Chapter 969 Selfishness, Familiar Strangers

Huo Yingjun, who was listening carefully, couldn't help but speak and express his views.

"Grandpa, Dad, I also think that Uncle Er writes well." Huo Yingjun said, "It is better to find a problem and solve it as soon as possible than when the factory is completely dead and there is no chance at all. It is very advantageous, as long as you want to change, you can always take the lead and benefit the country and the people."

After all, the state-owned enterprises have contacts and resources. If they are not doing well, it can only be said that it is due to people.

"Well, what Yingjun said is true." Huo Zheqian said, "Dad, if you are worried, then call your second brother back and let's talk carefully."

Mr. Huo thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "No need, it's been sent out anyway, so there's nothing to worry about, it's better to do more activities to make the second article more influential."

Mr. Huo is getting older, and he hopes to be more stable.

"Well, anyway, Yanjing, our family has a solid foundation, so you don't have to worry about your second brother." Huo Zheqian comforted him, he was optimistic about his second brother.

The old leader also discussed with him yesterday, and while he kept praising him, there was respect in his eyes, which proves that the old leader is also optimistic about the writing and talent of the second brother.

The grandparents and grandchildren were worried, but more excited.

Since Huo Zhekun's article was published on the internal reference, after everyone saw it, some people who had a good relationship with Huo Zhekun came over one after another, with excitement and anticipation in their words.

Because the implementation of every measure will employ people.

At this time, it is a great time to make meritorious deeds.

Li Qiang even dragged Huo Zhekun to discuss all day long, discussing whether to implement it in some enterprises in Nanshi first.

Huo Zhekun smiled and said: "I'm just presenting the problem I think, as for how to implement it, it's not up to us to decide. After all, this is a big cake, and it's absolutely impossible for us to eat it. It is estimated that other people will also come Cut the cake."

"Oh, it's a pity, it's all thanks to you." Li Qiang and Huo Zhekun have always had a good relationship with each other, which is why Nanshi can achieve such a great achievement. Looking at the whole country, it is also one of the best.

"Hehe, the cake is too big for us to eat. Besides, this is something that offends people, and the more people do it, the better." Huo Zhekun and his son have already discussed the consequences, so they look forward to more people getting involved.

Anyway, what he and his son have researched are correct. He is confident and not worried.

"That's right." Li Qiang said, "No matter what happens in the future, I will support you. Let's do a good job."

"Well, good." Huo Zhekun echoed, it's much better to have a leader who supports him than a leader who hinders him.

After Huo Zhekun returned home, he told his son about the current situation.

"Hehe, everything is within our expectations, Dad, you should do it seriously." Huo Yingjie said with a smile. His father has been in the officialdom for so many years, and he knows how to protect himself wisely while achieving political achievements.

Huo Yingjie was never worried about this.

"Okay, I hope those policies can come down as soon as possible." Huo Zhekun said with a smile, "In this case, the specific measures we have prepared can be implemented."

"Yes." Huo Yingjie smiled and agreed very much, "However, don't submit your specific policies."

"Of course, after submitting it, they will all do what I say, and when everyone's grades are equally good, won't it be impossible to show me?" Huo Zhekun smiled triumphantly, with a plan in mind.

However, Huo Zhekun didn't expect that although those leaders who participated in the experimental area of ​​state-owned enterprise reform wanted to take a share, and even recited Huo Zhekun's articles on the internal reference, they didn't know the details.As a result, those people with background and strength have already been eyeing Nanshi.

Anyway, they will do whatever Huo Zhekun does!
After all, it was proposed by Huo Zhekun, who was more thoughtful than them.

Jiang Lifang doesn't understand and doesn't want to know about He Tiantian's affairs between men.

The mother-in-law Jiang Lifang was reluctant to part with the old house in Big Elm Lane. On Sundays, she took He Tiantian and the children went back to have a look.Clean up and take out the things at home to dry.

The children were playing in the familiar yard, Jiang Lifang and He Tiantian started drying things.

"Sweetie, we won't go back at noon, you go outside to buy some food and come back, let's eat whatever you want." Jiang Lifang smiled, "We will go back together in the afternoon when the sun is dry."

"Okay." He Tiantian responded, "Okay, you guys are at home, I'll go buy something to eat."

He Tiantian didn't ask her mother-in-law what she likes to eat, because the careful He Tiantian knows the preferences of all the family members.

He Tiantian took her wallet and walked two blocks to a lively neighborhood where there were many restaurants.Because of having a child, He Tiantian went to a shop of Huaiyang cuisine, boiled dried shredded rice, stir-fried cabbage sum, pine nut corn, squirrel mandarin fish, stewed crab meat and lion head, and three sets of duck.

It is not easy to take it back after ordering so much.

So I came back and asked Zhang Ning to come back, take the mother-in-law and the child, and eat together.

While waiting for the food, He Tiantian took the opportunity to go to the bathroom, and bumped into a person at the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He Tiantian apologized quickly. In fact, He Tiantian can't be blamed. According to the habit, she basically walks to the right.

He Tiantian was walking on the right, that woman should have walked on the other side, but the woman on the opposite side was walking to the left, and collided with He Tiantian at the turn.

But when he bumped into someone, He Tiantian apologized habitually.

"It's okay." The woman said, straightened her clothes, looked up for a moment, then lowered her head, and walked a few steps quickly.

He Tiantian was a little curious. She was [-]% sure that she didn't know that woman, but at the same time, she was also sure that when that woman saw her, she obviously knew her with her look and eyes.

He Tiantian turned around and looked at the somewhat staggering figure, as if running away in a panic.

He Tiantian was puzzled, but she was in a hurry to go to the toilet, and she would go to have a look later.

He Tiantian felt very familiar with that person's back, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

Moreover, just now, she even had a strange feeling.

It's just that when He Tiantian came out of the bathroom and went to look for it again, she didn't see the woman again.

"Hello, did you see a woman with curly hair in a shawl, a little shorter than me, fair skin, and wearing a red dress?" He Tiantian asked the waiter standing at the door.

The waiter thought for a while, and said, "The woman checked out a few minutes ago and left."

"Then do you remember which way you went?" He Tiantian asked again, she didn't know why she kept trying to break the casserole and ask the end.

"Go out and go to the right." The waiter replied, and the reason why she remembered it so clearly was because the woman was dressed very fashionable and beautiful.

"Thank you!" He Tiantian finished speaking, opened the door and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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