Chapter 749 The King of the Witch Clan
Wang Hao drew out his sword and expressed his attitude.

Po Jun showed a helpless expression, "Do you know, I am really inviting you very kindly."

"I understand," Wang Hao said with certainty, "I'm also very serious about rejecting you."

Po Jun sighed, and the expression on his face gradually returned to normal.

He said calmly: "In this case, the negotiation will be broken down."

As soon as these words fell, a soaring momentum erupted from his body.

This momentum is three points stronger than the most powerful sandstorm in Yachongtian.

Po Jun obviously has not recovered the Supreme Realm, but the strength he displayed is almost the same as that of the Supreme Power.

"Since we can't move forward together, you are destined to become a stumbling block on the way forward for my demons. I have to get rid of you."

Wang Hao replied: "I think so too, let's do it!"

After the words fell, Wang Hao took the lead.

He understood that Po Jun, who had awakened as the former king of the barbarians, must be stronger than Bai Qi back then, but he had no idea how strong he was.

Wang Hao decided to try it out first.

Although it was just a test, a single strike was several times stronger than Wang Hao's original strength in the realm of Shenwu.

The phantom of the real dragon emerges from the sword, opens its huge mouth, and bites towards Po Jun.

With this sword, even the number one demon general back then would be seriously injured or even killed by the sword.

Po Jun smiled, he raised his hand, and a wide-bodied stone sword flew from nowhere.

Po Jun held the stone sword in his hand, and blood-red veins appeared on the sword body.

He slashed down with a sword, and the blood-red sword light collided with the phantom of the real dragon.

The collision of the two forces caused the world to change color, and the entire abyss could feel the trembling of the ground and the impact from the center of the abyss.

Jia Houwei, who was playing haha ​​with the demon general to delay the time, felt the shock and froze for a moment.

He secretly said in his heart: "Oops, in this power fluctuation, there is the aura of the boss, who is he fighting with!"

The few demons who were interrogating Jia Houwei were also stunned. In the fluctuation of power, they had the breath of their king.

In this vacancy, Jia Houwei immediately made a decision.

"My boss and I dived into the abyss this time with the purpose of destroying the facilities that mass-produce monsters. The original plan was for me to create chaos, and the boss tried to destroy it.

I haven't done anything yet, but the boss has attracted the attention of the entire abyss.

It's too late to communicate with the boss, why don't I take advantage of the chaos to find a facility for producing monsters. "

Jia Houwei glanced at the demon general who was still in a daze, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Having tortured me for so long, now it's my turn."

He used the supernatural power to separate the dust, and the rope that originally tied his arm turned into a powder finer than dust in an instant.

Jia Houwei stood up, and the demon general and several subordinates around him finally noticed the abnormality.


Everyone's heads disappeared and fell to the ground, and blood stained the two Lichen Blades in Jia Houwei's hands.

He made it easy, and quickly returned to the ground of the abyss.

The impact from a distance became more and more intense, and the terrifying power mixed in it made Jia Houwei tremble with fear.

"This power, if I get close, I will die if I am only affected by it, right? I'd better stay away and take a detour!"


Wang Hao didn't know that Jia Houwei had changed his original plan, and he didn't think about how to destroy the facilities for producing monsters. What he was thinking about now was how to kill Pojun.

When they met in Jiuchongtian, Po Jun's strength was not as strong as it is now.

Only a few months have passed, and his strength has become much stronger, not weaker than the sanctified Wang Hao at all.

Wang Hao can guess that if Po Jun is given a little more time, a new Supreme will appear in the Demon Race.

And it is a supreme being bigger than the six devil kings.

Once Pojun becomes the supreme, the two races of human monsters, there is no hope of victory.

To kill Po Jun, he must take advantage of the fact that he has not fully recovered yet!

Wang Hao gave up the test. He tried three moves in succession just now, but Po Jun easily cracked them all.

"The power of the world!"

Wang Hao used the power of a saint, and the sword in his hand became extremely mysterious.

Po Jun finally got serious. He found that he couldn't see through Wang Hao's sword.
"Have you mastered the kendo rules of the entire Yuanwu Continent?"

Being unable to see through does not mean that the Pojun cannot stop it. Demons or witches have weaker comprehension of the rules of heaven and earth than humans.

But they also have a mysterious and powerful power - supernatural powers.

And the former king of the Wu Clan started to break the army of the Wu Clan's cultivation system, and the supernatural powers he mastered were even more powerful.

"Time imprisoned!"

In an instant, the time within a radius of one kilometer around Wang Hao and Po Jun stopped flowing.

Wang Hao kept cutting the sword as if he was frozen in the air.

Both his body and mind have stagnated.

Po Jun's body can't move, but his mind is still running, stagnating time within a certain range, which is already the power possessed by gods.

He couldn't see the trajectory of the sword's fall clearly, but now he can see it clearly in the state of time stagnation.

