Chapter 572 Oops, good thing!
Secretary Qi also noticed something strange, and secretly came to find He Jingyu.

He Jingyu thought for a while, and talked to Village Chief Qi in private, and said, "Brother Qi, what I said is all speculation, and it may not be accurate, as long as you know it in your heart."

"Brother He, don't worry about me! Don't worry, even if it spreads, it's my Qi Dazhu who spread it, not you." Village head Qi is straightforward, as long as it is beneficial to Qijia Village, he will find ways to do it.

"Hehe, let me tell you." He Jingyu smiled, "You see, the primary and junior high schools have started, and the university is probably not far away."

"Isn't the university enrolling students? The Ergou in our village is sent through recommendation." Qi Dazhu said, not understanding He Jingyu's words.

He Jingyu looked around and said: "Qi Ergou in our village graduated from junior high school, and he scrambled and crawled with Professor Wang. Professor Gu studied for a few months before going to college. Strong graduates, not to mention other recommended students, good and bad. Maybe you can't find the disadvantages before, but when you get to work, especially in some science and engineering, it's not just reciting a few sentences, writing a few praise articles, and drawing drawings. Solve practical problems. In this way, these college students will not be able to achieve the role they imagined, and they can’t always be like this, so the way of selecting talents will be changed.”

Village head Qi slapped his thigh when he heard this, and said, "Oh, Brother He, you reminded me of this. Once, Ergou was drinking at my house and said that a college student who was assigned to Huaishi Machinery Factory with him, I can’t even draw blueprints, it’s just a decoration, and people look down on me in the factory. At that time, I thought that people didn’t work hard, and I listened to it as a joke, but I didn’t think about the deep-seated problems.”

"Yes, the country has spent so much effort to train people, but later found that the good and the bad are mixed, and they have not played their due role. Of course it will change!" He Jingyu said, "Don't you think so?"

"Of course, it's like growing crops in our fields. If they don't grow well, we always have to find out why. If the seeds are not good, we can just change the seeds next year." Secretary Qi made a very appropriate analogy.

"Yes, that's the truth." He Jingyu said, "Then Wang Lei and Zhang Qingshan are also smart. Seeing Tiantian, Huo Yingjie is reading at home and often comes to copy the questions. I guess he has some ideas in his heart."

"My God, if this is the case, these young people in the city and people in the village are all going to take college entrance examinations, then our Qijia Elementary School has no teachers, wouldn't we have to suspend classes?" While seeing hope, we also saw disadvantages.

"Hehe, it's true." He Jingyu said, "But you can think so too! Now that elementary and middle schools have resumed classes, when they stabilize, there will naturally be many former teachers who are willing to return to their old jobs. The treatment in our Qijia Village Youhou, you're afraid that you won't be able to attract a good teacher!"

Secretary Qi thought about it, nodded and said: "What you said is that if I have time, I have to go to the commune and ask Big Brother Niu to help find excellent teachers. After all, those young people in the city and those in the village The people here were also students before, without experience, they just crossed the river by feeling the stones."

"Yes, we have good treatment. If you are a teacher from a distant place, you can provide a dormitory." He Jingyu said, "So after you plant the plane tree, you can always welcome the golden phoenix. Also, based on my guess , if the talent selection exam is resumed, because there has been no exam for too long, maybe the first year's questions are not difficult. In this way, this is an opportunity..."

When Village Chief Qi heard this, the muscles on his face twitched.

Oh, what a good thing!
"Brother He, I know this matter well. It may be a little inappropriate to blatantly ask everyone to go to tutoring, but I can use the reason of adult literacy to gather some young people with self-motivation and study hard." Village Chief Qi He has his own calculations in mind, his eldest grandson is sixteen this year.After the fifth grade, classes will be suspended. After literacy, it is estimated to be at the level of elementary school graduation. If you work hard, you may be able to catch up with this good time.

Now Qi Ergou is a role model in the village. Secretary Qi also wants his grandson to be a scholar and a cultural person in the future.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." He Jingyu smiled and didn't care.

More than half a year has passed since [-], and it is estimated that the official documents will be issued at the end of the year or next spring.

After the head of Qi village returned, he restarted the work of the literacy class in Qijia village.

Teach the children during the day, and the teachers in the school at night take turns teaching the young people in the village.

Some people think that literacy is enough, and they are not willing to go, but Village Chief Qi is not reluctant.

Learning this kind of thing is all based on self-consciousness. If you don't want to talk about it, if you don't have a vision, he can't control it.

Especially the eldest grandson of village chief Qi, who didn't want to study, Secretary Qi came to be tough, holding a stick by the side, unwilling to go to literacy, so he was beaten a few times; if he didn't study hard, he was beaten a few times.

Very harsh.

Some people saw that village chief Qi used sticks in order to let his grandson learn, and they all thought carefully.

In the hearts of the villagers, Village Chief Qi is a shrewd person, the kind who is only a few hairs less smart than Sun Monkey.There must be a reason for Village Chief Qi to spend so much effort to let his grandson learn.

So they came to ask.

Village head Qi said that the child is naughty and cannot be taught.

This reason is a bit far-fetched, but it has led many parents to send their children to literacy classes.

Anyway, follow Village Chief Qi, there is meat to eat, you can't go wrong.

The villagers may not have great wisdom, but they have a very simple and simple wisdom, which is to follow the trend.

Not to mention, there was a wave of learning up and down in Qijia Village, and several other village party secretaries from the same Qijia Village saw the clues.

They were very familiar with Secretary Qi's unprofitable and early temper, and they mobilized young people to come over to eliminate illiteracy.

But because of the long distance, only a small part of them came to study.

Village head Qi is happy to see this kind of learning, and welcomes it.

Just when there was a school wave in Qijia Primary School, Huo Yingjie received an order from the Nanshi Science and Technology Research Institute, asking Huo Yingjie to report to the Science and Technology Research Institute within half a month.

Huo Yingjie looked at He Tiantian's slightly swollen belly, feeling a little bit reluctant.

This is their first child and he wants to be with his wife, with his children.

He Jingyu, He Tiantian, Wang Shuping, Grandma Qi, and Grandpa Qi were all there, unable to do anything about this order.

They have been instilled in their hearts that a country is greater than a family, and without a country, there is no home, so they couldn't say anything about letting Huo Yingjie stay at home and be with He Tiantian.

He Tiantian hoped that her husband would stay by her side, but she was afraid of delaying Huo Yingjie's future.

(End of this chapter)

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