Chapter 984 Three... 3000 million dollars!

Huo Yingjie smiled and didn't speak, but his appreciation for He Tiantian was like a surging river, endless!

He just said a word, and He Tiantian guessed what was going on.

There is a tacit understanding, that's all.

"Huh?" He Tiantian was surprised, "Brother Yingjie, why don't you speak? Do you disagree?"

"Agreed." Huo Yingjie nodded, "I'm just curious, we thought of being together again."

"That's good." He Tiantian said with a smile, "Although our domestic industry makes a lot of money, it is not worth mentioning compared to your patent company, so I hope that the money deposited in the Swiss bank can be transferred. How about using your money?"

"The family's money is up to you." Huo Yingjie smiled. He only wanted to know what the money could do, but he didn't care how much it was spent.

He Tiantian nodded, smiled and said: "That's good, but I think we have to talk to grandfather and Grandpa Qi about our matter, let them know, come up with ideas, and can do something for the deceased comrades. It will be more comfortable. Besides, we all have things to do, so we need to find someone we can trust to help us with the specific operation.”

"Well, yes, I will talk to my grandfather, Grandpa Qi." Huo Yingjie smiled, "Let's just prepare the money!"

The husband and wife reached an agreement before falling asleep peacefully.

The next day, Huo Yingjie said something to help the veterans in front of Old Man Qi, Village Chief Qi, and Qi Rongjun, and the people on the other side were all stunned.

Old man Qi was excited, but he had concerns, and asked cautiously: "Yingjie, that's not one person, one skeleton, but countless people, countless skeletons, so many veterans, it will cost a lot of money!"

The country is still very difficult now, and there is simply not so much money to do these things.

They have many comrades-in-arms who also want to start such a thing, but they have not been successful because they have no money.

Now I have no money, I can't do anything!

However, this is not just an individual action, but a national action!

It involves all aspects, but success does not come with money.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "Grandpa Qi, let's raise the money. As for how to operate it, let's discuss it carefully when we see grandfather. We will welcome the loyal bones home first, and bring back the veterans who have been wandering abroad."

After hearing this, Secretary Qi said: "Yingjie, Second Uncle, if this matter is done well, it will be a great achievement!"

"I don't care about credit or anything. I haven't experienced that kind of war years, and I can't understand the situation at that time, but every time I can see faith, persistence, and sadness from the eyes of my grandfather, Grandpa Qi. There are Money, so I want to do something for the elders, for those who have shed their blood. I discussed it with Tiantian. We will not only welcome back the loyal bones and veterans, but also help some people who are struggling in life in China. veterans, and make their old age easier. But this cannot be done overnight, it needs to be done step by step.”

"Okay, okay!" Old man Qi said again and again, "I also have some money..."

"Okay, Grandpa Qi, you can keep your money. We don't want your money here, but we will stick to it." Huo Yingjie said, rejecting old man Qi's money.

Although the younger generation pays filial piety to the old man Qi, it is quite a lot of money for an individual, but for the whole, it is a drop in the ocean.

Qi Rongjun was shocked when he heard this, and said firmly, "Yingjie, if you need someone, I can resign and help you help those veterans."

Village Chief Qi was taken aback for a moment, but nodded immediately, patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Son, you're doing well."

The old man Qi looked at Qi Rongjun with loving eyes, and he didn't expect Qi Rongjun to say the words of resignation.No matter what happens in the future, but at this moment, he is very pleased.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "Brother Rongjun, let's do something big then."

"En." Qi Rongjun nodded. This is indeed a great cause, which benefits the country and the people, enough to leave a name in history.

After talking here, they went to find Mr. Huo together.

Mr. Huo also felt very good, and immediately promised this matter, he went to go through the formalities, so that Huo Yingjie and others would not bother.

But in private, Mr. Huo found his grandson and asked in a low voice, "Yingjie, if you spend money like this, will Tiantian have any objections?"

"I have no objection. This is what we discussed." Huo Yingjie said, "Grandfather, you don't have to worry that doing this will affect the relationship between our husband and wife."

"Then it will take a lot of money. Do you have enough money?" Mr. Huo asked worriedly. It would be ugly if his grandson said he didn't have any money.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "Grandfather, I have so much money!"

Huo Yingjie gave three fingers to Mr. Huo.

"30?" Mr. Huo guessed, for an individual, 30 is a huge amount of money, but for starting this project, this amount of money is a bit small.

"Less, guess more." Huo Yingjie smiled, thinking like a child, making the elders happy.

"300 million?" Mr. Huo's eyes widened, "My God, this is a lot of money."

In Mr. Huo's heart, 300 million is a huge sum of money, which was earned by He Tiantian.

"Not enough, keep guessing." Huo Yingjie smiled triumphantly, he was quite forward-looking and made so much money early.

not enough?

Mr. Huo stretched out three fingers, a little unbelievable, guessing again, then...that's 3000 million?
"Yingjie, you mean 3000 million?" Mr. Huo questioned, staring at Huo Yingjie closely, not wanting to miss any of Huo Yingjie's expressions.

"Yes, 3000 million." Huo Yingjie laughed, "And it's still in US dollars!"

"Hiss, hiss!" Mr. Huo gasped in surprise when he heard the number and unit. What's going on? It was given by Tiantian's mother's family, or you got it through crooked ways. Our Huo family, we can't do illegal things! "

Mr. Huo felt sorry for using money from his granddaughter-in-law's natal family, but Huo Yingjie didn't mind if He Tiantian was used, and he didn't care about these extraneous things either.

But if Huo Yingjie got the money through committing crimes and breaking the law, then he would absolutely not allow it.

"Grandfather, this is not money from Tiantian's natal family, nor did I get it in violation of laws and regulations. As far as the annual funds of our institute are used for research, all of them are distributed to employees as bonuses. Besides, research From the beginning of the establishment, the total cost is only a few million, how can there be 3000 million, and it will be paid back in US dollars!" Huo Yingjie explained, "Grandfather, don't worry, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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