Chapter 779
Seeing Fang Lei fainted from fright, the corners of Wang Hao's mouth twitched. He was a little confused as to what was going on.

But one thing he was certain of was that he knew the woman in white who was half kneeling in front of him.

He took a step forward and helped the woman up.

"Yin Miao, why are you here?"

This woman in white was the first woman who was willing to teach Wang Hao the art of seal talismans when she was in Huangquan, but she was still a little lolita at the time, but now she is slim and graceful.

Yin Miao smiled sweetly, "I have been ascending for more than 900 years, and I am just waiting for your visit!"

"More than 900 years?"

Wang Hao was a little dazed. From the time he left Huangquan to Feisheng, it took only a few years, how could it be 900 years.

Yin Miao saw Wang Hao's doubts, and explained with a smile: "I and your palace master have different time rules in the mortal world."

In one sentence, Wang Hao was relieved. It was like a day in the sky and a year in the mortal world. When Yin Miao was in the mortal world, the time rules were different from those in the Yuanwu Continent. One year in the Yuanwu Continent was equivalent to a hundred years in the continent where Yin Miao lived .

But Wang Hao had doubts, "Why do you call me the Palace Master?"

Yin Miao chuckled, "Because you are our palace master."

This sentence made Wang Hao even more confused.

"Hall Master, it's time for us to go back. Many people have already complained that I didn't pick you up on time. If you go back late, they will bully me to death."

Wang Hao had no choice but decided to follow Yin Miao to have a look first, as a friend, he would not hurt himself.

"Okay, you lead the way."

Yin Miao didn't leave immediately, she turned to look at the people in Wanbao Hall, everyone who was swept by Yin Miao's eyes trembled all over, with fear on their faces.

"This group of people is disrespectful to the Hall Master, what do you say to the Hall Master?"

Wang Hao looked at Yin Miao carefully, she looked serious, she was not joking at all.

Wang Hao believed that if he said "kill them all", Yin Miao would not hesitate to carry out his order.

"Forget it, I don't like killing without reason, so spare their lives!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, all the people in Wanbaodian subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone's back was dripping wet, and some of them were so weak that they could hardly stand up.

Yin Miao sternly said: "Don't kneel down to thank you!"

The people in Wanbaodian all knelt down and buried their heads on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Only then was Yin Miao satisfied, and called Bai He.

"Hallmaster, let's go!"

Wang Hao walked in front of Bai He, and the beast buried its head docilely, and bent down as much as possible, allowing Wang Hao to climb up on its back.

Wang Hao jumped onto the white crane, and Yin Miao also jumped on it.

She patted Bai He's neck, "Xiao Bai, let's go."

The white crane let out a long cry, spread its wings, and soared into the sky.

After Wang Hao left for a long time, the people in Wanbaodian still didn't dare to get up...

The flying speed of the white crane far exceeded Wang Hao's imagination, and the surrounding scenery changed so quickly that it was dizzying.

The white crane flew westward for a full day and night, and finally came to the sky above a huge canyon.

Wang Hao can feel that in the depths of the canyon, there is a surge of power, which makes people feel palpitating.

Yin Miao said, "Master, we are here."

The white crane flew into the canyon and landed in front of a black palace.

This palace is very majestic, obviously magnificent, but its shape is very eerie.

No matter how Wang Hao looked at it, the palace seemed familiar.

He thought about it carefully, and finally understood why. When he escaped from the underworld by taking the Jia Luo Tower, he saw that palace.

He walked in and saw, as expected, there were three large characters written on the palace.

Yama Hall!
Wang Hao smiled and said, "Did you move Yan Luodian here?"

Yin Miao curled her lips, "How can we have such a great ability, but we were bullied by the king of hell in the ten halls, and we built a hall of hell in the domain of gods, which made them mad!"

Wang Hao shook his head with a smile, and strode into the Hall of Yama.

As soon as he stepped into the gate, he saw hundreds of people inside the gate, half kneeling on the ground in unison.

"See the palace master!"

Wang Hao scanned for a week, and sure enough, they were all familiar faces.

