Chapter 719 Unexpected
After making a decision, Wang Hao's expression became extremely serious.

Andrew sneered: "Are you still hopeful? It's okay, I will let you fall into complete despair!"

Without the sword, it does not mean that Wang Hao has no power to resist.

What he is going to do is called Human Sword Unity.

This is not the first time for Wang Hao to unite human and sword. The difference is that when human and sword united in the past, he had a sword in his hand, either the Longyuan Sword or the Sword of Morality.

But this time, Wang Hao didn't have a sword in his hand.

Without a sword, how can man and sword become one?Others may not be able to do it, but Wang Hao wants to do it.

Because he... has a sword in his heart!
Wang Hao began to condense the righteousness of the sword in his body. Since the righteousness of the sword cannot flow out of the body, let him stay in the body.

The righteousness of the sword and sword blended into every inch of Wang Hao's body, and Wang Hao's momentum changed drastically.

At this time, Wang Hao was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, sharp and full of vigor.

Andrew froze for a moment, and then the hairs all over his body exploded. The aura Wang Hao exuded, like continuous sword energy, pierced his whole body with severe pain.

"What's going on here!"

He suddenly discovered that Wang Hao's whole person had become different.

Wang Hao's aura is still getting stronger and sharper, Andrew can't stand anymore, he has to do something.

"It's just a bluff!"

He jumped up, the falling gold ax in his hand roared, thinking of chopping off Wang Hao's head.

In this cut, Andrew used all his strength and did not stop at all.

In Andrew's mind, he has already calculated all the evasion directions of Wang Hao. No matter how Wang Hao evades, he can take the second, third, and fourth axes...he has [-]% confidence , Wang Hao was driven into a desperate situation through a series of fatal ax strikes.

But what he never expected was that Wang Hao didn't hide!

Wang Hao stretched out his hand and used his arm to block the falling golden axe.

Seeing this scene, Andrew was overjoyed. Although the Golden Falling Ax he had imagined was not the original Falling Golden Ax, it could at least replicate [-]% of the original body's power.

What is the difference between Wang Hao using his body to resist the ax blade and mantis arm as a chariot?
"Boy, you are courting death!"

Wang Hao said nothing, his eyes were extremely firm.

Finally, the blade of the Falling Gold Ax collided with Wang Hao's arm.

In the palm of Andrew's hand, he felt the strong feedback from the Falling Golden Axe. His face changed, and the Falling Golden Ax, which cut iron like mud, failed to cut off Wang Hao's arm with one axe.

The falling gold ax collided with Wang Hao's arm, and there was a unique sound of sharp blades colliding.

The human and the sword are one, and Wang Hao at this time is a peerless sword!
Wang Hao turned his palm into a sword and stabbed at Andrew.

The speed of palming the sword is as fast as lightning.

Andrew couldn't dodge in time, he immediately activated his ability, imagining that his body was as hard as when he pinched the Longyuan Sword before.


Andrew's eyes widened. He looked down and saw that half of Wang Hao's sword had pierced his chest.

"This is impossible……"

Andrew couldn't believe that after Wang Hao lost his Horcrux, he made his body into a stronger sword.

"Nothing is impossible."

With the other hand, Wang Hao pushed away the golden axe, and slashed at Andrew's neck with his palm sword.

He was going to cut off Andrew's head with a sword!
"Don't think about it!"

Andrew gritted his teeth. In the imaginary world, he imagined his body as the hardest object on the whole continent.

Accompanied by his imagination, Andrew's body turned into the color of gold and copper.


Andrew's neck was not chopped off by Wang Hao's sword.

Andrew sneered: "I said, my imagination has no limit!"

"Really?" Wang Hao asked back, "I also said that as long as my attack exceeds your limit, you will be vulnerable."

"What are you talking about..." Andrew's words stopped abruptly, and there was a piercing pain in his neck.

Andrew hurriedly struggled away from Wang Hao. Regardless of the injury on his chest, he hurriedly reached out to touch his neck.

There was a warm feeling in his palm.

Andrew looked at his palm, which contained his own blood.

Wang Hao's attack broke through his defense!
Even if he imagined himself as the hardest object in the mainland, he still couldn't stop Wang Hao's fusion of human and sword.

"No! It's impossible!"

Andrew didn't want to believe that his ability did have an upper limit, but Wang Hao obviously only had the fourth level of martial arts, so why could he surpass his own limit?

When Andrew fled frantically just now, the golden ax fell beside Wang Hao. Wang Hao grabbed the golden ax and broke it into pieces with both hands!

"Now, do you believe it?"

Wang Hao launched the Flowing Light Jue, like a flying sword, towards Andrew.

Andrew didn't dare to let Wang Hao approach, he hastily activated his ability, and hundreds of meteorites were about to fall from the sky.

"Meteor shower!"

Looking at the meteor coming again, Wang Hao sarcastically said: "Have you exhausted your talents?"

