Chapter 750: The Gate of Reincarnation
The expression on Po Jun's face was incomparably dignified, he couldn't break through the five heavenly pillars Wang Hao cast!
Tianzhu is the foundation of a world. The Yuanwu Continent is extremely vast, and naturally contains many laws of heaven and earth.

The laws of heaven and earth contained in each pillar of heaven are as numerous as stars.

Po Jun can only rejoice now that the Tianzhu simulated by Wang Hao is not the real Yuanwu Continent Tianzhu.

No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible to master all the laws of heaven and earth.

If the real Tianzhu was controlled by someone, it could destroy the world in an instant.

Wang Hao's hands are still forming seals, and the power of the five pillars is still growing.

He spent a lot of power to condense the Tianzhu, not just to trap Pojun.

Instead, kill him!

The fierce sword intent erupted from the five pillars, and Po Jun's heart beat half a beat slower.

At this time, he regretted a little, he didn't send the Six Demon Kings to kill Wang Hao, but came to try to recruit him himself.

The six devil kings are doing a very important thing at this time, if he is in the secret room, he can replace one person, but now, the six devil kings can't get out.

The current Wang Hao really has the ability to kill him!If Po Jun has no countermeasures, perhaps the direction of this war will change from today.

Po Jun carefully observed the five pillars of heaven. Compared with humans, demons or witches are indeed not good at comprehending the laws of heaven and earth, but he has lived for too long, and he has seen the entire Yuanwu Continent and the abyss for a long time. scenery.

The wide palm slapped the sword body of the stone sword in his hand, and in an instant, the lines on the stone sword became scarlet.


There was a sound of rock breaking, and the stone sword in Po Jun's hand showed dense lines.

He was a little bit reluctant, this stone sword was a treasure that had accompanied him since ancient times.

This treasure can only be activated once, so why not feel distressed.

Wang Hao's movements were faster than Po Jun's. The power of the five pillars gathered above the sky.

The laws of heaven and earth possessed by the entire Yuanwu Continent were completely condensed together. In an instant, the sky and earth changed color, and the sky was filled with thunder.


The thunder falls, this is not the ordinary Nine Heavens Profound Thunder, but the tilt of the power of this world.


The thunder fell and devoured Po Jun's body, and the sky filled with thunder lasted for several breaths before dissipating.

The figure of Po Jun reappeared, and his appearance at this time was in a state of distress.

His hair was scorched a lot, the clothes on his body were scorched black, and there were many scorched marks on his body.

Wang Hao's heart sank slightly. As expected of the former king of the Wu Clan, he could withstand the power of heaven's punishment.

But he wasn't worried, because Heaven's Punishment wasn't just one blow.

Under Wang Hao's thoughts, the five heavenly pillars became brighter, and the thunder above the sky became more active.

Po Jun smiled wryly, he still had to bear it.


The second heavenly punishment fell, and Po Jun's shirt turned into fly ash.

Blood spilled from his mouth, and his injuries were extremely serious.

Po Jun will never be able to bear the third punishment from heaven!

However, the stone sword in Po Jun's hand, with the help of the first two punishments from heaven, shattered even faster!


Glancing back at the Heaven's Punishment that flashed past, Jia Houwei's pores were confinement, and his hairs stood on end.

"I'll be good, boss, is he fighting the Demon Race Supreme? This movement is too scary!"

Already far away from the mountain in the middle of the abyss, he could no longer hide his figure, and rushed towards the farthest part of the abyss at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, the battle between Wang Hao and Po Jun attracted most people's attention, and Jia Houwei's journey was unimpeded.

It was originally Wang Hao who was looking for the facility for mass production of monsters, but Jia Houwei found it.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jia Houwei opened his mouth wide, still relying on the howling sea breeze to blow into his mouth.

"what is this……"

In front of Jia Houwei is a huge pothole. One side of the pothole is connected to the sea.

At the bottom of the pothole, there is a very huge lake. The lake is glowing with green light, and it keeps tumbling like boiling.

Where the lake connects to the sea, there is a huge stone gate, and the inside of the stone gate is engraved with densely packed characters similar to seal characters.

These words released the power that exudes a dark green light, and these powers formed a slowly rotating vortex in the door.

Jia Houwei leaned over the pothole and shuddered twice.

"Why is the power emanating from this stone gate so evil?"

Jia Houwei did not act rashly. Such an important facility cannot be left unprotected.

Sure enough, under his careful observation, he quickly discovered six hidden sentries.

The guards in these six secret posts all have the strength of Emperor Shenwu!
Among them, the lowest realm is the first level of Shenwu, and the highest is the fifth level of Shenwu.

"This is a bit difficult!" Jia Houwei couldn't help but sighed, "Ghost knows if there are other guards that I haven't seen."

Just when he was hesitating, a shocking thing happened to him.

A sea ominous beast, as if attracted by Shimen, swam over from the distant sea.

Afterwards, it dived into the vortex in the stone gate.

