Chapter 98

This time back, He Tiantian found that the situation was better than she thought.The parents don't have to worry about it for the time being, she has the energy to fight back against Qi Jianguo wholeheartedly.

He Jingyu was worried that only the official seal of the commune would not be enough, so he went to the street unit to get the seal, etc., and issued several certificates.

He Jingyu couldn't protect his daughter by his side, so he regarded these things as his daughter's amulet.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for He Tiantian to leave tomorrow.

Huo Zhekun set a sleeper for He Tiantian, so He Tiantian can have the energy to talk to her parents all night long, and tell them about the future, let them be more careful, keep an optimistic attitude, and wait for the light to appear.

Liu Lingli's mother, as Wang Shuping said, actually made a large package that was half a person tall and couldn't be held in her arms, and said, "Tiantian, it's hard for you."

Before He Tiantian said anything, Jiang Lifang was unhappy and said, "This eldest sister, look at Tiantian's small body and her own things, can you handle so many things?"

Mother Liu had a smiling face, but she was unhappy when she heard Jiang Lifang's voice, and said, "These are all things my daughter needs in winter, and there are not many of them."

Don't you just send something?As for such a stingy Bara!

Hearing Liu Lingli's mother say this, Jiang Lifang became even more angry.

"This is something that your daughter needs. You brought it here by yourself, and you were so tired that you were out of breath. Our family members sent it here, but when we got there, there was only Tiantian alone. How could she move such a heavy load? Things. Or, did you telegram and ask your daughter to come and pick it up?" Jiang Lifang said angrily, "You can take some more, or you will go to the post office to mail it, we can't get so much."

She has enough money to send telegrams, so why come here to waste words and ask for help!

He Tiantian has the help of King Snake, but she has to take a journey by herself.Although she can hold it, she doesn't want to get used to the problems that some people take for granted.

"But these are all things our family is smart and used to. It's cold today and I don't have any clothes to wear. It's pathetic."

Liu Lingli's mother didn't say a word about postage. Telegrams cost money, so she pretended to be pitiful here, saying how pitiful her daughter was, and she didn't even think about He Tiantian taking so many things on the road, even more pitiful!

In this era, there are no trolley cases, suitcases, etc., you can push, pull, and carry everything on your back.

"This eldest sister, hurry up and take some down, my family can't take so much. Your child is a child, and our child is not an animal!" Wang Shuping said angrily, "If you don't get it down, forget it. If you go to the post office, you can send as much as you have, and people won't be too tired. Tiantian is not very strong, and she still has her own things to take, anyway, we can't take so much. "

When Liu Lingli's mother saw Jiang Lifang, Wang Shuping said the same thing. He Tiantian lowered her head and didn't speak, she could only say embarrassingly, "Alright then, let's bring Lingli two cotton-padded coats."

Two sets of cotton coats and pants, although not very heavy, take up space.These things are necessary, and He Tiantian can't refuse.

Liu Lingli's mother was unhappy in her heart and left with a sullen face.

"You shouldn't have stopped me just now. Look at that dead fish face, who brought things to her family, and also brought revenge. If I knew earlier, I shouldn't have brought things to her." Jiang Lifang said indignantly, the world How can there be such a person, so shameless.

"Forget it, they're all poor." Wang Shuping said indifferently, "It's winter over there, and there are two sets of cotton-padded coats that are enough to wear, so we can count as helping. As for whether we appreciate it or not, we don't care."

He Tiantian picked up the package and tried it. It was estimated that it weighed fifteen or six pounds. In addition to He Tiantian's own package, it was estimated that it weighed forty or fifty pounds.

Huo Zhekun has something to do today, so he didn't come to see He Tiantian. Jiang Lifang is on the night shift and is free during the day. He came to the train station with Wang Liping and He Jingyu to see He Tiantian.

Every time I go home, I am excited, and every time I leave, I am very sad.

I can only comfort myself, the sad parting this time is for the joy of the next reunion.

He Tiantian waved goodbye to her parents and Jiang Lifang through the train window, pretending to be strong and smiling.

But as the train gradually left the station, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the figures of the parents became smaller and more blurred.

Don't cry, don't cry!
The current situation is much better than the previous life!
He Tiantian wiped away her tears, her eyes were red, she climbed to her own bunk on the middle floor of the sleeper, and slept with her head down.It seems that the only way to temporarily forget the pain of separation.

It was not until five or six in the afternoon that He Tiantian got up to eat the pancakes made by her mother.

When other people were chatting, He Tiantian was in a bad mood and was reluctant to speak. When talking to others, she just nodded and shook her head.

Say more and more wrong, not to say good!
The train was late, and it arrived in Taoyuan County, two hours later than last time, and it was almost two o'clock.

He Tiantian only knew Niu Dajun in the county seat, but Niu Dajun was a postman, so he probably went out to deliver letters, so he might not be in the county seat now.In addition to Niu Dajun, there is only Niu Dajun's cousin Niu Lili.

If Niu Lili hadn't heard the news this time, He Tiantian wouldn't have known in advance.When I came back this time, my mother prepared a few boxes of pastries from Xinghualou in Nanshi, and thanked Niu Lili. Maybe Niu Lili could find someone to send her to Qijia Village.

He Tiantian walked to Taoyuan Restaurant to find Niu Lili.

Now that it's past the time to eat, Niu Lili is sitting at the counter dozing off.

"Sister Lili, Sister Lili!" He Tiantian whispered, afraid to startle Niu Lili who was sleeping.

Niu Lili opened her eyes, saw He Tiantian, greeted enthusiastically, and said, "It turned out to be Tiantian, you came back from your hometown so soon! You haven't had lunch yet, so I'll treat you to a bowl of noodles."

He Tiantian hurriedly said, "I have food stamps, so I don't need Sister Lili!"

Niu Lili got dried wild rabbits from Niu Dajun, and she was very fond of He Tiantian. It was nothing to invite He Tiantian to eat a bowl of noodles for two cents.

"Okay, if you talk about it again, you're meeting me. You sit and rest, and I'll go to the kitchen to talk." Niu Lili asked He Tiantian to sit down, and she went to the back to discuss.

After a while, Niu Lili brought over a bowl of vegetable and chicken noodle soup and said, "You're hungry, eat now. You can't walk dozens of miles by yourself with so many things, wait a minute, I'll go see me. Is my cousin at the post office. If not, I'll find someone else to send you."

"Thank you, Sister Lili." He Tiantian was moved. In fact, there are still many good people in the world. In the future, I will hunt more rabbits in the mountains and give them pheasants as a thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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