sitian's technique of picking up talismans is unique to mysterious doctors!
From the looks of it, it was mixed in.

A man and a woman stood in place, looking at Bei Sitian coldly, so what if you are a mysterious doctor, since you have entered this blood collection room, it is impossible to let you out again!
 The second change, continue to code, Xiaobao wakes up, the code word will be much slower...

(End of this chapter)

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