Without the domain, Wang Hao couldn't summon Jianwang again, but he had stronger power at this time, allowing him to break through the meteor shower.

He kicked the first meteorite with one kick, hit the meteorite with a whip kick.

Wang Hao's body is the sword, and the whip legs cut the meteorite in half instantly.

The fate of the other meteorites is no different from that of the first meteorite.

Wang Hao is like dancing, blooming lotus flowers, he shuttles continuously in the meteor shower, and all the meteorites passing by are turned into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao had already arrived in front of Andrew.

There was a look of fear in Andrew's eyes. For the first time, he felt that death was approaching him.

"Bronze walls and iron walls!"

In a critical moment, Andrew launched his most powerful defense force.

A city rose from the ground in Andrew's imagined world, protecting him in it.

To attack Andrew, Wang Hao had to destroy an entire city!

Can Wang Hao do it?He doesn't know, but he's definitely going to do it!
Wang Hao's feet stepped on the void, and he turned into a streamer, rushing straight towards the city.

"Sword Four, shoot the sun!"

Wang Hao turned his body into a sword, his body like a shining sun.

The light pierced into the city, and the strong city did not block Wang Hao.

The next moment, the city melted, revealing the figures of Wang Hao and Andrew.

Wang Hao's arm completely penetrated Andrew's chest, destroying Andrew's heart.

The life of the demons is strong, Andrew did not die immediately, he looked at Wang Hao unwillingly, vomited blood, and said the last words.

"It's useless to kill me. Sooner or later we will regain the continent that originally belonged to us."

Andrew died, but his words made Wang Hao's doubts deeper.

The mainland originally belonged to the demon race?

Because of Andrew's death, Wang Hao's world gradually collapsed, and he returned to the storm.

Seeing Wang Hao's return, Zhao Mu'er hurried to Wang Hao's side, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, Wang Hao disappeared, which made her very worried.

"We won." Wang Hao looked at Smith who was still fixed in place, "He is the only one left, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Smith, who was in the distance, saw that Andrew did not appear, and knew in his heart that Andrew might be dead.

Wang Hao and the others flew towards Smith. The veins on Smith's forehead bulged. He used all his strength to struggle to break through the formation that Wang Hao injected into his body.

He succeeded, before Wang Hao and others arrived, he successfully broke through the formation in his body.

Smith flew to the third pillar desperately. His speed was so fast that even if Wang Hao and others wanted to catch up with him, it was too late.


An unbearable force that made one kneel down bombarded Smith's body.

Smith knelt down immediately, and his right hand was gone.

Hong's figure appeared behind Smith, and she took out the messenger jade pendant in Smith's hand.

"Now, you can't send a letter, can you?"

Smith had an expression of reluctance on his face. If Hong made a move, he would surely die.

With the last bit of strength, he opened his mouth, and a tooth was spat out by him.

This tooth is covered with black energy, and it contains the law of the abyss that Wang Hao collected in the second day pillar and hit the crystal bottle!
Smith's eyes showed excitement, but he heard Hong's understatement behind him.

"You underestimate the Supreme too."

Hong took a step, as if teleporting to the sky pillar, and grabbed Wang Hao's black teeth.

The hope in Smith's eyes turned into despair, and then, the mighty power of Hong came and took his life. Until his death, Smith had no chance to use his ability to divert damage.

In front of the Supreme Being and the mighty Emperor Shenwu, he is also an ant.

The six Wang Hao rushed to Hong's side, Kuang Dao let out a long sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you are here, Senior Hong, otherwise the third pillar will fall again."

Hong shook her head, she smiled and looked at Wang Hao, "Today's first achievement will be attributed to Wang Hao."

Everyone nodded. Without Wang Hao, they would not be Andrew's opponents at all.

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "From Smith and Andrew, I got a few words that I am very concerned about. Sister Hong, why do they claim that the Yuanwu Continent originally belonged to the demon race?"

"Huh?" Hong was stunned for a moment, "This is impossible."

This is of course impossible. After the Yuanwu Continent came out of the barbaric period, human beings have appeared. Although no history books have been handed down, many legends are known to everyone.

In these legends, there is no existence of demons at all.

Qin He said: "I read all the history books at the old man Qianji's place, and what you said is impossible."

Wang Hao nodded, but there was still a throbbing in his heart.

Could it be that what Andrew said before he died was just nonsense?This is impossible!

Just as Wang Hao was deep in thought, Jia Houwei suddenly said, "Sister Hong, can you show us the tooth that Smith threw away just now?"

Hong handed the tooth to Jia Houwei, "Unexpectedly, the demons can pollute just by injecting the law of the abyss into the Tianzhu..."

Hong's words stopped abruptly, her pupils constricted and her mouth opened wide.

The expressions of the others were as red as they were. They clearly saw that Jia Houwei was smiling and put his teeth in his hands.

Throw into Tianzhu!

(End of this chapter)

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