Chapter 351

Gui Qianzhong, once one of the five-toothed generals under Xiao Jianxuan in Mangxiang City, the apprentice of the Immortal, second only to Xiao Jianxuan in strength, died in a mission with his wife more than ten years ago because of a mission!

At that time, Xiao Jianxuan regretted the loss of two generals, and was depressed almost all day long!

Wu Bing, the silver-robed old man and many other high-ranking officials of the Xiao Sect all recognized that the handsome young man in white robes who suddenly stepped out of the black hole in space was Gui Qianzhong who had been dead for more than ten years? !

His appearance has not changed at all, almost exactly the same as ten years ago!
So much so that Wu Bing and others immediately recognized that handsome young man when they first saw it!

Each and everyone's eyes are full of surprise and disbelief, like a ghostly expression!

Xiao Yuan didn't know Gui Qianzhong. When Gui Qianzhong died, he was only one year old. He had no impression of Gui Qianzhong at all. On the right side behind him, there, a young man in black robe who looks like Gui Qianzhong is standing quietly beside Gui Qianzhong!

It was Ghost Jianya who had been missing for a month!

"Jianya!" Seeing the missing ghost Jianya appear, Xiao Yuan's face became happy, and he immediately shouted.

But Ghost Sword Ya didn't answer, his expression was blank, his eyes were empty, like a puppet whose soul was emptied, his body exuded a destructive royal aura, blue wind and red flames lingered around him week!

This made Xiao Yuan frowned, and immediately felt that something was wrong with Ghost Sword Ya!

"Ghost Qianzhong! You didn't die?! That's great! Now I'm short of a strong man. With you here, I'm sure I can kill that Four Demon Envoys!" After a brief moment of surprise, Wu Bing and the others instantly recovered from their sluggishness. After waking up, what was replaced was inexplicable ecstasy!
Gui Qianzhong's strength is not much better than that of Xiao Jianxuan. His strength is at least at the level of the Zhanhun King and may even be at the level of Zhanhunhuang. Now, with his appearance, the four demons who were severely injured by Yun Lao's "Tianluo Sword Formation" So, it is impossible to be the opponent of Oni Qianzhong!
"Quack! Perhaps, you should be wrong! This Ghost Qianzhong you know is not here to kill me, but to kill you!" Seeing the inexplicably excited expressions of Ghost Qianzhong, Wu Bing and others, The Four Demon Envoys sneered in their hearts, and the corners of their mouths curled up in mockery.

"What did you say?!" Wu Bing's eyes widened.

"Didn't you see clearly?! Which side do you know Gui Qianzhong is standing on?! Also, maybe you don't know yet! Your city lord Xiao Jianxuan was imprisoned in the Death Prison by him, plus your other two elders , Sexianren, Lin Xue and that glamorous girl 'Xiao Baimei'!"

The faint words of the Four Demon Envoys exploded like a thunderbolt in the minds of Wu Bing and others. They looked at Gui Qianzhong next to the Four Demon Envoys in disbelief, and saw that the other party did not refute, as if they had admitted the four demon envoys. The magician said.

At that moment, Wu Bing, who had been friends with Gui Qianzhong, was furious, "Is what he said true?! Gui Qianzhong!"

"Yes!" Gui Qianzhong replied indifferently, but his heart was pierced.

"Why did you do this?! The city lord, they, and the residents of Mangxiang City couldn't help you?! Why did you do this?!" Wu Bing stared at Gui Qianzhong angrily, and asked loudly .

"Because he is the Second Demon Envoy!" The Fourth Demon Envoy interrupted with a sarcasm at this time.

The words of the Four Demon Envoys once again made Wu Bing and the others freeze in place, their expressions changing from anger to pain!
They looked at Gui Qianzhong together, and seeing that the other party still didn't seem to refute, everyone really knew the other identity of Gui Qianzhong, the second-ranked 'Second Demon Envoy' among the Ten Demon Envoys!
Unexpectedly, the other party sneaked into his Mangxiang City, became a five-tooth general, and gained the trust of many people. In the end, the other party tried every means to destroy himself and others!

Wu Bing at this moment is like Yun Lao who heard that his friend was wronged by him. The resentment in his heart turned into anger and burned violently in his body. From the excitement and hope of seeing the old friend alive to the anger and despair of the old friend's betrayal in an instant.

His face was as pale as paper, Wu Bing stared at Gui Qianzhong in the distance with resentful eyes, "You lied to us for so many years, gained the trust of the city lord and us, is it just to destroy Mangxiang City today? !"

"Quack! Of course I'm here to destroy Mangxiang City! It's not clear! Not only is it going to destroy Mangxiang City, but also—" Before the Four Demon Envoys finished speaking, their voices stopped abruptly. His pupils burst out and he looked down. Looking at the protruding hand on his chest, he turned his head and looked at Gui Qianzhong behind him, "Second brother! You—"

"Maybe you guessed wrong! I came here not to destroy Mangxiang City, let alone kill them, but to kill you! Now you, can you escape?!" Gui Qianzhong's voice was as cold as Ice, and the eyes are even more starry.

His sudden attack made it too late for the Four Demon Envoys to react, and made Wu Bing and the others, who were immersed in grief and resentment, stunned.

"Quack - quack!" Hearing Gui Qianzhong's words, the Four Demon Envoys laughed bitterly. He slowly took off the brim of his blue hat, revealing a completely unrecognizable face. Staring at Oni Qianzhong, "I knew you would betray the master again! Do you really think that I will use my real body to lead the battle for you?!"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the 'Four Demon Envoys' whose chest was pierced by Gui Qianzhong swelled instantly, and then——


A shocking explosion exploded from the sky, and a spherical flame with a diameter of several thousand meters swept across the sky above Hades Pavilion Square. The heat wave generated by the explosion, like a shock wave, continuously destroyed any buildings on the ground!

Wu Bing and others who were watching from afar were blown away by the scorching air waves!
The spherical flame billowed and surged in the sky for half a quarter of an hour before it slowly stopped!

Exposing high in the sky, Oni Qianzhong and Oni Jianya were shrouded in a layer of golden light!
Gui Qianzhong frowned, he knew that he had miscalculated again!

The Four Demon Envoys have always been cautious in their behavior. Ten years ago, they betrayed their master once, and the Four Demon Envoys have always been on their guard!

Unexpectedly, I urged him to take the lead. In the case of serious injuries, I was going to give him a fatal blow, but I didn't expect that the 'Four Demon Envoys' turned out to be just a puppet, waiting for me to show my true colors, and then blew up to cause a big blow to myself. s damage!
"Quack! Second brother! This——is the real me!" When Gui Qianzhong looked around gloomyly, using his divine sense to search for the traces of the four demon envoys, a black hole in space slowly moved in the sky not far away. Appeared, the same mysterious man in aqua-blue robe came out of the black hole, the pair of scarlet eyes under the brim of the hat stared at Gui Qianzhong, showing cunning and triumph.

"Your defensiveness! It's still the same as before, as strong as ever!" Gui Qianzhong said.

"It's also thanks to this strong sense of defense that I know your sincerity, brother! It seems that the master guessed right, and you are determined to betray him!"

Gui Qianzhong didn't speak, remained silent for a moment, and then smiled coldly, "That's right! How about I just want to betray him?! Now they are preparing their own affairs, and you don't have any help around you. Do you also want to fight against me?!"

"Quack! Younger brother, I am naturally no match for you, second brother! But—" The Four Demon Envoys smiled slyly.

"But what?!" Gui Qianzhong felt uncomfortable and asked immediately.

Unexpectedly, before the words finished, a blood-colored epee pierced directly through the shoulder blade of his right arm!The entire right arm collapsed in an instant.

Gui Qianzhong turned to look at his son behind him, Gui Jianya!

I saw him holding the blood-colored epee in one hand, piercing his right shoulder blade with a blank expression!

"Quack! I'm sorry! Second brother! It seems that I didn't inform you in advance. In fact, when you partially revived the six demon emperors in your son's body and used the technique of puppet control, I happened to move a little bit! Quack! Sorry to tell you now!"

Gui Qianzhong looked indifferent.

He didn't expect that he was counter-calculated by the Four Demon Envoys!
For a month, he has been trying to wake up and unseal the Six Demon Emperors in Gui Jianya's body, but he did not expect that the Four Demon Envoys were playing tricks behind the scenes, controlling almost half of the Six Demon Emperors who had awakened. Bloody Ghost Sword Tooth!

In this way, the situation on my side is not optimistic!

(End of this chapter)

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