Chapter 899 Why

On the other hand, in the small mountain village, the Shi family is waiting all the time. They don't know what they are waiting for. For more than 20 Shi family members, all the bad water in the house has been neutralized, and they only need follow-up treatment to restore their health. But no one escaped.

The Shi family cannot be said to be rock-solid internally, but when facing foreign enemies, they can let go of their conflicts and prejudices and unify with the outside world. This is also an important factor for the rise of the big family and the key to being able to stand for so many years.

After all, those women are ordinary women. They didn’t realize that so many people have untied the bad water. It’s also because they don’t need to deliver food to these people, because the bad water is from the long-term dormitory body. directly instilled by people.

As usual, Shi Jiandong shuttled among the third elder, Shi Jianbin, and his own house, which was normal and would not attract the attention of those people.

When Shi Jiandong came to the Third Elder's place, he saw that there were already three people here, and these three people and him were all of the 'Jian' generation.

"Jiandong, just in time, we have something to discuss with you." Zhong Li signaled him to sit down.

Shi Jiandong looked at the three peers around him and sat down, "Third Elder, please speak."

Shi Zhongli thought about it for a while, and said, "That's right. We promised Doctor Bei to wait here, but after half a month, we don't know if we can still wait for the so-called opportunity."

Shi Jiandong looked at him calmly, "What does the third elder mean?"

At this time, a man named Shi Jianwen said: "Brother Jiandong, we are here waiting for the so-called opportunity, wasting the time to save the people in vain, and now it is uncertain how many people are in dire straits!"

Shi Jianyang nodded and said: "That's right, whether Bei Sitian will come back or not, we can't wait for a moment, maybe a member of the tribe will die, we have to save them!"

Shi Jiandong looked at them without saying a word.

Zhong Zhongli asked, "Does Jiandong have anything to say?"

Shi Jiandong turned his head, his face was calm, listening to Zhongli's tone, it seemed that he was also inclined to save the clansmen.

"Do you know where the other clansmen are being held?"

Everyone was silent.

"I found the imprisoned clansmen, can you neutralize the bad water in their bodies?"

Everyone continued to be silent.

"Do you think the situation in other villages is similar to ours, and they are all guarded by women? Or, have you never noticed that there are secret sentries around here?"

The crowd remained silent. Of course they knew that there were people watching around here, but in their view, these people were scattered, and they just had to find a way to kill them all.

Shi Jiandong asked three questions in a row, but no one said a word, but Shi Jiandong didn't think that he just stopped them from asking, or dismissed their thoughts.

They're just trying to figure out how to refute it.

Soon, Shi Jianwen said with some displeasure: "Brother Jiandong means, we will just wait here and let the clansmen die one by one without doing anything?"

Shi Jiandong raised his eyebrows, "What can you do!"

A touch of anger appeared on Shi Jianwen's face, "You!"

When he was on the sidelines, Jianyang quickly stopped him, "Okay, okay, brother Jiandong, don't you know what kind of temper you have, but brother Jiandong, it's time for us to discuss things, and we can't attack personally."

Shi Jiandong gave Shi Jianyang a cold look, he was all the same.

Shi Jianyang was also angry when he saw this look in his eyes, and snorted coldly in his heart.

Shi Jiandong, Shi Jianbin, and Shi Jianhua, who are also known as the three masters of the Shi family's generation, can't help but have extremely high medical skills, and they are also the three who are close to the point of becoming a talisman, and they are likely to succeed at any time.

And the Shi family also focuses on cultivating these three people in this generation. No matter what resources or what, they all tend to these three people. Become a genius.

So for these three people, although many people respect them on the surface, there are many people who are dissatisfied in their hearts.

Shi Jianwen is one of them.

However, in the current situation of unanimity, everyone is facing the same predicament, so naturally they let go of their suspicions, but now that everyone has untied the shackles, they can leave at any time. After waiting for half a month to no avail, the contradictions finally surfaced again.

Shi Jiandong knew that the proposal of Shi Jianwen and others was correct. If it were placed at other times, he would definitely give priority to searching for the remaining clansmen, even if there was no clue at all.

But it's different now, there are a lot of clues in front of them, and there is also the talisman water that can save the tribe, they don't wait any longer, and go to find it by themselves, isn't it stupid!

Of course, a lot of the so-called clues are from the head of Qingyu. Shi Jiandong never thinks that he owes them. It is already a great kindness to help their 20-odd family members neutralize Fushui. Shi Jiandong The family has already owed favors, how could they open their mouths to ask others for clues and talismans!
The reason why Shi Jiandong sticks here is also because he hopes to be able to help. If he can help, maybe Bei Sitian will continue to treat Shi's family members.

In this way, even if he speaks, he can still have some face.

Zhong Zhongli was silent, he never expressed his opinion, he just wanted to hear Shi Jiandong's thoughts, he was old and had limitations in some things, he didn't want to make things worse because of his self-willedness.

"Brother Jiandong, is this planning to abandon other clansmen?" Shi Jianwen calmed down, sat down with a sullen face, and asked coldly.

"The one who wants to abandon the people of the clan is you!"

This sentence was not said by Shi Jiandong, but by Shi Jianhua who walked in.

Shi Jianhua sneaked in, and those women would definitely become suspicious when they saw so many people gathering at the Third Elder's place.

Shi Jianwen frowned, Shi Jiandong didn't dare to do anything, but Shi Jianhua was younger than him, so his attitude was naturally different.

"Shi Jianhua, if you spout blood, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Shi Jianwen said gloomily.

Shi Jianhua immediately cupped his face in both hands, making an exaggerated look, "I'm so scared~" Then he sneered, "You should look for it, we won't stop you, but you know where the rest of the tribe are ?"

Shi Jianwen said: "Let Mr. Xing contact Qingyu's people and ask them if they know."

Shi Jianhua probably didn't expect him to speak so confidently, and asked instead: "Why do people tell you? Because you are from the Shi family, or because you are a prisoner, or because you drank bad water, they saved your life. Thank you?"

A series of three "why" made Shi Jianwen open his mouth, but he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Since Qingyu's people saved them, they will definitely save Gao, and asking them for clues would not stop telling them, but when he thought about Shi Jianhua's words, he fell silent again. What he relied on earlier was that "he is from Shi's family" 'Is this the confidence?

But now Shijia...

(End of this chapter)

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