Chapter 718 Limit Imagination
The appearance of the three-headed giant dog surprised Wang Hao. Although it is not a real living body like the puppet knight, judging from the appearance alone, it is really hard to see that it is actually a dead thing.

The three heads of the three giant dogs spew out different powers from their mouths.

Wind, fire, thunder.

The three kinds of power are mixed, and the power has increased a hundred times.

Wang Hao raised the Longyuan sword in his hand, ready to fight.

The breath of the three giant dogs came to Wang Hao's body in the blink of an eye, and the next moment, Wang Hao's figure was instantly swallowed.


Andrew couldn't help laughing out loud. The breath of the three giant dogs was enough to kill a martial artist at the fifth level of the Divine Martial Realm. Wang Hao was only at the fourth level of the Divine Martial Realm. How could he escape death.

However, the next moment, Andrew couldn't laugh anymore.

A golden flame shot up into the sky, and then the resounding dragon chant resounded through the starry sky.

A golden flame dragon broke through the breath of the three giant dogs. It took off and bit the three giant dogs into pieces.

Dragon Breath!


The flames dissipated, and Wang Hao was unharmed. He held the Longyuan Sword, activated the Liuguang Jue, and came to Andrew in an instant.

The silver giant snake opened its huge mouth, trying to swallow Wang Hao.

"Naughty beast, get out!"

Wang Hao stabbed out with a sword, and this sword contained pure righteousness of swordsmanship.

In just an instant, the big silver snake that blocked Wang Hao's hundred sword attack was completely destroyed.

The sharp blade of Longyuan Sword stabbed directly at Andrew.

"I see what you still use to block!"

Andrew opened his eyes and his pupils constricted. Only then did he realize that he had really underestimated Wang Hao's strength.

"Looks like I have to get serious!"

The pupils of Andrew's eyes turned into emerald green gems.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. He could feel a cold force emanating from Andrew's body and blending into the entire Kendo Starry Sky.

"Abyss fire!"

Between Wang Hao and Andrew, a raging green flame ignited out of thin air. The temperature of the flame was astonishing. Before Wang Hao touched it, his clothes turned black.

"Do not touch this flame!"

Wang Hao retracted his sword and forcibly stopped his figure. He activated the Liuguang Jue and walked around behind Andrew.

Andrew sneered: "You have already missed the only chance to kill me."

In his opinion, if Wang Hao was burned or even died by the evil fire of the abyss just now, and forcibly rushed in to kill him, he might have died.

But Wang Hao gave him a chance to breathe, and he would not lose again.

"Welcome to my world."

Behind Andrew, in front of Wang Hao, suddenly appeared dozens of puppet knights. These puppet knights were very different from the previous puppet knights. Their armors were all golden.

It's not just the difference in color, the power of the golden knight is much stronger than that of the silver knight.

The golden knight stabbed at Wang Hao with a spear in his hand.

"Sword Six, annihilate!"

No matter how strong the enemy is, Wang Hao can kill him with a single blow!
The sword light devoured all the golden knights, and wiped them out in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Andrew distanced himself from Wang Hao.

"Meteorite fell!"

A powerful force appeared above Wang Hao's head. He raised his head hastily, only to see a mountain-like meteorite, burning raging fire, smashing towards him.

"Is this imaginary?"

Wang Hao raised his hand with a sword, and the sword light, which contained pure swordsmanship, split the meteorite in two.

Andrew sneered: "do you think it's over like this?"

Andrew then waved, and in his imaginary world, countless meteorites larger than the one just now fell from the sky.

"Meteor shower!"

Hundreds of mountain-sized meteorites enveloped Zhao Muer and others.

Wang Hao shouted: "Everyone be careful!"

Jia Houwei reacted the fastest. He called out his two sabers and threw them above his head.

"The art of leaving the dust, double-edged back to the sky!"

Like the double blades of a wheel, when it hits a meteorite, the meteorite instantly turns into dust.

Jia Houwei's knife stopped three meteorites, but this was far from enough.

Crazy Saber drew his saber to meet it, swiped six sabers in a row, and wiped out six meteorites.

Qin He and Zhao Mu'er shot at the same time, destroying ten meteorites.

There are [-] meteorites in total, and it takes four people to shoot at the same time. Counting the divine magic blessing given by the saint, it can be counted as five people to shoot.

However, nineteen meteorites are too few in front of the meteor shower.

More meteorites were thrown towards Wang Hao.

Even Wang Hao had a serious face at this time. He took a deep breath and slowly raised his sword.

"Starry Sky Sword Dao, Sword Net Recovery!"

The entire starry sky suddenly became brighter, and countless starlights were woven into a net in front of Wang Hao.


The first meteorite landed on the sword net, and the sword net did not change at all, not even a slight bend appeared.

The dense sword net cut the meteorite into pieces, and the meteorite as big as a mountain fell apart in an instant.

The first meteorite was destroyed, and the second meteorite followed, hitting the tail of the first meteorite.

The dust from the shattered meteorite was blown on Wang Hao's body, but Wang Hao was unmoved.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Meteorites kept falling on the sword net, but none of them could break through the defense of the sword net.

