Chapter 968 Cultivation
Because my son and daughter-in-law are here, I no longer dare to hide in the house.

When the daughter-in-law gets angry, it's still him who is ashamed!

Huo Zhekun said that he was very hurt.

However, he also knew that his wife was doing it for his own good and didn't care about her.

After dinner, Huo Zhekun pulled Huo Yingjie into the study.

Jiang Lifang was worried about her husband and son, so she came over to make tea herself, and said, "If you have anything to do, discuss it quickly, and it should not exceed eleven o'clock. If you don't go to bed at eleven o'clock, I will definitely show you!"

Jiang Lifang's tone was firm and her words were sonorous and forceful.

"Okay, okay, it's eleven o'clock." Huo Zhekun hurriedly agreed. If he didn't agree, his wife probably wouldn't leave now.

Huo Zhekun, who had been humiliated just now, didn't want to humiliate him again in front of his daughter-in-law.

Seeing that her husband was so obedient, Jiang Lifang returned victorious like a victorious general.

Huo Zhekun closed the door, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sighed: "Hey, your mother is in menopause, and her temper is scary, she can do whatever she wants, and she will never give up until she reaches her goal!"

"Hehe, since you know, then just follow my mother in everything from now on, won't it be fine!" Huo Yingjie said, "Besides, my mother also cares about you for your own good."

"I know, I understand." Huo Zhekun said, "Come on, read it quickly, let's discuss."

Huo Zhekun couldn't wait.

Seeing his father like this, Huo Yingjie didn't delay any longer. It was already seven o'clock.

If you don't watch and discuss it as soon as possible, my father will definitely delay it until after eleven o'clock, and my mother will make trouble again.

Huo Yingjie used 10 minutes to read the five pieces of paper written by his father. The main problems were mentioned by his father, and there were still some details that needed to be improved.

Huo Yingjie took out the manuscript paper and discussed it with his father one by one to make it more perfect.

The discussion lasted for three hours. At ten o'clock, the father and son drank several pots of tea and went to the toilet several times.

Huo Zhekun carefully copied down all the main points, read them carefully, and the more he read, the more excited he became.

"It's eleven o'clock, it's time to go to bed." Jiang Lifang called someone on time, "Isn't it done yet?"

"Okay, Dad, Mom, I'm going to rest first." Huo Yingjie hurried away. As for the flirting and scolding between his parents before, he was no longer a spectator.

Parents quarreled and bickered, and he was the poor "chiyu" next to him.

Parents will not stop twisting his ears just because he has already married and established a business.

"Well, you should go to bed earlier." Jiang Lifang nodded, making room for her son.

Huo Zhekun was happy in his heart. Although he was very excited, he did not contradict his wife. After carefully checking the seven pieces of paper, he put them in the drawer and locked them.

"Okay, I'm tired too, wash up and rest." Huo Zhekun said with a smile, "Let's go, go to bed quickly, if you don't go to bed early, you will grow old in the future."

"Hmph!" Jiang Lifang snorted coldly, "I'm getting old because of you. I was already asleep. If you don't sleep, I'm always worried about you. Hurry up, I'm sleepy."

"Okay, okay, go to bed early." Huo Zhekun smiled apologetically, it's late at night, no quarrels are allowed.

After Huo Zhekun washed up, when he returned to the room, his wife Jiang Lifang was already asleep.

He lay on the bed, turned off the lights, couldn't fall asleep, and thought over and over again the suggestions discussed with his son today, and he could almost recite them.

Huo Zhekun didn't hand it in immediately, but thought twice, made some revisions, and discussed it with his son Huo Yingjie again.

After several rounds and three rounds, Huo Zhekun directly became the big leader through a special channel.

The big leader has a long-term vision and has always stood at the highest point. He has also seen many problems, and he is also a think tank to discuss countermeasures together.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

Especially the state-owned enterprises that are now involved in the lifeline of the national economy are the foundation of the country and the most important thing.

When Huo Zhekun submitted the eight-page report, the leader was stunned.

In detail, almost all the problems in state-owned enterprises are pointed out, and relatively practical and effective methods are proposed.It is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and it is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but it is based on the actual situation and starts with how to increase the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.

The big leader read this report word for word for three days.

Read it several times a day, carefully consider it, study it, and understand the truth in every word.

The gold content of this report is no more than the guiding document and report on reform and opening up that Huo Zhekun produced in the early days of reform and opening up. It can be directly formulated into policies.

After several years, we followed the report completely, and achieved more than expected results.

After much deliberation, Mr. took out this report and called people in charge of the economy, as well as financial, administrative and other departments in charge of the economy, as well as some experts, scholars and think tanks.

After everyone saw it, their eyes lit up.

They were amazed at the incisiveness and reasonableness of these statements and methods.

They also thought of some bits and pieces before, but they were not so complete.This report covers almost all the issues that all of them can think of.

After discussion, Mr. directly asked someone to intercept the first half and publish it on the internal reference, which aroused a huge response.

The most talked about recently is this half of the article.

When Huo Zhekun saw the article on the internal reference, he knew his report, and everyone had seen it and studied it carefully.

Mr. Huo Zhekun's approval is very forward-looking and effective in execution.

Mr. Huo Zhekun paid more attention to Huo Zhekun, and he felt that he was not only a feudal official with good governance, but also a very forward-looking reformer and economist.

There are not many people who are capable in official career, have rich knowledge of economics, and are forward-looking.

If there is, it is a top pillar of talent.

After this article, the big leaders began to gradually train Huo Zhekun, hoping that he could go further and further on the road of economic reform.

Mr. Huo, Huo Zhekun, and Huo Yingjun were silent in the study when they read this article.

"Second brother is reckless this time, doesn't he know that doing so will offend people?" Although Mr. Huo was pleased with his son's ability, he also saw the backside of this article, which would harm the interests of many people.

Huo Zhe nodded and said, "Father, the situation is like this, but I'm not pessimistic."

"Oh?" Mr. Huo asked, "tell me."

"These problems have actually appeared, but everyone hasn't figured it out yet. The second brother just thought a step more than others, which proves that he is very capable and predictable, especially in economic policy." Huo Zheqian said, "This will indeed harm the interests of some people, but at the same time it will bring benefits to most people, and at the same time it can improve competitiveness and the country's financial capacity."

(End of this chapter)

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