Chapter 983 Do Something Meaningful

After eating, everyone didn't go home immediately, but walked around.

I didn't go home until after five o'clock in the evening.

Grandma Qi San has been sitting in a wheelchair, otherwise she would not be able to walk a few steps with her three-inch golden lotus.

"Tiantian, Yingjie has worked hard today." Grandma Qi San sat on the rocking chair at home and said with a smile, "Hurry up and go back to rest, you don't need to greet me here."

Secretary Qi smiled and said: "Tiantian, let's go, let's chat with Third Aunt, you and Yingjie are busy today, it's really hard."

"Okay, I'll go back and have a rest first, and come back to chat with everyone later." He Tiantian smiled, indeed a little tired.

Little Sanzi is still crying.

At this time, old man Qi and old man Huo came back.

Huo Yingjie came over to make tea and sat by the side for company.

Originally, when He Tiantian returned to the house and took over taking care of the children, Huo Yingjie was kicked out and let him accompany the elders.

"Grandpa Qi, grandpa, did you see many old comrades in arms today?" Huo Yingjie poured tea and made room for the elders.

"Hehe, not bad." Mr. Huo smiled heartily, "I have indeed seen many comrades-in-arms that I haven't seen in normal times. Hey, after so many years, everyone is getting old."

"Yeah, I'm gray-haired, and I'm getting old." Qi old man said, sighing, "I saw you once, and next time there will probably be a lot less people..."

Mr. Huo was also very sad, shook his head and laughed, and said: "In short, we are already very lucky. Compared with our comrades who have passed away, one day we live is one day we earn. What regrets there are!"

Hearing Mr. Huo's free and easy words, Mr. Qi smiled and said: "What we are talking about is that those of us who should have died are blessed by our comrades-in-arms to live until now. What is there to be dissatisfied with? We are full of food , Seeing the prosperity of the country, the future has come to the ground, we can also talk about it carefully with our comrades in arms.”

"That's it. Let's keep our eyes open, take a good look, and tell them well in the future to make them happy too." After Mr. Huo said this, he finally couldn't help the redness of his eyes, so many comrades who fought in the trenches , so many comrades who eat in one pot, all...all...

Speaking of this, old man Qi also burst into tears.

If you haven't experienced that period of war, you will definitely not be able to understand their feelings.

This time, many people experienced great sorrow and great joy.

Great joy, the country is prosperous, the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

Sadly, it's just that many of their comrades-in-arms can't see it.

The two old men were crying, remembering the past.

Seeing this, Grandma Qi smiled and said: "Okay, our life has entered the countdown, you think about it, crying, remembering the former comrades-in-arms, there is nothing wrong with it, but since we have lived safely until now, we should live well and take you What comrades-in-arms have not experienced or tried, has experienced and tried, and that is meaningful."

Mr. Huo wiped away his tears with the towel handed over by his grandson, and said, "I made Qi's sister laugh. I really can't help it today. In my heart, I am both happy and sad, and I don't know what to say."

"Thank you!" Old man Qi took the towel handed over by Huo Yingjie and wiped his tears, "Yeah, stop crying, my eyes and brain hurt. Let's live a good life, even the share of our comrades-in-arms gone."

Seeing his grandfather, old man Qi like this, Huo Yingjie had some thoughts in his heart.

The two in front of me are relatively well-off and can get help from the state, but there are still many veterans, and life is somewhat difficult.

He and Tiantian have a lot of money now, and they can't spend it all. They can definitely set up an organization to help veterans and give them a little help in their lives. Although it may be a little money, it can also solve some of the pressure in life.

Makes people bleed and cry.

The economy is tight and cannot afford to do so.

But he can do it!
The current patents, after he obtained them in advance, handed them over to Qian Zhigao, which can earn tens of millions of dollars a year, and they have been stored in the Swiss bank account opened in the name of He Tiantian, without any change!
It can be said that the whole family has been raised by He Tiantian these years.

Every time He Tiantian was asked to withdraw money, but his wife always found it troublesome.

Furthermore, the father-in-law and mother-in-law seem to save a sum of money for He Tiantian every year, which seems to be a dividend from the company.

He Tiantian's money, he won't move, he wants to move the money transferred from the patent.

As for money, after a certain amount, it is just a number without much meaning.

If the money can be used to do something useful and help others, especially the veterans who have carried guns and fought wars with grandfather and grandpa Qi, it may be of greater significance.

Mr. Huo insisted on going home after dinner, and he wanted to share his feelings with his old wife today.

Old man Qi drank some wine this evening and went back to bed early.

Grandma Qi San was a little tired, so He Tiantian helped her wash herself, and then sent her to the house before going out.

The husband and wife began to wash the child and put the child to sleep.

It wasn't until the child was asleep, He Tiantian, that Huo Yingjie really breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, what a lively and happy day." Huo Yingjie smiled, "Are you tired? Shall I give you a massage?"

"Okay!" He Tian nodded, so she lay on the bed, quietly waiting for Huo Yingjie's massage.

Huo Yingjie's technique is very good, every time he massages, He Tiantian can sleep soundly and feel relaxed, so every time Huo Yingjie comes back, He Tiantian wants her husband to massage.

Huo Yingjie gently massaged He Tiantian.

He Tiantian closed her eyes and enjoyed her husband's service.

"Comfortable." He Tiantian murmured, "Brother Yingjie, after watching the military parade today, what do you think?"

Huo Yingjie thought for a while and said, "I want to do something for the cutest people in the past."

He Tiantian was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and asked, "Husband, do you mean to do something for those veterans of the Anti-Japanese War?"

"Well, you thought of it too?" Huo Yingjie asked, a little surprised.

He Tiantian listened, and whispered: "Every time I see Grandpa Qi, grandfather, with tears in his eyes, remembering the deceased comrades in arms, I feel very sad. Those who have passed away, we are powerless, but we can help Their families, or, we can also help those living veterans. Those anti-Japanese veterans in Nanyang, those veterans in North Korea, etc., they cannot return to the country for various reasons. The country may not have the energy to do it now. But we have the money, we can have an organization in the city and help those people."

This is called a tacit understanding!

Huo Yingjie and He Tiantian were completely together.

(End of this chapter)

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