Chapter 571 Reply, study hard

Qi Zhengmin's arrival made Grandma Qi's house even more lively.

Because He Tiantian is pregnant, Wang Shuping, and He Jingyu have to work, so the family affairs are all under He Tiantian's command, and Huo Yingjie, Qi Zhengmin, and Qi Zhenghan do it together.

Fortunately, it is summer, and there is nothing else to do except washing clothes and cooking.

In the small yard of Grandma Qi San, there are Grandpa Qi, Grandma Qi San, and children He Doudou. It is easier to take care of children if there are more people.

The baby in He Tiantian's belly was three months old, and Huo Yingjie directly telegraphed to Nanshi and Yanjing: "I'm three months pregnant!"

When these six short words were in Huo Zhekun's hands, he almost cried with joy!
He's going to be a grandpa too!
Huo Zhekun couldn't wait to share the news with his wife at night, so he went directly to his wife's hospital during lunch, fortunately it was not far away.

When Jiang Lifang heard that He Tiantian was three months pregnant, she laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, and scolded, "You brat, Yingjie, why are you telling us now?"

"After all, the first three months were relatively fragile. Now that it's been three months, it's for the sake of the child." Huo Zhekun said with a smile, "But this is finally good news!"

"Yes." Jiang Lifang smiled, "We are very busy now, so we don't have time, but send more money and tickets from the family so that they don't have to save."

"Okay!" Huo Zhekun said, "I haven't eaten yet, so I just went to the cafeteria of your hospital to eat something to fill my stomach."

Jiang Lifang took Huo Zhekun to the canteen of the hospital.

Jiang Lifang is tall and slender when she was young, but she gradually became fatter after she was 40 years old. In fact, she was either fat or plump.

It's just that Huo Zhekun is still so thin and tall, and with his good looks, standing beside Jiang Lifang attracts many people's attention.

Someone who knew him whispered that it was Deputy Mayor Huo.

During the meal, Huo Zhekun and Jiang Lifang talked softly, slightly gentle, envious of those middle-aged women.

Comparing the men in the family, it is really hard to compare people to others, and to compare goods with one another!
When Deputy Director Feng saw Huo Zhekun, he was so angry that he didn't eat a few bites.

Back then, the family matched her and Huo Zhekun, but Huo Zhekun, who is short-sighted, looked down on her, and he really liked Jiang Lifang, that stupid big guy.

Seeing her aunt like this, Feng Qiaoqiao vaguely understood why her aunt and Director Jiang were at odds.When she was a child, she heard from her mother that her aunt liked a man, but that man didn't like her aunt and married someone else, which made her aunt always worry about her.

When Wang Bing saw Huo Zhekun, he thought of the younger and handsome Huo Yingjie.

Hey, it's just that it's too late, Huo Yingjie is already married.

If she had known that Huo Yingjie had such a family background, she would have done it long ago, and she could still leave it to that annoying little woman.

Jiang Lifang glanced at Deputy Director Feng, and then whispered: "Someone has no love for you!"

"Who is it!" Huo Zhekun didn't turn his head, and looked at his narrow-minded wife with a smile.

"Feng Li!" Jiang Lifang said, "Because of you, we both work in a hospital anyway, and she has always disliked me. Similarly, I have disliked her too."

"Oh, so it's her!" Huo Zhekun said, "I haven't seen you for so many years, let me see if she has changed?"

"Don't look at it!" Jiang Lifang glared at her, "She is not serious, so you are too!"

"Hehe, let me tell you, I'm going to be a grandma soon, and I'm still jealous." Huo Zhekun said with a smile, his wife was nervous about him, not to mention how beautiful he was.

Jiang Lifang suddenly thought of the many twins in Qijia Village, and thought that it might be possible for He Tiantian to live in Qijia Village for so long!
Thinking of this, Jiang Lifang's heart became hot, and she put Feng Li to the back of her mind, and said, "Old Huo, do you think Tiantian's baby will be twins?"

Huo Zhekun was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Whether it's twins or single, as long as the adults and children are safe and healthy."

"Hey, I really want to go see it now." Jiang Lifang said, "But I won't be able to help if I go, and I will add trouble to Shuping."

"Tiantian is in Nanshi, so we can't rest assured. After all, the two of us are so busy at work. In Qijia Village, it's even better." Huo Zhekun said, "Now Yingjie, Tiantian is married, should we put Tiantian Sweet's account has moved back?"

"That's true." Jiang Lifang nodded, "Write a letter tonight and ask about Tiantian's situation. If she is willing, then move back. From now on, the child will be a registered permanent residence in Nanshi, so you don't have to worry about moving back and forth."

Although there was no discussion in advance, the two sides thought of a piece.

Mr. Huo and Mrs. Yang of Yanjing were also very happy when they received the telegram.

Like Jiang Lifang, he sent money and various bills to Huo Yingjie and He Tiantian, so that they would not wrong him.

Some time ago, the grandson's daughter-in-law gave birth to a great-grandson, and the old couple were so happy from ear to ear. They were even more happy when they heard that He Tiantian was pregnant, and the Huo family was about to have another baby.

Only when the branches and leaves are luxuriant can the family prosper.

He Tiantian received a letter from his parents-in-law, and Huo Yingjie replied directly, asking his father to find a way to transfer He Tiantian's household registration to Nanshi, and said that he would return to Nanshi after the child was born.

A summer vacation passed quickly, Qi Zhengmin was about to start school, and Qi Zhenghan had to work, so he had to pack his bags and leave.

This is Qi Zhenghan's sad place. The woman he likes has become someone else's bride, so he can't wait to leave here.

Qi Zhengmin liked the family and the scenery here, and took a lot of photos, especially the kid He Doudou.

Before they returned to China, Bai Qiongyu specifically asked Qi Zhengmin to take more photos of He Jingyu's family. For this reason, she gave Qi Zhengmin a new camera and a large box of film.

After her grandchildren left, Third Grandma Qi felt a bit lost, but she was a free and easy person, and she had already adjusted in just one day, and she was still the blessed old lady who smiled all day long.

Qijia Primary School has started, and He Tiantian can no longer be a teacher.

Miss Qi often comes to talk to He Tiantian about school affairs. At the same time, Miss Qi also realizes the importance of knowledge. She teaches herself the knowledge of junior high school.

According to Qi Daniu's efforts, it is estimated that she will be admitted to a normal technical secondary school next year.

For her daughter to become a teacher, Aunt Liu is very much in favor of her, and she is clean and decent. Now those who talk about being close have almost leveled the threshold of Aunt Liu's family.

But Aunt Liu's vision is high now, and she is slowly searching. Anyway, her daughter is not old, and she can stay for two years.

In private, He Tiantian told Wang Lei, Sister Wu, Zhang Qingshan, and Ye Xiaofan that the news that they might take the college entrance examination next year made them secretly study harder.

Huang Jingli is also smart. Seeing that everyone is reading hard, she thought it was to improve the teaching level. Later, when they saw those topics, they were from high school, so they secretly memorized them and followed them secretly.

If you don't know, just ask, Sister Wu, Ye Xiaofan, they are also making rapid progress.

 After receiving so many rewards, I worked hard to save the manuscript, and NO.18 will be updated.Thank you happyhecat for the reward of He Shibi, and other readers, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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