With a thought of Po Jun, time flowed again, and dense sword shadows fell down.

Po Jun took a small step, and took a step forward.

Hundreds of sword shadows with terrifying power rubbed against Po Jun's body and fell down.

Break the army, unscathed.

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, "How did he do it?"

"The eyes of the true dragon!"

Wang Hao ignited the Horcrux True Dragon's Eye, stared at Po Jun's every move, and then slashed with his sword.

The new sword was stronger than the one just now, and Wang Hao used his full strength.

However, when the sword shadows were about to fall on Po Jun, Po Jun took a step back.


Wang Hao was startled, the position that Po Jun moved was the only way to crack this sword.

He looked through the eyes of the real dragon and found nothing abnormal. In his eyes, Po Jun only moved a step.

Po Jun smiled and said, "You don't understand, do you?"

Of course Wang Hao couldn't figure it out, Po Jun's cracking method was completed under the condition of time stagnation.

"Don't worry, I won't tell you how I did it." Po Jun smiled even more happily, "I'm not like those demon generals who fought with you, who foolishly told the enemy about my abilities. .”

Wang Hao sighed, "I am very happy to finally meet an enemy who is not stupid, but it is even more regrettable that this person is you."

On the one hand, he used words to confuse Po Jun, and on the other hand, he launched an attack.

Behind Po Jun, the space was torn apart silently.

Wang Hao's avatar activated the Void Art and broke through the air.

In the hands of the avatar is Wang Hao's sharp blade condensed with the righteousness of the sword, but anyone who is not a supreme body can easily pierce it!

The sneak attack of Wang Hao's avatar was silent, but it couldn't hide it from Po Jun.

"Do you really think I didn't find out?"

Po Jun didn't turn around, he put most of his attention on Wang Haozhen.

The stone sword in his hand was thrown behind him, and Wang Hao's clone was sent flying with one sword.

"Although you are already the body of a saint, your avatar is not a real life and cannot be recognized by the laws of heaven and earth, so naturally you cannot be promoted to a saint.

It's unrealistic to sneak attack me based on the peak state of the Ninth Layer of Divine Martial Arts. "

Wang Hao said calmly: "But in order to prevent my real body from violently rising, you threw your own sword out."

"So what?" Po Jun didn't care at all, "With bare hands, I can resist you for a while."

"But what you don't know is that I have two clones!"

Po Jun was startled, he suddenly felt the sound of howling wind coming from his side.

Looking sideways, he saw Wang Hao's other avatar punching his head.

What he didn't expect was that the fist of Wang Hao's second avatar, like a wriggling liquid, turned into a sharp sword.

The wind of the sword howled, Po Jun didn't have a sword in his hand, so he couldn't help but guard against it.

Po Jun turned sideways, and punched Wang Hao's second avatar in the chest.

The powerful force blasted a big hole in the chest of Wang Hao's second clone.

Wang Hao's second clone is not made of flesh and blood, and no matter how horrible the injury is, it will not be destroyed.

On the way of flying backwards and exploding back, he flicked his left hand and it turned into a long chain, binding Po Jun's body.


Po Jun held the two ends of the chain with both hands, pulled hard, and the chain snapped.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, but for Wang Hao, it was enough.

There are seals in his hands one after another, and the power of the world is like a rope, entangled between his fingers.

Although Wang Hao didn't know how Po Jun avoided his own attack, he was sure that the prerequisite for Po Jun to dodge his own attack was that there were loopholes in his attack.

If an attack with no flaws is created, how should Po Jun respond?
The purpose of the harassment by the two avatars was to create opportunities for Wang Hao to unleash flawless attacks.

When Po Jun realized Wang Hao's intentions, it was already too late. Wang Hao waved his hand, and the human power entwined between his fingers had condensed into a strange formation.

Heavenly Order Formation - Five Elements Tianzhu.

Five heavenly pillars trapped Pojun in them. He felt the five different forces and was terrified in his heart.

"This is the Tianzhu?!"

The formation that Wang Hao displayed was surprisingly composed of five heavenly pillars!

Four of them are exactly the same as the four pillars of the Yuanwu Continent.

And the fifth pillar is the pillar of the abyss!

"When did you realize..." Po Jun's words stopped abruptly, he looked up at the sky, isn't the pillar of the abyss right here? !

When Wang Hao fought against him, he was able to spare his energy and comprehend the laws of heaven and earth in the Abyss Tianzhu!

What a talent, what an understanding.

Wang Hao, who has mastered the five heavenly pillars, seems to be the will of the Yuanwu Continent, powerful and unshakable.

Po Jun hastily called Shi Jian, wanting to rush out, but was bounced back by the power condensed by countless laws of heaven and earth.

Wang Hao's voice was calm but cold.

"Unless you have power over the entire continent, there is absolutely no way to leave."

(End of this chapter)

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