Chapter 898 Resolved
Have something to say?
The corners of the mouths of four or five elders twitched, did you tell them about the dead bodies in this place?
Beautiful women are really scary!

At this moment, in the hearts of these men, Bei Sitian is a ruthless, murderous female devil!

They never thought that the three lying on the ground were the real monsters.

Bei Sitian didn't intend to argue with these people. A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. She may not be afraid of four mysterious doctors by herself, but now she is facing ordinary people, ordinary people with guns in their hands, so she has to worry more up!

Having said that, gun control is so strict, how did these people get these guns!

Beth Tian's appearance at the moment can't arouse the emotions of these elders to connect with the weak. The one on the other side is not weak at all. Look at the corpses lying on the ground. These are their leaders. Take a closer look. One is bigger than the other!

Seeing these dead people, these four or five elders couldn't help but feel fear. If Bei Sitian can kill these three people, she must be able to kill them too!
"Brothers, don't hesitate, this woman is too evil!" The leading man stared at Bessian with wide eyes, his steps wobbled slightly, appearing a little nervous.

Bei Sitian is not happy now, anyone who is picked up on the ground is really evil, but someone said she is evil, is she blind!

"Which one of the three people on this earth is not evil?" Bei Sitian snorted and said.

The man probably didn't expect that Bei Sitian would argue about this, so he said subconsciously: "They are evil, so you who kill them, aren't you even more evil!"

Beth Tian: "..." She was speechless.

"Stop talking nonsense with her, she wants to delay!" Another one reacted, and immediately aimed his gun at her.

Seeing that the plot failed, Bei Sitian had to think of another way. She still had two ready-made Explosion Talismans in her hand, but these five people were standing scattered, and even if they detonated at the same time, the range would be covered, and the degree of damage would vary. If one of them still has the ability to move, Bei Sitian's life will be in danger!

Beth Sweet weighed in her heart, this method was too risky, after much deliberation, she accidentally fell into a deadlock.

If there was no outsider's interference at this time, Bei Sitian might be in danger this time.

The reason why she procrastinated was also to wait for Hawkeye's rescue.

Beth Tian sighed and knew that she couldn't rely on others. It's a pity that in the current situation, outsiders must interfere...

Since there is no way to get out of the whole body, the only way to take risks is better than waiting... Just as this thought came to her, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

The surprise flashed by, and these four or five big men were all nervous at the moment, and didn't notice this, otherwise they would have noticed that there was already a person standing behind them at this moment.

Although this one was trembling, it finally made Beth Sweet smile from the bottom of her heart.

The person behind is Jiang Xin. At this moment, Jiang Xin's hands are trembling, but he is still only holding a fighting talisman. It is the first time he actually uses it. He is really nervous, but seeing the elders being besieged and pointed at by pistols , he was very angry in his heart, and knew that he had to do something.

Sweat dripped from his forehead down the bridge of his nose, and he tasted the salty taste between his lips. He stretched out his right hand and shook out the fighting talisman. The way to sweep the upper Doufu.


With Jiang Xin yelling, those men who were already nervous with the guns subconsciously pulled the triggers, but suddenly found that their hands were exhausted, and then their bodies softened, and they fell to the ground. My tongue is numb and I can't find it...

Seeing this, Bei Sitian breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Xin knew that the paralyzing talisman should be used at this time. If other talismans were used, given the nervousness of these people, she would probably fall to the ground and her body would turn into a hornet's nest up.

The paralyzing talisman will last at least half an hour. Beth Tian was too lazy to waste time here. After disarming their guns, she wrote down the yellow talisman and drew her paralyzing talisman, scattered in this room. Now, these people It takes at least seven hours of paralysis. When the effect is too strong, these people will not be able to stand up for a while, and most of them will be stiff all over.

Although these people are the executioner's accomplices, they should not be dealt with by Bessie. She doesn't want to kill too many people and fill herself with anger. The best way to deal with these people is to hand them over to Hawkeye.

It was the first time for Jiang Xin to use a fighting talisman. Looking at the people lying on the ground, he was inexplicably proud. These people were brought down by him. He was finally able to help the elders, and he was no longer in that small courtyard. The ordinary ginger is new!
Jiang Xin jumped for joy, full of hope for the future, full of confidence in himself, and vowed to go back and work hard.

Bei Sitian saw the look on his face looking forward to the future, and she didn't want to hit him very much. Being able to use the fighting talisman does not mean that she became a mysterious doctor. took the first step.

"Let's go."

Bei Sitian greeted Jiang Xin and walked outside first. The reason why Hawkeye has not arrived yet must be because of some difficult problems, because Wei Zhongyuan did not rush over either.

When Beth Tian came out, the battle had just ended on Hawkeye's side, and there seemed to be casualties.

"They have guns." Cheng Shuwei frowned, "Is Doctor Bei okay?"

Bei Sitian shook her head, "It's okay, where is Zhong Yuan?"

Cheng Shuwei looked around, "He went in to look for you just now, you must have gone astray."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wei Zhongyuan coming out from the inside and quickly came to Bestian's side. Seeing that she was safe and sound, he looked away, with no emotion showing on his calm face.

Bei Sitian looked at Jiang Xin and suddenly asked, "Where's that little boy?"

Jiang Xin's expression froze, his brows frowned almost invisibly, and he lowered his head, "Dead."

Bessie was taken aback, "How did you die?"

Jiang Xin was silent for a while, then said, "I was beaten to death by those people when I was escaping."

In fact, the little boy did not simply escape, but used him as a bait to escape. This made Jiang Xin feel depressed to a few points. He had seen the ugliness in the world, but after meeting Bei Sitian and Jiang Mingzhong , he knew that the world was actually bright.

I started trying to trust others, but I didn't expect that the little boy I believed in would have such thoughts, which made him want to shrink back into his shell again.

Bei Sitian saw that he didn't want to say more, so she didn't ask any more, and said to Cheng Shuwei: "The blood collection den has been destroyed, the other party must have noticed, and the blood circle can start to act."

 Well, the rabbit is going to sleep first, and will start to adjust his state tomorrow, trying to recover from the third shift
(End of this chapter)

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