Chapter 785 Wonderful, contribution

A few days later, He Tiantian finally finished watching it.

He Tiantian wanted to modify it, but found that she didn't know how to modify it. In the end, she only corrected a few typos and punctuation marks.

It may be that He Tiantian has been praising this book for the past few days, and Huo Zhekun is also very curious.

"Tiantian, it's really as good as you said, why don't you show it to me." Huo Zhekun said, "I can also give you the staff of the students."

"Okay!" He Tiantian smiled, "However, this is a manuscript. When you read it, be careful not to damage it."

Huo Zhekun nodded and said, "Okay!"

After Huo Zhekun took it, he liked it very much, and kept watching until late at night.

If Jiang Lifang wasn't angry, Huo Zhekun would probably stay up late to read it, which shows the appeal of his novels.

The next morning, Jiang Lifang asked, "Tiantian, that book is so beautiful. Your father-in-law read it in the middle of the night yesterday. If I hadn't gotten angry, he might have read it the same way. I'm getting older, and if I don't sleep, the dark circles under my eyes are very obvious."

Huo Zhekun, who was eating breakfast opposite, was a little embarrassed, and said with a smirk: "It's been a long time since I read such a beautiful novel! You see, I usually read documents for a rare pastime, so please don't say a few words about me. I won't stay up all night anymore."

"That's about the same." Jiang Lifang said enough was enough, and she couldn't keep taunting her husband in front of her daughter-in-law.

"Dad, do you also think this book is good?" He Tiantian asked, wanting to hear Huo Zhekun's suggestion.

Huo Zhekun nodded and said: "Well, very good, very good. The links are intertwined, the characters are distinct, and the novels I read are better than before. By the way, who wrote this?"

"It's a student in my class." He Tiantian said proudly, "We have writing activities in our class, and many people are writing in their spare time. Several people's writing has been published in newspapers and magazines."

"That's right." Huo Zhekun said, "Cultural aspects are also liberalized now. Although it is not as blooming as it was in the Spring and Autumn Period, there are still many excellent works appearing to enrich the cultural market."

"Yes, I think so too." He Tiantian said, "There are so many excellent people, but they can't all become officials, and some of them must be engaged in cultural undertakings. By the way, Dad, you said I sent this book to Go to Xiangjiang and prepare to submit a manuscript, can you?"

Huo Zhekun thought for a while, and said: "Hey, there are no newspapers and magazines that publish this kind of novel in China. It is also good to submit to Xiangjiang. Try it? Maybe it will be published!"

"I think so too." He Tiantian smiled. It was the first time for He Tiantian to be a head teacher seriously. She hoped that the students in her class could give full play to their strengths and have a broader space for development in the future.

After getting affirmation from her father-in-law, He Tiantian started to work.

These manuscripts were written by Tang Ping'an stroke by stroke. He Tiantian was reluctant to mail them out, and went to the library to make copies.

He Tiantian made a rough calculation and found that only one-third of the [-]-character martial arts novels have been written. The handwriting is neat and ready for submission.

He Tiantian went to the library and spent five yuan to copy the stack of manuscripts, and then bound them neatly.

He Tiantian called Tang Ping'an to the office, and said, "Tang Ping'an, this is your manuscript, you take it back first. I've already read it, and it's very well written. You have to continue with the creation later."

When Tang Pingan heard that He Tiantian asked him to take back the manuscript, his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, thinking that he could not write well and could not contribute.

So, dejected, stood aside.

He Tiantian asked again: "By the way, what pen name are you going to use?"

"Pseudonym?" Tang Ping'an was taken aback for a moment. He couldn't submit a manuscript. Why do you want a penname?
"Yes, I'm going to submit articles to you through some channels, but usually I use a pen name, and you can also think of a cool pen name." He Tiantian smiled, "Don't worry, you still have three days to think about it."

"Ah?" Happiness came too fast, and Tang Ping'an couldn't get used to it, "Teacher, didn't you return the manuscript to me? Then what did you submit it for?"

He Tiantian smiled, and said: "This is your manuscript, such a precious thing, how can you submit it? Besides, you should keep a copy in your hand for emergencies. Also, if you I will become a great writer in the future, these are all priceless things, even if they can’t be sold at a high price. Take the manuscripts back and collect them carefully. I have copies here, you can see.”

He Tiantian took out the ordered copies, neatly.

Tang Ping'an was moved when he heard He Tiantian's words, tears were about to flow down his cheeks.

In the past, at home, his parents always said that he wrote some things indiscriminately, which might bring trouble to the family; relatives and friends also said that he was delusional.

Almost no one is optimistic about him.

But after going to college, he met a good teacher.

Care for them in life and guide them in learning.

Maybe He Tiantian is not a knowledgeable teacher, but she is definitely a good teacher who is good at developing students' thinking and encouraging students.

There are many knowledgeable teachers, but there are only a handful of teachers who truly have an open mind like Mr. He.

"Thank you, Teacher He." Tang Pingan thanked and bowed to He Tiantian.

"You're welcome." He Tiantian smiled, "When I returned the manuscript to you just now, you were disappointed and sad, as if there was no hope. I am very worried about your state. No one can submit the manuscript. I don’t know if I can publish it. In case of failure, the teacher hopes that you will become more and more courageous instead of sluggish. You are still young, if you have such a heavy heart of gains and losses, it will have a good influence on you. As a teacher who gives you advice, I also hope would feel guilty."

Tang Pingan wiped away his tears and said, "Teacher He, don't worry, I was disappointed just now, but I won't be depressed."

Even in order not to make the teacher feel guilty, he can't be depressed.

As the teacher said, the more frustrated, the more courageous.

"Okay, work hard, boy." He Tiantian smiled and said, "You go back first, and come and tell me when you think about it."

"Well, goodbye, Mr. He." Tang Ping'an bowed respectfully and left.

When Tang Ping'an left, Mr. Wu, who was in the same office, asked with a smile: "Mr. He, did you really contribute to your students? It will cost a lot of money to send it to Xiangjiang, and there is no one there, probably no one." look."

He Tiantian smiled and said: "It's worth trying. They are my students and they are very talented. I can help them if I have the ability, so I will do my best. As for spending money, I don't spend much. When someone sends her something, send this manuscript by the way and ask her to contribute it for me."

When Teacher Wu heard this, she was very envious and said, "I really envy He Tiantian, you have so many overseas connections."

(End of this chapter)

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