Chapter 445 Concealment
What Zhou Yuanchao despises the most is that bald fat man. He has only a half-knowledge about everything, and he doesn't know how to get in. Some time ago, he even made a mistake in the chemical formula, which caused a big joke.

Zhou Yuanchao was about to refute, but was stopped by Huo Yingjie.

Fighting with words will only waste saliva, and it's useless to talk cool!
"Sit down first." Huo Yingjie asked Zhou Yuanchao to sit down, and said calmly, "It's okay if you don't sign first, I will take these two reports and submit them to the boss. Although doing so is a taboo, your It's so ugly that we young people can't stand it anymore."

Team leader Chen felt depressed when he saw Huo Yingjie's calm expression, not afraid of tearing his face, but Huo Yingjie was right, they had plagiarized Huo Yingjie's theoretical calculations before.Most of the reports he submitted were based on the theoretical support submitted by Huo Yingjie.

If Huo Yingjie didn't sign it, Huo Yingjie would make a fuss, and he would put it on the deal report. If Huo Yingjie's report was quoted, the source must be stated. In that case, he would be the one who would be ashamed.

"Okay, I'll sign it!" Team Leader Chen took out a pen with a gloomy face, and signed the two documents.

"Don't forget to write the date." Huo Yingjie reminded softly, he couldn't leave such a big loophole for Chen.

Huo Yingjie collected the two documents, smiled and said, "Thank you, Team Leader Chen, we must follow the instructions of the team."

After the meeting ended, Zhou Yuanchao smiled wryly and said, "Boss, we can finally stop being scolded now."

"It's just that, it's too cheap for those people." Huo Yingjie sneered, stole his things, it's fine if he doesn't admit it, and even insulted him.

What can be endured and what can't be endured!
In the future, the surname Chen will be shamed.

Half a month later, the experiment was completed, and the result was exactly the same as the one submitted by Huo Yingjie.

When Huo Yingjie handed in his own report, he asked Xiao Xuangui to use a trick to cover his eyes, and put the two copies together, and sent them all up.

After this time, no one talked about Huo Yingjie and Zhou Yuanchao anymore.

Zhou Yuanchao felt happy just thinking about it.

When he was happy, Huo Yingjie ate a lot and looked a little fatter than before.

Several times in a row, Huo Yingjie followed this method and did the same.

Although the superior leaders pay more attention to the report of the team leader, they will also randomly check the reports of the ordinary staff below.

Several spot checks, out of five, Huo Yingjie was always picked three times.

When he saw the plans proposed by Huo Yingjie, Director Qian was taken aback, as they looked familiar.

So I found Team Leader Chen's report and compared it, 80.00% of it was the content of Huo Yingjie's report, and the remaining 20.00% was unimportant.

To quote other people's correct solutions and ideas, please make a note below.Team leader Chen had notes from the team members, but Huo Yingjie's was missing.

You should know that his report is 80.00% the same as Huo Yingjie's!

Looking at the name and time signed by Team Leader Chen above, I feel strange!

So he took out all the reports from Huo Yingjie and Team Leader Chen. For those that were dated farther away, Huo Yingjie's report only contained the team's task list plan, without his own opinions.

There is another one behind!
This has to make Director Qian think too much!

After that, I went to find someone to understand the situation in private, and it became clear immediately!
Afterwards, Director Qian carefully read each of Huo Yingjie's reports, and then asked someone to call out Huo Yingjie and Zhou Yuanchao's previous resumes.

In addition to being a little younger, the results are more outstanding.

Young people are more active in their brains and have a strong sense of innovation. They are two rare talents!
So Director Qian transferred Huo Yingjie and Zhou Yuanchao directly to anti-tank missiles based on the idea of ​​cherishing talents, not wasting talents, and not wanting to cause a group of conflicts with Team Leader Chen, and appointed Huo Yingjie as the team leader and Zhou Yuanchao as the deputy team leader. And sent six young people who were unsuccessful in other groups to come over.

Huo Yingjie and Zhou Yuanchao were very surprised when they received the transfer order.

They used to make heavy tanks, but now they are going to study anti-tank missiles, and the span is a bit big.

Equivalent to the relationship between spear and shield.

Anti-tank missiles are equivalent to spears, and heavy tanks are equivalent to shields.

But no matter where you go, it's better than being in that group and being a wimp.

Furthermore, Huo Yingjie is the team leader, no matter what he does, at least he can decide the direction and progress of the research by himself.

So Huo Yingjie and Zhou Yuanchao left the heavy tank project team and moved directly to the anti-tank missile team under Chen's hypocrisy.

Huo Yingjie was good at materials and making some delicate parts, Director Qian asked him to use his expertise.

"Director Qian, is it just the two of us?" Huo Yingjie looked at the newly tidied office, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He and Zhou Yuanchao are just two people, and the task is so heavy, they must not be exhausted!

"Hehe, young man, don't worry, six people will come over in a while. You are all young people. You should use your imagination and creativity to complete the task one day earlier and win glory for the country." Director Qian said, encouraging Huo Yingjie, Zhou Yuanchao .

"Thank you, Director Qian." Huo Yingjie said, "We will work hard. It is our lifetime pride to be able to participate in this project."

Director Qian nodded and said, "The previous team has wronged you."

"As an individual, I am not wronged, but I can obviously save a lot of manpower and material resources, but I still have to waste it. I feel unbearable. After all, the country has paid a high price for national defense. As a party member, I want to save for the country and avoid Unnecessary waste."

"Just think like you do." Director Qian patted Huo Yingjie on the shoulder, "Now I'll set up a separate team for you. After all the people are here, I will personally assign tasks to you. I hope you don't let me down."

"Yes, Director Qian, we will do our best to complete the task." Huo Yingjie saluted.

At this moment, six young people came in one after another.

Some people have happy expressions, while others have ugly expressions. Anyway, at first glance, everyone has a story.

Director Qian said: "You young people, the oldest is only 23 years old, all of you are excellent talents in the original unit, otherwise you would not be recommended here. After coming here, maybe you are not used to it, and you are not reconciled. Now I will call you out individually and set up a team for you, I hope you young people will dare to think and act, keep innovating, and strive to achieve results as soon as possible. This is your team leader, Huo Yingjie, and deputy team leader Zhou Yuanchao."

The six people are all talented people, but they are young and arrogant, and no one speaks.

Huo Yingjie also knew that in order to convince these people, he had to make achievements.

"Maybe you are not convinced, so I won't say more. Let's just look at the future work. Everyone convinces people with their ability." Huo Yingjie said, not angry because of these people's attitudes.

It is estimated that these people are more miserable than before him and Zhou Yuanchao. They are both fallen in the world, and Huo Yingjie will not embarrass them.

(End of this chapter)

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