Chapter 446 Abundant achievements, loss

Seeing Huo Yingjie like this, Director Qian stopped worrying, said a few words of encouragement, and left.

For matters between young people, let the young people coordinate themselves.

When Director Qian left, Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "Looking at everyone's expressions, I knew that they were all recruited from the local government. The same goes for me and Zhou Yuanchao. Because of our young age, we were said to have low qualifications and were excluded everywhere. .It is estimated that your situation is similar to ours."

When the six people heard this, they were all taken aback.

Huo Yingjie continued: "All of you are excellent people who can be transferred from the local area. Everyone is young, so it's normal to be unconvinced. Now that Director Qian is not here, I'm in front of everyone. Let's not care who is the team leader. Deputy team leader, get the project, first make the results and then talk about it. After running-in, if everyone still refuses to accept me, I will give up the position of team leader."

It made the six people look better when they heard it. They were afraid of being suppressed by those people.

It doesn't matter whether you are a team leader or not, the key is whether you can have a better research atmosphere.

"Can we use our strengths?" One of them asked, looking at Huo Yingjie.

Huo Yingjie nodded and said, "Yes, the key is to make achievements. On the surface, we are a team where the leaders were drawn from each group and regrouped, but the actual situation is not good.

Now that Director Qian is setting up this group, why not give us a chance?We are young people, let's talk about the fight for fame and fortune later, let's first use our strengths and make achievements.Do you have an opinion? "

The six people glanced at each other, nodded and said: "No objection, as long as everyone can have equal opportunities and environment, then there is no objection. I am Sun Chengzhi, from Hunan Province, and I am 23 years old this year."

"I'm Yin Yueguang, from Guangzhou, I'm 22 years old."

"I'm Ming Xunzhang, from Shanxi Province, and I'm 21 years old this year."

The six people introduced themselves one after another and put their things away.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said: "As for me, Huo Yingjie is 20 years old this year. I hope that everyone will cooperate with each other and achieve good results."

"I'm Zhou Yuanchao, let's work together and make achievements for those who look down on us." Zhou Yuanchao clenched his fists and said, "You should think the same as us."

"Yes." Several young people laughed.

After all the staff arrived, Huo Yingjie got the project the next day. They closed the door and started discussing. Everyone expressed their opinions and found the most reasonable theoretical solution before starting to apply for materials and prepare for experiments.

When everyone was discussing, sometimes their faces would be flushed because of some things. At this time, Huo Yingjie was required to adjust, but everyone wanted to make results as soon as possible.

Everyone is very motivated, because they have prepared in advance, and they can burst out infinite wisdom through discussions every time. With Huo Yingjie's casual guidance, they can always complete one task after another in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.

Director Qian saw the report submitted by Huo Yingjie. It was simple and clear, and the section responsible for each person was displayed on it, indicating the credit of the team members.

Huo Yingjie's group of young people was young and energetic, and they dared to think and act. One after another, they came up with some wonderful ideas, which quickly opened up the difficult situation of anti-tank missiles.

So Director Qian increased the tasks of Huo Yingjie's group, hoping that the young people could exert more energy.

With a new team, Huo Yingjie had the experience of leading a team and was able to do it with ease.Their team is often praised and rewarded by Director Qian.Everyone also recognized Huo Yingjie's position as team leader and Zhou Yuanchao's position as deputy team leader.

Except for sometimes thinking of He Tiantian, Huo Yingjie's life was full and busy.

Let’s talk about Huo Zhekun and Jiang Lifang who went to Yanjing for the New Year, when they received He Tiantian’s letter, they quickly took out the letter that their son had written in advance, and sent He Tiantian three letters in a row according to the date, saying that they were sent to Yanjing.

"Hey, it's hard for these two children." Jiang Lifang said, "I said that Yingjie was not allowed to go to the research institute at that time, but you insisted on going. It's all good now, it's too difficult to go home!"

"That's what Yingjie is good at. Besides, a man's ambition is all over the place, and he can't stick to the love of his son and daughter." Huo Zhekun said, "Working hard now is also for the future!"

Jiang Lifang glared at her husband and said, "Anyway, what you said makes sense, I'm just a careless old woman."

"How can you say that!" Huo Zhekun smiled and said in a low voice, "In my heart, you are still the best. Don't worry about it. Now that Yingjie and Tiantian are engaged, don't worry. Wait until they reach the age , and arrange marriage for them.”

"Hey, the point is, I don't know when my son will come back after finishing his mission!" Jiang Lifang smiled wryly, "The little girl has not seen each other for several years, what should I do if the relationship fades? Tiantian looks good, has a good temper, and now she has Such a powerful grandmother, I am afraid that this daughter-in-law will be chased away."

Huo Zhekun smiled and said, "What kind of temperament is Tiantian? You don't know it yet, so don't think about it."

"Hey, young people tend to be emotional, who knows." Jiang Lifang said, "Tiantian is so good, just like Qi Shuliang's son we saw last time, Qi Zhenghan looked at Tiantian differently. Fortunately, that person went to the United States. Otherwise, I will stay by Tiantian's side all the time, I don't feel at ease."

"Okay, those are decent and responsible people, and they won't do shameful things." Huo Zhekun said, although he said so, he was a little worried in his heart.

"Hey, now I understand why it is said that a family has hundreds of women begging." Jiang Lifang said, "Fortunately, we have made friends with the old He family. The old He and his wife know everything about us, otherwise they couldn't agree to us so readily. courtship."

"Yes, Lao He and his wife are two, we can still trust them." Huo Zhekun said, "Do your best and obey the destiny. The two have a destiny, and they can't be separated no matter what. If they don't have a destiny, they can't get together no matter what. "

For the Huo family's New Year's Eve dinner, Huo Yingjun got married two days ago, and now there is one more person in the family, Zhao Huanhuan.

Huo Yingqi is also back, the big family of the Huo family are reunited.

Jiang Lifang felt a little sad when she saw that the second room was her and her husband, but her son was working and did not come back.

Huo Yingqi is much more sensible than before, but when she thought of the stupid things she did before, Jiang Lifang felt unhappy, and she didn't have the enthusiasm for Huo Yingqi before!
Huo Yingqi has been suffering outside for the past two years. If her mother hadn't helped her, she would not have been able to return to Yanjing for the New Year.

Fortunately, Huo Yingqi didn't feel embarrassed when her second cousin was away.I still disdain Second Aunt's indifference!
But she didn't dare to go up and provoke the second aunt, lest her grandfather and grandmother would be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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