Chapter 352 Ghost Tooth Silverfish
Gui Jianya pierced through his father's right shoulder blade with a sword. Of course, he may not be controlled by his self-consciousness, but that sword still forcibly disabled Gui Qianzhong's right arm, reducing his fighting power by a fraction in an instant. Little half!

Having been pierced through the right shoulder blade by the bloody epee, Gui Qianzhong's expression showed no signs of pain or anger. He looked back at Ghost Jianya, whose eyes were empty, his eyes were full of love and pity.

With a flick of his body, the blood-colored epee 'Ghost Tooth' was abruptly broken by the force of the bones of his right shoulder blade, and he instantly sank into the black hole of space. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in Wu In front of soldiers and others.

The previous scene of Gui Qianzhong killing the "Four Demon Envoys" still lingers in the minds of Wu Bing and others. They stared blankly at the handsome man in front of them. Is it an enemy or a friend? !
On the other hand, Xiao Yuan, as soon as he saw Gui Qianzhong coming in front of the crowd, he swept his body and stood in front of Gui Qianzhong, with a look of vigilance and vigilance on his face, holding the 'Ice Sword' tightly in his hand, as long as Gui Qianzhong dared to make a slight move, and he immediately shot, "You just took my father away and the perverts and the others?!"

Gui Qianzhong stared at Xiao Yuan, he knew that the child in front of him was Xiao Jianxuan's son, but the other party might not recognize him, he pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"What about Ghost Sword Ya?! He became like that, and you did it too?!" Xiao Yuan asked forcefully.

Oni Qianzhong nodded again.

Finally, Xiao Yuan, who couldn't bear the rage, killed Gui Qianzhong with his sword!
The water attribute soul power was poured into the 'Ice Sword' in his hand, and a huge ice sword with a length of several hundred feet and a width of several tens of feet fell heavily on Gui Qianzhong's head with the momentum of riding the wind and waves!
And Gui Qianzhong didn't dodge, nor did he make any defenses, as if he was ready to take Xiao Yuan's angry blow!
"Young City Master! Stop!" Just when the ice soul giant sword was only a few meters away from Gui Qianzhong, Wu Bing suddenly reached out and stopped Gui Qianzhong, looking like a hen protecting a cub. Son, immediately, stop talking.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuan, who was furiously struck, immediately stopped attacking, and with a tug of water attribute soul power, the vast ice soul giant sword 'Kacha', 'Kacha' shattered and turned into dotted pieces of ice , falling from the sky eloquently, as if it had snowed!

"What are you doing?! Wu Bing?! Why did you save him?!" Xiao Yuan asked.

"Young City Master, please forgive this subordinate's willfulness, this subordinate still has some things to ask him!"

"What else is there to ask?! He is the Second Demon Envoy, he is the one who captured my father, he captured the Immortal and Grandma Lin Xue, and imprisoned them in the Death Prison, and the Ghost Sword Tooth, he also turned into that look!"

"But he is Gui Jianya's father!" Wu Bing smiled wryly.

Immediately, Xiao Yuan was startled and came to his senses, "How is this possible?! Didn't Ghost Jianya's parents have died more than ten years ago?!"

"That's exactly why this subordinate wanted to ask him!" Wu Bing said flatly.

Ever since, Xiao Yuan didn't say much anymore, and silently retreated to the side, making room for Wu Bing and Gui Qianzhong to talk.

"It's really surprising, I thought you died! But you didn't, and what surprised me even more is that you are actually the Second Demon Envoy!" Facing his friends for many years, Wu Bing didn't know how to deal with the ghost Qianzhong now. Even a hug and a greeting with a friend, he directly avoided it. Now Gui Qianzhong, in his eyes, is simply a stranger.

"Yeah! It's a surprise!"

"What happened to the city lord?! Is there anything wrong?! And you, why did you take them away?! Why did you turn your son into that?! What happened to you and Li Meng ten years ago? ?! Where have you been these past ten years?! Being dead is fun, isn’t it?! It’s also fun to lie to people, isn’t it?!” Wu Bing stared wide-eyed, like a mad lion. The ghost roared a thousand times.

But Gui Qianzhong didn't show any anger or dissatisfaction, his face was still indifferent, and his eyes were so cold that there was no emotion at all, he stared straight at Wu Bing, "I can only answer one question for you, that is, the city lord and the others are safe and sound. After a while, they will be able to get out of trouble safely. As for the following problems, I am sorry that I can’t tell you! Not much to say, now is not the time to talk about these things. If you don’t want Mangxiang City to be destroyed, you’d better do as I said , Take everyone out of here immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Oni Qianzhong ignored Wu Bing, sank into the black hole of space, and killed the four demon envoys!
Looking at Gui Qianzhong who was fighting with the Four Demon Envoys in the sky in the distance, Wu Bing squeezed his fist vigorously and took a deep breath. He still planned to obey Gui Qianzhong's words, turned around and ran to Xiao Yuan and the others. In front of him, "Young City Master! Please take the rest of the people and leave here as soon as possible, as far away as possible!"

