Chapter 897

It doesn't matter if she thought about it too much, it's always right to ask one more question.

The Qingyan man replied without hesitation: "In order to attract people from the Qingyu school, the higher ups really want Qingyu's third son."

Bei Sitian was furious in an instant, desperately wanting it? !
She closed her eyes, forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you plan to do?"

"Put Jiang Xin's blood clean, use it to make holy water, and then release news to attract Qingyu's masters to take revenge, hold these people back, and hunt the third son on the other side."


Hehe, when this kind of vocabulary was used on her child, Bei Sitian couldn't restrain the overwhelming anger in her heart.

"Where is your blood going to go?"

"Jinbei City..." The man said the specific location.

"What procedures are required for the handover?"

"As for the code, this time the code is: the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. One sentence per person." The man said honestly.

All the questions that should be asked have been asked, and this man can also die.

Bessie pointed to the table over there, "Drink all the navy blue medicine in that bottle."

The Qingyan man turned around and walked to the table without hesitation, picked up the navy blue medicine bottle and drank it down in one gulp.

She didn't just point to one kind indiscriminately. Although she didn't know much about poisons with these characteristics, she saw them all when the man and woman mixed the poison just now.

The navy blue poison was given the most dose, and every time they picked it up and put it down, those two people were very careful!
Sure enough, before the Qingyan man finished drinking, blood froth began to emerge from the corner of his mouth!

But Bei Sitian's order was to 'drink it all', so before he finished drinking, even though the corners of his mouth were covered with blood froth, he didn't stop until all the poison was poured into his stomach.

At this moment, only some blood froth that Qingyan man poured back was left in the bottle, and then there was a crisp sound of 'pop', the cup fell to the ground, and Qingyan man also fell to the ground.

The man's body twitched and trembled, and a large amount of blood came out of his mouth and nose. He lay on the ground trembling all over, and it took him more than ten minutes to stay still.

Bei Sitian felt a chill in her heart when she saw it, the poison was really very poisonous, most of it flowed in the blood, and a small part eroded the internal organs, and it was already unbearable.

Thinking about those children who had to suffer such horrific things when they were about to die, Beth Tian felt that the death of these people was not a pity!

Adding up the two lifetimes, Bei Sitian never had the thought of wanting to kill this group of people at this moment. This time, she planned to go on a killing spree, leaving no one in Qingyan behind!

Naturally, such blood collection dens cannot be kept. There are already seven or eight known ones, and Bei Sitian is unwilling to delay any more. Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of this hospital.

There is such a big battle in the hospital underground, such a bloody thing, as the person in charge of this hospital, can you not know?
Bei Sitian glanced at the phone on the table beside her, thinking that she should call Cheng Shuwei, and tell her that things here are basically over... This thought just turned around in her mind, when she heard hurried footsteps outside Voice.

Immediately afterwards, the door was slammed open, and four or five elders rushed in from the outside, all with guns in their hands!
No matter how powerful Bei Sitian was, no matter how powerful the fighting talisman was, her speed was no match for a gun. I'm afraid that when she was about to write, the other party had already pulled the trigger!
Therefore, Bei Sitian was very aware of current affairs, and immediately waved her hands, "Calm down, and speak up if you have something to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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