Chapter 355 Major event, revenge

Seeing that the snake king didn't move, He Tiantian thought it was funny, so she stretched out her foot and kicked the snake king's ass.

Flesh, bouncy, very Q!

"What are you doing?" The Snake King turned his head, "If you continue to be presumptuous, I will let you know that the Snake King can't kick his ass!"

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Snake King, it's time to replenish the holy blood, have you forgotten?"

The King Snake frowned, touched his flat stomach, and bit He Tiantian's left ankle without waiting for He Tiantian to speak.

He Tiantian's eyes were out of focus, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Recently, He Tiantian's nutrition is very good, the blood in his body is surging, and the snake king is so angry that he drank a full drink.

At this time, the Snake King returned to his original body and felt the surging power in his body. He even felt the call of the sea, so he flew out of the window.

Flying above the sea, the snake king circled a few times above the sea, and dived into the water.

In the water, the snake king is more comfortable, swimming around in the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the snake king realized that its perception range was wider, and it could move freely within [-] kilometers around He Tiantian.

Beyond forty kilometers, it cannot be scanned.

On the bottom of the sea, the snake king saw many fish, but these were not spiritual and not fun.

Seeing clam shells with crystal-clear pearls inside, King Snake picked some and put them in the enchantment space, and left them for He Tiantian to make jewelry in the future. The coral is also good, and it should be able to sell for some money.

When it was almost dawn, the snake king discovered that it had come to the bottom of the sea, and the enchantment was full of things it had collected for He Tiantian.

After returning, the snake king entered the barrier on He Tiantian's left ankle and could not come out.

On the one hand, the snake king wants to practice; on the other hand, it is because the snake king doesn't know how to deal with his increasingly outrageous behavior.

When He Tiantian woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Sit up, stretch, wash, change clothes and go downstairs.

Grandma Qi San was walking in the manor, and He Tiantian ran to find her.

"Hehe, did you sleep well?" Grandma Qi asked, and found that He Tiantian's face was a little pale, "Is it uncomfortable?"

He Tiantian smiled and said, "I don't feel uncomfortable, maybe I slept too long. Grandma, what are you doing wandering around here?"

"This is an open space, I want to grow some vegetables." Grandma Qi said, "It's just that I don't know where to buy seeds, and I don't know what kind of vegetables are suitable for growing here!"

"I think you're bored." He Tiantian smiled, "I'm not used to being idle in my hometown. Now I have nothing to do, so I just want to cook."

"Yeah, it's a bit boring." Grandma Qi San was very conflicted, "In a blink of an eye, we have been away from Qijia Village for a month, and I am really homesick. But I am afraid that after I go back, I will never see you again. The son is a family now."

At this moment, Qi Shuliang walked in with a young man.

The person who came was Huo Yingjun.

"Brother Handsome, why have you been free?" He Tiantian asked, seeing Huo Yingjun who looked somewhat similar to Huo Yingjie was very pleasing to the eye
Huo Yingjun nodded and said, "The country welcomes patriotic and righteous people like Mr. Qi at any time."

"It's great, it's great." Grandma Qi San said excitedly, "During this time, I'm still hesitating, staying here, I miss my hometown, I'm getting old, and I want to return to my roots. I am worried that I will never see my son's family again."

"Mother..." Hearing his mother's words, Qi Shuliang secretly rejoiced. Although it took a lot of manpower and material resources, it was all worth it.

He and his mother can be reunited, and more people will be reunited with their families in the future.

"Good boy, you have done a good job." Grandma Qi San said, "Mother is very pleased."

Without the pressure in her heart, Grandma Qi's mood improved even more.

When Huo Yingjun was in high spirits, he was very moved, but he didn't come here this time just to talk about it, but to remind Mr. Qi.

However, it is not good for him to say this in front of Third Grandma Qi, He Tiantian said, to make the female relatives worry.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Huo Yingjun signaled that Qi Shuliang had something to say.

"Handsome, don't leave at noon, eat here." Grandma Qi San laughed from behind, and asked the cook to cook Chinese food today.

"Thank you Grandma Qi, I will not leave even if you drive me away." Huo Yingjun said playfully, "Mr. Qi's Chinese cooking skills are good, and I must eat more later."

"Okay, okay..." Grandma Qi said with a smile, there were many happy events in the family.

In the study, the atmosphere is dignified!

"Mr. Qi, you must be careful when you travel during this time. There are some separatists and hostile forces in other countries trying to harm you." Huo Yingjun said, "But don't worry, we have sent people in the dark to protect you." Your safety."

Qi Shuliang rubbed the center of his brows, no longer the high spirits just now, sighed and said: "I knew it would be like this! Those people will not let it go."

"Mr. Qi, don't be so pessimistic. We are your strong backing." Huo Yingjun said, "Our people have already started to fight back. We should resolve this matter as soon as possible to ensure your safety."

Qi Shuliang didn't speak, but took out a cigar.

Huo Yingjun had quick eyes and quick hands, and lit the fire.

Qi Shuliang took a deep breath, relieved his tense nerves, and finally said: "Do you know when those people will do it?"

"The cable reports that they are preparing, but they haven't set a specific date yet." Huo Yingjun said, "Hongmen, as well as our underground workers, will provide you with protection."

After a while, Qi Shuliang said slowly: "I want you to take my wife and children away to ensure their safety! Is that okay?"

"Ah?" Huo Yingjun was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Yes!" Qi Shuliang nodded, "Take them away, I don't have any worries! If I am lucky enough to live, I will pick them up again. If... If something happens, I will also entrust the company Get out, let my son inherit it when the time comes, I also have deposits in the Swiss bank. Now I want a promise from you!"

"Mr. Qi, tell me, if I can do it, I will never refuse." Huo Yingjun felt guilty. If Qi Shuliang didn't help them, Qi Shuliang would never have encountered such a thing.

Hey, it's all for the sake of the overall situation of the country, and there is no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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