1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 4 Green Persimmons

Chapter 4 Green Persimmons

After a while, he arrived at the door of the house he remembered.

On the door were two round copper rings the size of a bowl, and an iron lock in the middle locked the two mottled wooden doors.

This used to be her home, but now it is Qi Fangfang's, not hers anymore.

Now think about how ridiculous she is!How stupid!

This house was left to her by her parents, but she was reluctant to come here because of the guilt in her heart, leaving her parents alone.

Since the house was handed over to the sister-in-law, perhaps even the memorial tablets of her parents have disappeared due to the unkindness of the sister-in-law's family.The house here has changed its name, and the things left by the parents have become someone else's.

Because of her weakness and cowardice, she lost so many precious things, it's ridiculous and sad!This is a punishment for her, and she doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy, and now she's alone, and no one sympathizes with her.

He Tiantian pushed the dilapidated wooden door hard, and the two doors fell into the yard as if they could no longer withstand the external force.

Qi Fangfang was transferred to Huai City ten years ago, and the yard in Nanshi was empty.No one lived for a long time, the yard was full of weeds, an old persimmon tree was left unattended, but there were still many green persimmons.

He Tiantian looked inside and out, and the furnishings inside were beyond recognition and dilapidated.She walked under the persimmon tree, picked a green persimmon, wiped it with her hand, took a bite, and the sour taste filled her mouth.

Although it was difficult to swallow, the sour taste made her brain clearer and her thinking clearer.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps was faintly heard, from far to near.

He Tiantian didn't know why, but instinctively hid behind the persimmon tree and held her breath. At this time, she didn't want to see anyone.

"Chairman, this place is messy and dirty, you'd better go back!" A middle-aged man said humbly, leaning slightly to his side to persuade the middle-aged man who had been walking forward.

"This is my home, no matter how messy it is, it's still my home." Although the man's voice was not loud, it revealed gentleness and stubbornness.

He Tiantian's body was slightly startled. She would remember this voice for the rest of her life.Although there have been a few vicissitudes of time, the clear voice has not changed.

It's him!Huo Yingjie!

At this moment, He Tiantian's heart was filled with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, and mixed flavors.

Just when He Tiantian was lost, a persimmon branch half a meter above his head moved a few times, and someone next door reached out and picked a green persimmon.

"Chairman, this persimmon is not ripe..." Some people reminded that persimmons, even if they are ripe, can't eat more, let alone persimmons that are not ripe, the taste is absolutely bad.

Huo Yingjie didn't answer, as if he was muttering to himself, "Astringent persimmons are the most refreshing..."

This sentence, like a key, opened He Tiantian's memory floodgate.

"Brother Yingjie, I'm always dozing off in class, what should I do?" A little round-faced girl with braided horns tilted her head and asked the omnipotent brother next door.She must find a way. If she is found dozing off by the teacher next time, she will call her parents.She is a good baby, how can she bear to make mistakes and call her parents?

"Idiot, astringent persimmons are the most refreshing. You bring one tomorrow. If you are sleepy, take a bite and eat it, and you will definitely not be sleepy." Huo Yingjie, who was already a handsome young man, said an unreliable idea, revealing A sly smile.

I originally wanted to make fun of this little girl, but He Tiantian took it seriously.

He Tiantian ate the sour persimmon and did not doze off, but she was caught by the teacher to eat in class, and she still did not escape the fate of the parent who was called.

But the simple He Tiantian still thinks that Brother Yingjie is very powerful and can come up with such a good method.

Although she was still called a parent, that was the reason why she was careless. The next time she eats, be careful, and you won't be caught.

Astringent persimmons!This is the secret between the two of them.

He remembers!
She remembers too!

There was a voice in my heart, clamoring for He Tiantian to meet that person.But He Tiantian's face flashed in the morning vanity mirror in her mind, and she was discouraged.

She left here. At that time, she was like a young girl in bud, with smooth skin, watery eyes, graceful figure, light, beautiful and healthy.

But now, the hair is white, the skin is loose, the eyes are no longer clear, and the body is fat and out of shape.

She didn't have the courage to come out.In this life, she has been like this, so let her stay in his best memory.

The sound of footsteps by the next wall grew farther and farther, and Huo Yingjie left.

He Tiantian didn't want to come out to see Huo Yingjie, but she wanted to take another look at him, just one look, even if she only saw the back of the man.Half of his head stuck out, waiting for the man to pass by the gate.

As if sensing, Huo Yingjie turned his head and looked at the old persimmon tree.

Under the persimmon tree, there were only weeds, and there was no longer the pretty girl who grinned and winked at persimmons.

Before Huo Yingjie looked this way, He Tiantian retracted her head.

Huo Yingjie turned his head and continued to walk forward.

The assistant beside him noticed that the chairman's footsteps were messy, and his straight back was slightly bent.Maybe... Maybe the chairman thought of someone!

When He Tiantian stuck her head out again, she only saw Huo Yingjie's back.Although it is only a back view, it is enough for He Tiantian.

At this moment, He Tiantian suddenly felt a little pain and numbness in her ankle, as if she had been bitten by something, she lowered her head and looked down.

A small silver-white snake with chopsticks bit He Tiantian's ankle.It's summer now, and He Tiantian is wearing a loose skirt. Although there are stockings on her feet, it can't stop the two sharp teeth of the little silver snake.

Just when He Tiantian lifted her feet to get rid of the little red snake on her feet, she suddenly found that her body was weak, she had no strength to lift her feet at all, and could no longer stand up, allowing her body to look like It was as if there were no bones, and it collapsed to the ground.

Although the strength on her body gradually disappeared, He Tiantian could not shout or ask for help, and the fear of death shrouded He Tiantian's heart, but when her eyes fell on the stone table not far from the persimmon tree, she did not scared.

In the past, she and her parents often ate at the stone table beside the persimmon tree.There are too many memories of her and her parents, Huo Yingjie, in this yard.

When she is dying, knowing the truth is more enjoyable than dying in a lie; before dying, in her own yard, she has no regrets when she sees the person she can only see in her dreams.

He Tiantian's eyes became more and more heavy, and gradually lost consciousness.

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(End of this chapter)

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