When it emerged from the vortex, its whole body was covered with dark green spots.

Immediately afterwards, it made a loud "plop" and fell into the lake.

The tumbling bubbles in the lake became denser, making people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

Jia Houwei subconsciously swallowed his saliva. He had a strong premonition in his heart that what happened next would be something he would never forget.


The bubbles in the lake are getting bigger and denser, and something is trying to swim out of the lake.


A huge monster's head rushed out of the lake, and the sea monster just now turned into a hideous monster.

The newly born monster climbed up to the shore of the lake and walked into the secret passage inside the pit.

Jia Houwei witnessed the whole process of creating monsters. At this moment, he finally understood why the frontline soldiers couldn't kill all the terrifying monsters.

The ocean is vast and boundless, and the number of marine life living in it is as numerous as stars.

Humans and monsters are not even a fraction of that.

"If this stone gate is not destroyed, sooner or later the soldiers on the front line will be swallowed by endless waves of monsters!"

What Jia Houwei didn't know was that the stone gate in front of him was the most famous gate of reincarnation among the demons.

When Void invaded the Yuanwu Continent, the Wu Clan was powerless to resist, and was forced to seek refuge in the abyss.

However, the environment in Abyss is ten thousand times more difficult than Yuanwu Continent, and natural disasters occur all the time.

In order to keep the clan alive, the supreme witches at that time jointly created a large-scale formation that could penetrate the power of the law of the abyss into the body of the witches—the Gate of Reincarnation.

Through the gate of reincarnation, the law of the abyss, full of brutal power, merged into the flesh and blood of the Wu clan, and they became terrifying in appearance, and they were renamed the demon clan.

Though at a terrible cost, the Daedra survived the Scourge of the Abyss and emerged stronger.

After the entire race was reincarnated, the demons discovered that the gate of reincarnation has a greater role-creating monsters!
But all species that have not opened their spiritual intelligence cannot bear the temptation to become stronger through the door of turning around.

They were baptized by the gate of reincarnation and became monsters loyal to the demon clan.

Jia Houwei called out the double blades and took two deep breaths.

He no longer cares about guarding the six demon emperors in the dark. Before Wang Hao and Po Jun decide the winner, he must take advantage of the chaos to destroy the Gate of Reincarnation.

Jia Houwei licked his dry lips, and muttered to himself: "Fatty, don't you want to make the title of 'Emperor Liuyun' famous in the mainland? Now is your chance! Don't let yourself down!"

Having said that, Jia Houwei did not dare to rush out foolishly. He is not Wang Hao, and he does not have the courage to fight one against six.

"The art of leaving dust!"

Jia Houwei used his magical powers, and a large number of Li Chen appeared beside him.

The dust absorbs the starlight, and from a distance, the place where Jia Houwei is standing is pitch black.

"I hope these people's attention will be on the boss, so that I can sneak in quietly."

Jia Houwei jumped into the pothole.

The sound of landing was extremely soft, and Jia Houwei heaved a sigh of relief. The emperor among the six secret whistles did not find him.

But he quickly frowned again. If he wanted to approach the gate of reincarnation, he had to fly over the lake.

And on both sides of the lake, there is a secret sentry.

"The two most powerful emperors guard the two sides, and there is no possibility for them to pass away quietly."

Jia Houwei scratched his head vigorously, "It seems that there is no shortcut."

He changed his mind and planned to kill one person first.

He squeezed his steps, restrained his breath, and cautiously came to the flank of a dark whistle.

A demon emperor who was in the second level of the Divine Martial Realm turned his head sideways, looking towards the direction where Wang Hao and Po Jun were fighting.

"good chance!"

Jia Houwei made a bold move, and the double blades in his hands stabbed out!

The technique of Lichen is invincible, and the magic armor of the demon emperor collapsed instantly in front of the double blades in Jia Houwei's hands.



Two sounds of sharp blades piercing the flesh sounded, and this demon emperor died instantly!

Jia Houwei had been very careful, but he still couldn't escape the perception of the other five great emperors. In an instant, five terrifying auras rushed towards Jia Houwei at the same time.

"Oops, this is a hornet's nest!"

Jia Houwei has no choice but to fight!
"Guiyuan sword technique!"

As the direct disciple of Dai Haotian, the suzerain of Guiyuan Sect, Jia Houwei has made rapid progress in recent years, which can be described as rapid progress, but it is a pity that he is overshadowed by Wang Hao, who is progressing as fast as a thousand miles per day.

But once the dazzling sun like Wang Hao is not around, Jia Houwei's toughness will be revealed immediately.

Jia Houwei wielded a pair of sabers, and the two saber lights around his body turned into two semicircles, one black and one white, like black and white gossip.

When the Guiyuan sword technique was used, the five demon emperors were forced to retreat at the same time.

"Human, how dare you break into my holy land of the demon race, you are courting death!"

Jia Houwei sneered, "Master, I broke in today!"

(End of this chapter)

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