Chapter 499 The memory is still there, spicy chicken

Seeing the train leave, He Tiantian felt reluctant and shed tears involuntarily.

Seeing He Tiantian's tears, Jiang Lifang felt guilty, but she didn't know how to comfort He Tiantian, she just said in her heart that she would treat He Tiantian better in the future.

Seeing He Tiantian crying, Huo Yingjie took out a handkerchief and wiped He Tiantian's tears.

"Tianbao don't cry, and I love you!" Huo Yingjie said softly, coaxing He Tiantian, just like how he comforted He Tiantian when He Tiantian was sad when he was a child.

Jiang Lifang smiled and walked ahead, as if she didn't hear them.

He Tiantian took Huo Yingjie's handkerchief, looked into Huo Yingjie's eyes, and said, "Thank you, brother Yingjie."

After leaving the train station, Jiang Lifang said: "Tiantian, this is the key to the house. If you don't want to hang out, go home first. I'm going to the hospital."

He Tiantian took the key and said, "I see, Aunt Jiang, you are busy with work, and I will take care of Brother Yingjie at home, so don't worry."

"Then I will trouble you, Tiantian." Jiang Lifang was moved, and took out money and food stamps from her bag, "You can buy whatever you like, don't be reluctant."

"Well, I see." He Tiantian said, not polite to Jiang Lifang, she had money but no tickets.

She wanted to take Huo Yingjie to familiarize herself with the past, and sometimes, she had to ask for money.

Jiang Lifang rode a bicycle to the hospital. He Tiantian took Huo Yingjie's hand and walked on the side of the road.

Along the way, He Tiantian explained to Huo Yingjie, hoping that through these familiar buildings, Huo Yingjie's memory could be awakened.

It was already an hour and a half after they walked back to Big Elm Alley.

He Tiantian had a dry mouth and tongue, and hid under the big elm tree to cool off.

Huo Yingjie also followed He Tiantian's example and rested with his back against the big elm tree.

When Huo Yingjie turned around, he turned to look at He Tiantian, and found that He Tiantian was gone.

"Tiantian, Tiantian, where are you?" Huo Yingjie was anxious, his voice urgent.

He Tiantian poked her head out from behind another big elm tree, and said, "Brother Yingjie, I'm here!"

After speaking, he retracted his head behind the big elm tree.

This game was something they liked to play when they were young, but now that they are so old, He Tiantian feels a little hindered in playing it.

But for Huo Yingjie, endure it!

But Huo Yingjie didn't understand style at all, he just didn't want He Tiantian to disappear in front of his eyes, he didn't play hide and seek at all, he kept chasing in one direction, and within a few steps he caught up with He Tiantian.

"Ah!" He Tiantian was surprised, don't be so fast, okay?
You are so direct and quick, how can you play the game well!

"Don't abandon me." Huo Yingjie mourned, his dark eyes seemed to be accusing He Tiantian.

Under such eyes, even if He Tiantian had [-] thoughts of wanting to continue playing, they were also extinguished.

"Okay, I won't abandon you." He Tiantian said, "Go, are you hungry? Go home and cook."

"Yeah, I'm hungry." Huo Yingjie nodded repeatedly, and walked back holding He Tiantian's hand.

Fortunately, during the day, the neighbors in the neighborhood went to work, the children went to school, and there were not many people in the alley.

He Tiantian took Huo Yingjie back to Huo's house and let him play in the yard while she cooked.

But Huo Yingjie refused, so He Tiantian asked him to choose leeks and find him some work.

Jiang Lifang was worried at noon, and went home to visit her son, just in time for dinner.

"Aunt Jiang, it's quite far from the hospital, so don't rush back and forth. You don't have to worry about me at home." He Tiantian persuaded, Jiang Lifang was frightened and exhausted during this time.

Jiang Lifang nodded and said, "Yingjie has just returned to Nanshi, and I was worried that he might not be used to it and couldn't sit still in the hospital, so I came back to have a look."

He Tiantian filled Jiang Lifang's food and told her to eat quickly.

Jiang Lifang hurried to the hospital after eating.

He Tiantian arranged for Huo Yingjie to take a nap, and she lay down beside the bed and squinted for a while.

In the afternoon, He Tiantian took Huo Yingjie to the surrounding small park to play. All the way, He Tiantian would talk again, and Huo Yingjie was listening.

When I went back at night, I happened to meet someone at home.

It turned out that Huo Yingjie suffered such a great injury because of a work-related injury. Huo Yingjie made meritorious service, so Huo Yingjie was given a very generous subsidy.Nanshi received the order from above and personally delivered all kinds of allowances and tickets.

With these, the Huo family's life has improved to a higher level.

At three o'clock the next morning, He Tiantian lay on the wall, put her hands to her mouth, and whispered, "Meow, meow..."

Over there, there was movement in Huo Yingjie's room: "Cuckoo...Cuckoo..."

This was He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie's secret code.

He Tiantian was sometimes not sure, what was going on with Huo Yingjie?

Because she had to get up early in the morning to go shopping at the supply and marketing agency, but she didn't tell Huo Yingjie in advance, she wanted to see if Huo Yingjie remembered the code!
He Tiantian stood on the stone bench, leaned against the wall, and whispered, "Brother Yingjie...let's go shopping..."

"Okay!" Huo Yingjie said concisely.

When He Tiantian took the bills, pockets, and baskets that he had prepared yesterday, he took Huo Yingjie to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Jiang Lifang and Huo Zhekun were overjoyed in the room.

"Old Huo, did you hear that? My son still remembers Tong Tiantian's password." Jiang Lifang said pleasantly, "Is it possible that my son can remember the past?"

Although Huo Zhekun was excited, he was a man after all, very calm, and said: "Anyway, it's better to think about it than not to think about it. Don't get excited for now, and don't ask Huo Yingjie. Take your time."

"Well, I don't ask, so as not to frighten Yingjie." Jiang Lifang said, it seems that it is really right to go back to Nanshi.

"Okay, let's go to sleep." Huo Zhekun said, "The two of us have to support Yingjie. If we fall down, Yingjie's quality of life will also decline in the future. Not only can't help Yingjie, but it will hurt Yingjie."

"What you said is that we need to cheer up." Jiang Lifang said, her child hurts herself.

The husband and wife have their own thoughts, but the son's condition is much better than before, so it is not as worrying as before.

He Tiantian led Huo Yingjie down the alley paved with bluestone slabs.

"Brother Yingjie, walk slowly and watch your step." He Tiantian reminded in a low voice.

"Oh!" Huo Yingjie, not the God of Changling, responded briefly.

"Brother Yingjie, what do you like to eat?" He Tiantian asked. In the past, she and Huo Yingjie got up early to go shopping and chatted non-stop along the way.

"It's fine if you like it." Changling said in God, these days, like an outsider, he watched He Tiantian take care of Huo Yingjie with all his heart, envious and jealous in his heart.

"Brother Yingjie, you like spicy chicken diced the most. Can I make it for you?" He Tiantian asked, not far from the supply and marketing cooperative, and turned to look at Changling under the dim light of the supply and marketing cooperative. God's face.

"Okay!" The God of Changling looked at He Tiantian's face intoxicated.


(End of this chapter)

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