When the last meteorite was shredded by the sword net, Wang Hao swung the sword in his hand, and the violent sword wind swept away the meteorite fragments in front of him and Andrew.

"Is that all that matters?"

Andrew snorted coldly, "Underestimate the devil general, but he doesn't even know how he died!"

In his imaginary world, thousands of abyssal demon wolves appeared, but in the real world, there really were demon wolves.

The magic dog rushed towards Wang Hao at an alarming speed, and the number of magic wolves was even more terrifying.

"It's really nothing new."

Facing nearly ten thousand demon wolves, Wang Hao had no fear at all. He held the Longyuan sword and forcibly killed a bloody path.

Wherever the sword was swung, there were mournful sounds everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao had slaughtered all the demon wolves, and came to Andrew for the second time.

"This time, let's see where you run!"

Andrew didn't show a look of panic, he asked instead: "When did I say I was going to run?"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. He thought that people like Andrew who fight by imagination are not good at fighting.

Now it seems that he may have thought wrong, but this does not prevent Wang Hao from slashing down with his sword!
The sharp Longyuan sword slashed at Andrew's neck, just as Andrew said, he didn't run, or even hide.

The Longyuan Sword, which contained pure swordsmanship, failed to cut into Andrew's skin.

Andrew's body is actually harder than Longyuan Sword!

Wang Hao was taken aback. Even he might not be able to withstand the sword just now with the Dragon God Armor, but Andrew managed it.

"Surprised?" Andrew smiled, he stretched out his palm and grabbed the blade of Longyuan Sword.

The sharp edge of the sword failed to cut through Andrew's palm.

Andrew sneered: "It's actually very simple. I just need to imagine that my skin is harder than your sword."

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows. It turns out that Andrew's ability can still be used in this way.

Andrew continued, "Now, I imagine that my hand can break your sword."

In the next second, Andrew's hand holding Long Yuanjian became extremely huge, reaching the size of half his body.

Every finger is full of explosive muscles, with bulging blue veins.


Andrew pinched it hard, and the Longyuan sword snapped.

"Now, without your sword, what else can you do?"

Wang Hao let go of the broken sword, and with a wave of his hand, a beam of starlight shot down and condensed into a sword in the palm of his hand.

The sword of morality!

In the starry sky kendo, there is no starlight, but Wang Hao's sword.

The sword in Wang Hao's hand stabbed at Andrew, and he said coldly: "Your ability is indeed very strong, but I'm sure that as long as my sword exceeds the upper limit of your ability, you will still die!"

Andrew couldn't help laughing, "It's true, but can you do it? My imagination has no limit!"

While speaking, Andrew stretched out his hands and grabbed the sword in Wang Hao's hand.

He caught it, and then, the sword dissipated.

Wang Hao's pupils constricted, and he suddenly discovered that the great righteousness of the sword, condensed into a sword, dissipated without a trace.

Moreover, this is just the beginning, and Wang Hao Shenzhou's righteous swordsmanship has also disappeared.

The night sky dimmed.

"Are you scared?" Andrew sneered, "The world you are in now is what I imagined, a world without any laws of heaven and earth."

world!Andrew can use his imagination to create a real world!

"As I said, my imagination has no limits."

Wang Hao took a deep breath, turned around, but couldn't see the exit of this world.

"Don't be delusional. If you want to leave the world I created, the only way is to defeat me." Andrew laughed loudly, "What else can you do without a sword and a domain?"

With a wave of Andrew's hand, a huge ax appeared in his hand.

On the long handle is an ax surface covered with gold patterns, exuding surging power.

Andrew introduced: "This ax is called the Falling Gold Axe. It is an artifact left by the ancient gods. I was lucky enough to see its prototype, so I can restore it by imagination."

This ax is the same as Zhao Mu'er's Floating Gold Bow, an artifact.

Wang Hao shook his head, "It's superficial, but it doesn't contain a bit of divine power. What qualifications do you have to call it a divine weapon? It's just a fake, which makes people laugh."

"Hmph! Even if you don't have a trace of divine power, it's enough to deal with you who are unarmed."

Andrew slashed in the air, and with vast power, he slashed towards Wang Hao.

"Flowering Art!"

Wang Hao dodged Andrew's attack with a flash. He came to Andrew's side and punched Andrew's temple.


Wang Hao hit Andrew, but he couldn't make Andrew tilt his head.

The skin that can't even be pierced by Longyuan Sword, what can you do with just your fists?
Wang Hao seemed to be in crisis.

He secretly said in his heart: "I can use reincarnation to forcibly tear this space apart, but this is Andrew's imaginary world, and it is not fixed. As long as I am not careful, I will still be trapped again."

"Are you desperate?"

Andrew pushed Wang Hao away with an axe, and his aura surged wildly.

Wang Hao calmed down, he could feel that there was still righteousness of swordsmanship in his body, but the righteousness of swordsmanship could not be released, once released, it would disappear without a trace.

"Try that!"

(End of this chapter)

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