He laughed loudly and said, "You guys, all of you who are not bad have ascended one step ahead of me."

At the front of the crowd were Roy and Jingyan who helped Wang Hao the most in Huangquan.

"Get up quickly, I feel a little scared to be kneeled by you."

Who is kneeling in front of Wang Hao, hundreds of peerless geniuses in the mortal world, perhaps not as talented as Wang Hao, but they are also existences on the powerful side of their own world.

No wonder Wanbaodian is so afraid of Yin Miao, no matter which world a genius goes to, he is a terrifying existence.

What's more, Yan Luodian is a gathering place for hundreds of geniuses.

What's even more amazing is that Wang Hao actually became the master of Yan Luo Palace?
Everyone in Yan Luodian stood up and welcomed Wang Hao in.

Wang Hao took the most central role, respecting one person.

Wang Hao asked the question in his heart: "After you escaped from Huangquan, what happened to you? Why did you build the Temple of Yama in God's Domain? And why do you respect me as the Lord?"

Wang Hao's biggest question is the third question, the genius is the most arrogant, just because he saved them, he regards himself as the master?He doesn't believe it.

It was Jingyan who opened the mouth to explain.

"After the Palace Master led us out of Huangquan's prison, we were arrested."

Hearing Jingyan's words, Wang Hao was very surprised.


Jingyan recalled: "Yes, only the hall master escaped, and we were arrested by Judge Cui."

Although hundreds of years have passed, Jingyan still has lingering fears when he thinks about the scene at that time.

"Judge Cui used a crystal ball-like treasure, and with a wave of his hand, he captured the souls of all of us."

Wang Hao rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he ran fast back then, there was such a terrifying existence in Huangquan.

"After you were captured, how did you escape? It's impossible to be reincarnated, right?"

The reincarnation is to drink Mengpo soup on the Naihe Bridge. If that is the case, this group of people will lose the memory of their previous lives, and it is impossible to recognize themselves, and it is even less likely that they will gather together in the God Realm to build the Hall of Yama.

Jingyan explained: "After we were caught, we were not thrown back into prison, but met with the King of Hades."

Yin Miao interjected from the side: "Master, you don't know that the ten kings of hell gathered together at the same time, so scared that we thought we were going to be thrown into the [-]th floor of hell and never be reborn!"

Jingyan smiled and said, "I was also uneasy at the time, but the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces pardoned all our sins and allowed us to return to the mortal world."

He paused and continued, "However, there is one condition."

Wang Hao asked curiously, "What conditions?"

"Assist you to become the Supreme God of this God's Domain!"

Wang Hao was speechless, he never expected that it would be this answer.


Jingyan smiled and said, "This starts with God's Domain." He said to Roy who was beside him, "Roy, bring the map and show it to the Hall Master."

Roy took out the map, unfolded his divine power, and let the map float in front of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao looked carefully at the map, and there were islands one after another on the map. At a glance, there were one hundred and eight islands.

"Is this the map of God's Domain?"

Roy explained: "This is a map of the entire God Realm."

Obviously, God's Domain and God's Realm are not the same concept.

Yin Miao stretched out her hand from the side, pointing to an island on the left side of the map.

"This is the God's Domain we are in."

There are one hundred and eight god domains in the God Realm, and the place where Wang Hao is located is only a part of it.

"By the way, don't look at the small size of our God's Domain on the map. In fact, it is bigger than any other world in the world."

While speaking, Yin Miao poured divine power into the map.

With the infusion of divine power, it represented the domain of the gods they were in, and it continued to enlarge, stretching as far as the eye could see.

Wang Hao calculated in his mind that this God's Domain is more than a hundred times larger than the Yuanwu Continent.

"By the way, what is the name of our continent?"

"Dragon God Realm!"

Wang Hao was puzzled, "Long Teng?"

"That's right," Yin Miao said with a smile, "The former Supreme God of this God's Domain is a real five-clawed dragon."

When Yin Miao said this, Wang Hao felt a faint fever in his back.

"I see!"

Jingyan asked strangely, "What are you talking about, