Chapter 500 Question, return my brother Yingjie

At this time, He Tiantian couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to ask clearly.

"Who are you?" He Tiantian asked, squinting her eyes.

"I'm your brother Yingjie!" Changling God restrained himself, he didn't know that his words were the biggest flaw!
The answer from the God of Changling made He Tiantian even more suspicious.

She didn't want to lie to herself anymore, she wanted to know the truth.

"You are not!" He Tiantian said, "Brother Yingjie doesn't eat chili, and I can't eat too heavy chili. Only when Brother Yingjie makes a mistake, I will deliberately cook this dish for him to punish him. Also, He's got a brain injury now, so he won't react so quickly."

He Tiantian expressed her doubts and carefully observed the expression of "Huo Yingjie".

The God of Changling had an indifferent expression, because he didn't know how to explain his origin.

Because it is not Yun'er in front of him, but Yun'er's reincarnation, He Tiantian.

In He Tiantian's heart, there was only Huo Yingjie, not him.

Although he decided to merge, he has always been unwilling, so he has not started it for a long time.

"Are you the real owner of the little spinning turtle?" He Tiantian asked cautiously, "You... are you the God of Changling?"

The Changling High God still didn't speak, nor showed any expression.

He worried that if he gave an affirmative answer, He Tiantian and him would not be as close as before.

"Why don't you talk?" He Tiantian asked, "Where did you hide my brother Yingjie?"

The God of Changling looked away awkwardly, and said, "Anyway, I am him, and he is me!"

He Tiantian stopped buying groceries, and dragged Changling Shangshen into a deep alley where no one was paying attention, just convenient for them to talk.

"Shangshen, you are already a god, so don't worry about us ordinary people, let Brother Yingjie go." He Tiantian pleaded, "Brother Yingjie is a good man, and he treats me well. What do you want? You can say it directly, as long as I can do it, I will promise you."

He Tiantian directly regarded the God of Changling as the upper body of a ghost!

Brother Yingjie is a good person?
So he is a villain who kills without blinking an eye?

my request?

Very simple!

That is, from now on, you will only have me in your eyes and in your heart!

May I?
the answer is negative!

"He and I are one person." Changling said divinely, "If I disappear, he won't exist either."

"Ah?" He Tiantian opened her small mouth, "But...but you have different temperaments...and during the day, why are you so stupid?"

"That's because he's lazy!" The God of Changling unconsciously put He Tiantian into his arms and kissed He Tiantian's cheek and nose.

Just as he was about to kiss, He Tiantian covered the mouth of the God of Changling, and said, "No, Brother Yingjie can play chess, fingering, very smart, even smarter than before, but in terms of emotional intelligence Something is lacking. You must have tampered with brother Yingjie, taking over his body and wanting to take over his mind."

The High God of Changling, who had been interrupted, squinted his eyes, hugged He Tiantian tightly, and said, "You were born to torture me!"

"Ah?" He Tiantian was surprised, "I didn't! Tell me quickly, are you bullying brother Yingjie? Also, if you let me go, men and women can't kiss each other."

Now that I think about it, during the day, they are kissing and coaxing, why can't I remember whether a man and a woman are kissing or not!

He simply didn't like her being close.

"Don't let go!" Changling said in a divine way, and his stubborn temper also came up.

"Are you going to let it go or not!" He Tiantian was also anxious, she was absolutely sure that this was not brother Yingjie, so naturally she didn't like his hug, even though they had the same face and shared the same body.

"Don't let go!" Changling said in a divine voice, "Once you let go, you will run away."

He Tiantian's arm was caught, and she couldn't scratch the face of the Changling God, so she stood on tiptoe, opened her mouth and bit the Changling God's chin.

Oh, I have to say, the little wild cat went crazy, and it hurts to bite people.

But the God of Changling is not afraid, and will not refuse any sweetheart who takes the initiative to send him up.

Kill you, who wants you to kiss me!
He Tiantian was also rude to the God of Changling who came to the door, and opened her mouth to bite, and immediately there was a bloody smell in her mouth.

But the God of Changling didn't care, as long as he couldn't kill him, he continued.

He Tiantian was annoyed, but even more distressed!
This god of shit doesn't take care of Huo Yingjie's body, she doesn't care about it!

Stop biting, can't you?

He Tiantian was terrified, but she couldn't break free. In desperation, she was so angry that she cried.

Tears flowed down like broken pearls.

Tasting the salty tears, the God of Changling stopped, and his whole body froze.

"Tianbao, why are you crying? Who bullied you?" At this time, this body was occupied by the other half, that is to say, it was Huo Yingjie now.

He Tiantian was taken aback for a moment, listening to the familiar tone and voice, caring and loving as always, she immediately recognized that this was her brother Yingjie.

"Brother Yingjie, don't go." He Tiantian hurriedly hugged Huo Yingjie with his backhand, "Don't let that villain continue to occupy your body."

Huo Yingjie hugged He Tiantian, patted her on the back lightly, and asked, "What are we doing out in the dark?"

"Come to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy something!" He Tiantian said, "You have no impression at all?"

"Oh, then wipe away your tears quickly. Let's go shopping together. If we go late, we won't be able to buy anything." Huo Yingjie said softly, "Be good, don't cry, brother will buy you candy later."


Although Huo Yingjie's behavior is not as coaxing a child, He Tiantian still likes this Huo Yingjie terribly, not that domineering, bullshit god who always insults people!
Huo Yingjie took He Tiantian's hand, and the two lined up separately.

Two teams are next to each other and they can see each other.

The people around were queuing up and bored, making fun of the stickiness of the two young people, and bursting into smiles of goodwill from time to time.

After shopping, it was already dawn.

"Brother Yingjie, you've been like this all the time, okay?" He Tiantian was worried about work in a blink of an eye, and Huo Yingjie would become a fool in the daytime.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "Well, I've always loved you like this!"

Hearing this, He Tiantian's heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

On the way, He Tiantian told Huo Yingjie what happened during this period, and Huo Yingjie also talked about his situation.

But as the sun rose and got closer and closer to the alley of the big elm tree, He Tiantian found that Huo Yingjie's speech had become dull, and he became ignorant again.

(End of this chapter)

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