1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 97 "He Tiantian with no conscience"

Chapter 97 "He Tiantian with no conscience"

This time, the daughter was prosecuted, and it wasn't because she fell in love with her beauty, and she began to take revenge on her if she didn't obey!

If it was before, He Tiantian would be afraid, but now that she has the snake king, she is not afraid at all!
"It's okay, Dali is the biggest in the world. As long as I do things well, Qijia Village is not a place where one person can talk. I will protect myself, you, don't worry." He Tiantian comforted, hoping to be relieved Father.

"Hey, I hope so, you will be fine." He Jingyu said with relief, her daughter has grown up and sensible.It's just that his daughter's growth was not taught by him, which made him feel lost as a father.

"I will, Dad." He Tiantian assured, pouring wine for Uncle Huo and He Jingyu, "Drink, drink!"

"Come on, old He, let's have a drink." Huo Zhekun took a sip from the glass. He wanted to drink it for a long time, but there was no suitable appetizer before, and drinking was boring.

Today, there is wine and meat, meat and vegetarian food, you can enjoy it.

In the evening when Jiang Lifang came back from the hospital, the two families ate together again.But this time at Huo's house, He Tiantian provided rabbit meat.

Wang Shuping is also generous, directly giving Jiang Lifang two dried wild rabbits and pheasants.Jiang Lifang was embarrassed to accept it, but Wang Shuping told the Huo family to accept it.

"Hey, we eat so well at home, Yingjie doesn't know if we can eat it in the work unit." The mother who traveled a thousand miles was worried. When Jiang Lifang saw He Tiantian coming back, she thought of her son.When I eat delicious food, I think my son can eat it too.

He Tiantian was embarrassed, and suddenly felt that she had no conscience.Huo Yingjie gave her food stamps and money, but she didn't think about sending anything to Huo Yingjie.

Now I know, but there is no more in the enchantment space, so I can't send it.I can only go back to Qijia Village and see if I can get some more and send it to Huo Yingjie.

"What's the matter? I still have two of them. I will send them to Yingjie and let him eat too. After all, he is a young man, and he is prone to hunger when he grows up." Wang Shuping had already made Huo Yingjie his future son-in-law.She only has one daughter, and the son-in-law will be no different from half a son in the future. In the future, he will have to give them both old-age care and death. It's natural to be good to Huo Yingjie.

"How can this be done? You have already given me two. I will keep one and send Yingjie a rabbit and an air-dried chicken." Jiang Lifang said inside, her face was hot. She just said this, but she didn't say it at all. The meaning of asking Wang Shuping again is just a habitual sigh.

Wang Shuping smiled and said, "You send it to you, I send it to me, so don't refuse."

Seeing Wang Shuping say this, Jiang Lifang could not continue to refuse. She smiled and said, "Actually, this is not from us, but from Tiantian."

The two middle-aged gossip women looked at each other and smiled. He Tiantian saw the two of them on the side, her face was hot, and she stomped her feet and went back to the house.

Last night, He Tiantian returned to her familiar home. She was very excited. She barely slept, and she didn't have a lunch break during the day. Tonight, she was very sleepy and fell asleep when she lay down.

The next day, Jiang Lifang gave He Tiantian a rabbit and gave He Tiantian a dollar to send it to the post office.

Wang Shuping took out an air-dried chicken from the cellar, wrapped it in oil paper and wrapped it with a clean cloth.

"Tiantian, your Aunt Jiang is going to work. I'm on sick leave now, so I can't go out. You take it to the post office." Wang Shuping said with a smile that something happened at home. She naturally hopes that her daughter and Huo Yingjie can get in touch more, even if the distance is far. , can also feel good.

Taking advantage of her free time, Wang Shuping found a piece of dark blue fabric at home and made clothes for Grandma Qi San. They had already recognized Grandma Qi San, and the etiquette could not be neglected.

He Tiantian blushed, went to the room to get a letter written before going to bed last night, put it in the package, and then took the package to the farther mail.

Because when you mail it, you need to check the contents of the package.Almost everyone knows the nearby post office, and she doesn't want to explain the source of these wild rabbit meat and pheasant meat.

It cost [-] cents to mail a package, which was not expensive. He Tiantian brought back the remaining [-] cents and had to return it to Jiang Lifang.

Although the relationship between the two is very good, they are not a family after all, and He Tiantian can't accept the rest of the money.

When He Tiantian went out, everyone nearby knew that He Tiantian was back.Not long after I got home, someone came to my door.

After asking about her identity, He Tiantian learned that the person who came was Liu Lingli's mother.

"Sweet, you've written a letter from Lingli. I said that the two of you are very close and can often see each other." Liu Lingli's mother smiled and said very politely.

That Liu Lingli was assigned to Hujia Village next door. Although it was not far away, she never looked for He Tiantian, as if He Tiantian would implicate her. When she was working on the river last time, she saw Liu Lingli deliberately hiding from a distance. with her!

"Yeah, it's very close." He Tiantian nodded, "Auntie, are you okay?"

He Tiantian knew the reason why Liu Lingli kept a distance from her, wasn't she afraid that she would ask for help?After all, He Tiantian is very thin and small, not like someone who knows how to work, or worried that her heart will be implicated by her.

However, He Tiantian is grateful for the news that Liu Lingli informed her parents in her previous life, otherwise, she would not know if her parents died, and she did not know how long she would stay in the funeral home!

"It's like this. My family is in a hurry and I didn't bring winter clothes. I originally wanted to send it there, but when I saw you came, I wanted you to send it over to save the family a few money." Liu's mother said embarrassedly, There are many children at home, and life is too poor, so saving a little is a little.

"That's fine, I'm going to bring something too, you take less, if there are too many, I can't carry it." He Tiantian said, repaying the favor of Liu Lingli in her previous life!

"Thank you so much." Mother Liu said, "When are you going back? I'll prepare something for you."

Although He Tiantian wanted to stay at home for a few more days, she just thought that Qi Jianguo was full of bad water and felt uneasy.

"My train is at ten o'clock the day after tomorrow." He Tiantian replied.

After Liu's mother left, Wang Shuping frowned and said, "Why do you agree to her? That person is someone who loves to take advantage of. Even if you say it, she won't be able to get so many things, she won't hear it, and she will definitely get it. A big package."

"It's okay, I'm strong. It's all from the same place, and I'm too embarrassed to not bring it." He Tiantian said, it was originally for the sake of repayment, and it was nothing.

"Hey, you left again the day after tomorrow. I don't know when we will meet next time." Wang Shuping said, "You, you must be fine in Qijia Village alone. When the situation is over, I will bring you back. This time We don't have time to go, I made a dress and you give it to the godmother."

"Well, don't worry, I will take care of myself. Grandma Qi will be very happy to receive the clothes. She is a smart and strong old man, but also a lonely old man." He Tiantian nodded obediently. not.

"This is also our heart." Wang Shuping smiled gently.

(End of this chapter)

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