"Why?! What's going on?! What did Gui Qianzhong tell you just now?!" the silver-robed old man asked.

"Don't ask why now?! There's not so much time! In their level of battle, every collision is a devastating power. If we continue to stay here, we will definitely be affected! So, hurry up! Take people out of here!" Wu Bing said anxiously.

Hearing this, the others felt reasonable when they heard it. Looking at the battle between the ghost Qianzhong and the four demon envoys, all the space collapsed, and the turbulent flow of space swept around, and the ground under their feet was lifted off layer by layer. They were all swallowed by the space black hole!

Under such battles, the Pluto Pavilion has almost been destroyed by more than half!

Moreover, the battle situation is still spreading, and it will spread to my side at any time!
At that moment, everyone no longer hesitated, and took people away from the place of right and wrong one after another, and Xiao Yuan also flew away with Yun Lao.



"It's really unexpected that the former Second Demon Envoy would choose to protect such a city, and those people who are like ants!" The Fourth Demon Envoy stared at Gui Qianzhong and smiled coldly. His knees collided, and they were directly broken into a cloud of water mist. The space collapsed, and his figure was immediately submerged in it. When he reappeared, the broken elbow healed, and he hit Gui Qianzhong heavily on the back of the head.

"I'm just tired of revenge!" Gui Qianzhong replied, his left hand shone like gold, and he slapped the Four Demons on the head with his backhand.

With a 'bang', the heads of the Four Demon Envoys exploded into mist, and immediately closed quickly, Oni Qianzhong's left hand was deeply swallowed in his mouth, and the extreme cold began to spread, gradually freezing Oni Qianzhong's left hand .

Gui Qianzhong's eyes froze, golden light flashed, and the energy in his left palm exploded like beans, directly blasting into the body of the Four Demon Envoys! !
Not long after, the Four Demon Envoys were blasted into tiny mist by the flashing golden light!
The water mist did not immediately close into the human form of the Four Demon Envoys, but turned into 'fish' full of fangs one by one!
Ghost Tooth Silverfish!

A kind of aquatic soul-devouring beast with a very weak body, but its teeth are extremely sharp and can easily tear any defensive barriers. Even the strong king of war can release his soul power to protect his whole body, but he can't help the "ghost teeth" Silverfish' bite.

Today, hundreds of thousands of small 'ghost-toothed whitebait' are swimming densely in the sky!
They are small in size, and their fish scales are faintly silvery in color. They are very gorgeous and dazzling under the sunlight, but they are fatally beautiful!
All I saw were 'ghost-toothed whitebait' wrapped around Gui Qianzhong, swimming towards him one after another, opening their mouths full of fangs, ready to bite the flesh of Gui Qianzhong bit by bit.

Looking at the densely packed silver fish swimming around, like a beautiful galaxy, Gui Qianzhong's metallic soul power circulated in his body, his mind turned, and his body shape immediately began to change!
Devil soul change!
As the second devil envoy, Gui Qianzhong naturally knows how to change the soul of the devil!

In his body, he inherited the blood of a soul-devouring beast called 'Li Jin Charming Spider'!
Lijin Charming Spider, a rare soul-devouring beast, its strength can reach the mysterious level or even the earth level level when it is an adult!
Among the ten demon envoys, only the great envoy and the second envoy have inherited the blood of the soul-devouring beast of the lower class in their bodies!

The blood power of Lijin Charming Spider was awakened by Gui Qianzhong!
His eyes began to turn red, calmness filled with violence, his face was ferocious like a ghost, spider-like dark black patterns spread all over the surface of his body skin, and golden light shone inside!
Eight golden sharp spider legs protruded from Oni Qianzhong's back like golden spears!

Like a pair of wide wings, it looks extremely dazzling and beautiful!
After completing the demon soul transformation, Gui Qianzhong's aura instantly swelled to a peak!
He looked around at the school of 'Ghosttooth Silverfish' swimming around, his body gleaming with black light and golden light, instantly submerged in the school of fish!

The eight golden spider spears on its back shot continuously, and the tiny 'ghost-toothed whitebait' died tragically under the spider spears one after another!
Oni Qianzhong is like a fish hunting machine, shuttles quickly through the school of fish like a shuttle, reaping the lives of those 'ghost-toothed whitebait' recklessly like a god of death!

 Feel sorry!Just typed the title wrong!Chapter 110 should have been written into chapter 110, hehe!Now is the real chapter [-]!upload!Feel sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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