Chapter 784 Tang Ping'an, Martial Arts Novel
Because He Tiantian was the initiator and provided some financial support, this activity had a huge impact on Class [-] of the Chinese Department of the [-]th grade.

While everyone is studying hard, some people who like to create start to write novels seriously, writing down some ideas and plots with pens.Maybe it won't be published, maybe it won't be famous, but the students get exercise.

On this day, He Tiantian was reading the manuscript submitted by everyone.

Some articles are very good; others are mediocre.

A student called Tang Ping'an knocked on the door and came in.This student usually doesn't like to talk, but his grades are very good.

However, the articles that have been handed in these few times, like essays, are not outstanding.

However, this is an extracurricular activity, and it all depends on the students' self-consciousness. He Tiantian doesn't want to interfere too much. Maybe Tang Pingan's ambition is not here, so she doesn't force it.

"Come in." He Tiantian said softly, raising her head.

Tang Pingan came in.

"Mr. He, hello, I wrote a novel, but it's not a traditional novel, it's... an idle book..." Tang Pingan finally took out a thick stack of books from behind his back. The book was bound with manuscript paper, with a nervous expression and some covers.

"Idle books?" He Tiantian was taken aback, as long as it wasn't a pornographic book, it didn't matter if it was related to politics, "It's okay, let me read it! By the way, what subject are you writing about?"

Tang Ping'an's face was a little red, but since he came, he still decided to speak out his thoughts.

If he doesn't say it this time, he won't have the courage.

After all, in order to have courage, Tang Ping'an had considered for several days and encouraged himself before daring to come here.

Tang Pingan handed the book to He Tiantian, and said softly, "This is a martial arts novel I wrote..."

This is an idle book, and he is worried that the teacher will dislike him for not doing his job properly.

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Oh, I like to read martial arts novels. Mr. Liang Qichao once said that the great chivalrous ones serve the country and the people. The small chivalrous ones serve friends and neighbors."

"Mr. He, have you read martial arts novels?" Tang Pingan was taken aback. Many people hadn't read them, so he was a little surprised to hear that Mr. He had read them.

He Tiantian smiled and said: "I have a friend in Xiangjiang who will send me some books, including a martial arts novel. It is very exciting and I like it very much. By the way, why did you think of writing a martial arts novel? What is your original intention?" ?"

"Hehe." Tang Pingan scratched his head, "I have relatives who smuggled to Xiangjiang before, and now they can come and go normally, so I often come back and bring back a lot of martial arts novels. I like it very much. I study hard and get admitted to the Chinese Department. I think in the future I can write my own martial arts novel and make it into a TV series.”

"Well, well, the idea is good." He Tiantian smiled, "I wrote it down, I'll take a look first. If the writing is good, I can submit it for you."

"Is it really possible to get Xiangjiang's contribution?" Tang Ping'an asked in surprise, a little unbelievable.

"Hehe!" He Tiantian smiled, "If you write well, of course you can! Don't worry, I'll take a look first to see if there is anything that needs to be revised, or I will find someone to comment on it for you. Submit again. Otherwise, if you submit rashly, if you don’t win, wouldn’t it be a blow to your enthusiasm?”

Tang Pingan thought about it, smiled honestly, and said, "Thank you teacher, I understand."

"Yeah!" He Tiantian nodded, "Actually, think about it, it's not just martial arts novels that can be made into TV dramas. Some historical figures' biographies are also very good. For example, Tang Taizong's, Han Wudi, Spring and Autumn Warring States, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, each dynasty has many wonderful characters. If some stories can be used to make these characters come alive, at the same time, the costumes, life details, interests, etc. in the stories can make the characters more full, It’s also a very good idea.”

Tang Pingan listened, his eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. He, I have a lot of thoughts in my heart."

"Okay, work hard, you will succeed." He Tiantian encouraged, and put Tang Pingan's manuscript in her bag.

Tang Ping'an excitedly left with hands and feet, and left the office lightly.

He Tiantian packed her things, finished the work at hand, and had half an hour to get off work, so she took out Tang Pingan's manuscript to have a look.

Ah, this kid wrote well!
The manuscript is neat, apparently recopied.

The beginning is also good, and the plot is also good.

This kid has a future!

Before I knew it, it was six o'clock.

"Is Mr. He still not off work?" Mr. He was always the first one to leave the office before, why is he so engrossed in watching today.

"Ah?" He Tiantian was taken aback, "It's already off work, so I have to go back quickly. I'm going home late, and the two children are going to have a fight."

Before leaving, I didn’t forget to put the manuscript in the bag, and took out the book I packed before, and I didn’t read it, I just read this today.

After He Tiantian had eaten and put the child to sleep, she took out the manuscript and continued to read.

At 12:30 at night, Grandma Wang got up at night and saw that there were still lights in He Tiantian's house, so she came to have a look.

Seeing that He Tiantian was still reading, Grandma Wang reminded, "Tiantian, go to bed early and stop reading."

He Tian nodded, and said, "Yeah, I know Grandma Wang, I'll sleep right away."

"I don't sleep for ten nights, I am young, I don't know how to cherish my body." Grandma Wang was dissatisfied, thinking that young people don't cherish their bodies.

"Oh, I see." He Tiantian came out, helped Grandma Wang get up at night, and sent Grandma Wang to the house, and then went back to sleep.

He Tiantian closed her eyes, and kept recalling what she saw just now, which was rich and colorful.

Oh, this Tang Ping'an is a talent!
Day thinking, night dreaming.

He Tiantian dreamed at night that she became a generation of chivalrous women. Of course, the male lead was directly replaced by He Tiantian into Huo Yingjie's appearance.

The world is full of turmoil, grievances and hatreds.

Reign of terror, ups and downs.

He Tiantian had a colorful and long dream, as if she had enjoyed the love between her son and daughter in the rivers and lakes.

When she woke up the next day, He Tiantian could still recall the scene in her dream.

"Hehe, interesting." He Tiantian smiled, "After reading it, I'll polish it up a bit and send it out."

He Tiantian packed up the manuscript and took it to school. When you are free, you can read it and read it as soon as possible.

At the same time, Tang Ping'an became more confident because of He Tiantian's praise. He dared to raise his head to listen to the class.

Tang Ping'an has been writing hard, and if nothing happens, he will definitely become a famous martial arts novelist.

(End of this chapter)

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