Chapter 895 Questions
Even if it is a mysterious doctor, there is only one person on the other side, and there are two of them. They are not only good at fighting talismans, but also good at using poison.
However, they didn't know that the person who came was really a powerful person. Who would have thought that even if he encountered a powerful person who was fighting in the rear, he would run to their small blood collection room?
The man and the woman are especially excited after guessing that the other party is a mysterious doctor, because if it is a mysterious doctor, the blood will be more useful, the bad water produced will be more effective, and maybe there will be some other auxiliary functions!

If it weren't for the fact that mysterious doctors are difficult to catch, and it is easy to arouse the suspicion of interested people, their target of attack will definitely be locked on the mysterious doctors. Unfortunately, those casual practitioners are not easy to catch, and accidents are easy to happen.

What Qingyan pays attention to is the long flow of water.

"Since you've come in, just stay here." The woman in the white coat said with a cold snort.

Listening to the voice, the age should be no more than 40 years old, and it should be between thirty and forty.

Beth raised her eyebrows sweetly, "Now you are kneeling down and begging for mercy, I can still leave your whole body!"

You use such a cliché opening statement, and I can only give you such a cliché answer!

Such words full of Jianghu atmosphere made a man and a woman speechless for a while, then took a few steps back, and each of them picked up a bottle of navy blue liquid on the table and held it in their hands.

Bei Sitian also took out two painted fighting symbols and placed them in front of her. Her face was no longer indifferent, and she said with a smile, "Do you want a pink world or an aqua blue world?"

A man and a woman startled, what a mess!
"Okay, let's just go to the pink world, this room is too deserted." After Bei Sitian finished speaking, the mysterious talisman in her hand instantly ignited.

The two people immediately became nervous when they saw it, and retreated in two directions respectively. The fighting talisman held in the other hand had already been thrown out, and the poison was ready to be released, but the moment their fighting talisman was thrown out, there was nothing in front of their eyes. The white color suddenly turned pink.

Whether it's the wall or the crib that catches the eye, it's all pink, wait... a crib?

The eyes of the two were full of doubts. As the pink color filled their eyes, the doubts in their eyes disappeared, and their expressions became dull. out of the bottle.

Seeing that the two were quickly confused by the hallucinations, Bei Sitian knew that time was running out. This hallucinogenic talisman was obtained from Mr. Qiao. She was not good at this type of fighting talisman because she was not a talisman maker. Although the spirit is very powerful, the time it can be maintained is limited.

"Where is your headquarters?" Bessie asked.

The two showed a dazed look and shook their heads.

Bei Sitian was taken aback, the hallucinogenic effect had already occurred, it was impossible for the two of them to say they didn't know if they knew it, so there was only one possibility, they really didn't know!

She opened her mouth, thinking of the person from Qingyan who sent her here just now, judging by his attitude towards these two people, his status should be lower than these two people, that person must have known about sending her to the headquarters, these two people Don't know? !
Bei Sitian thinks that Qing Yan's organization is really evil.

Since they don't know where the headquarters is, they can only ask some other questions.

"How many blood collection sites do you have?"


"Where are they distributed?"

"One in Anding City, one in CC City, one in TJ City..." The two mentioned seven in total, all with specific locations, but no matter how many there are, they don't know.

Knowing seven is also considered a gain.

"How many blood circles are there?" Bessian asked.

Ask the questions one by one. If people who are deluded by hallucinations hear too many questions at once, their thinking will be confused. Wake up early.


Beth Tian gasped, there were more than 200 of them!
"Where are they distributed?"

There was a look of bewilderment on the faces of the two of them.

Beth sweetly frowned, "Don't you know?"

The two shook their heads, "The level is too low, I don't know."

This means that their status is relatively high, and they don't know about the things below.

Beth Tian can understand this point. They just need to ask what kind of blood bank they need, and someone will bring it to them in no time. don't know where...

What a worry-free life!
"What kind of bad water is the blood taken this time?" Seeing that there was time, Beth Tian asked again.

"Continue to test the holy water test to control the mind." The woman in the white coat said.

Their insiders call bad water holy water.

Control people's minds!

Bei Sitian was startled, the plan of this Qingyan organization is not small!

"What is the purpose of your organization!" Bei Sitian looked at the man in the white coat, feeling that his rank was relatively high.

The man felt Bei Sitian's gaze, and said: "Control all the sects, and then control all the mysterious medical circles, and use them for my organization!"

Bei Sitian's face is solemn, if others say such words, they will definitely make people laugh, but these people from Qingyan are different, they may have already started to create experiments to control the bad water of the mind, which has harmed so many children and adults , it can be seen that their ambitions are quite large.

"How far is the experiment going now?" Bessian asked.

The man's eyes flashed red, as if struggling a bit, Bei Sitian hurriedly ignited another talisman, and soon the red light in the man's eyes dissipated, and his expression became dull again.

"It is possible to initially control the minds of livestock, and to simply control some poisons, but it is not enough to control people." The man replied.

Bei Sitian's complexion did not ease because of the last sentence, but was shocked by the first two sentences, and she has achieved initial success!
She was covered in cold sweats. If this organization was given time, she would not doubt that the other party would be able to control people's minds!
This is really scary!

"What are the specific goals of the human blood bank you are eyeing?"

The man replied: "Time of the Shi family, Mo Xiaoyun of the Rulu school, twin sons of the Yunquan school, twin sons of the Yun family, third son of the Qingyu school..." The man said a lot in one breath, almost all of them They belong to a large family, and there are more twins and triplets among them.

Bei Sitian's face was livid, and she actually set her sights on her three children!

An evil fire shot up in her heart, she forced herself to hold back, and asked the last question, "Why did you arrest Shijia? How did you succeed?"

"Someone in the Shi family found out about the existence of the headquarters, and they wanted to destroy the family, and they succeeded because the Shi family had internal support..." At this point, a fierce struggle appeared in the man's eyes.

The two questions made him want to wake up, Beth Tian smiled coldly, although he was not very energetic, he was very alert.

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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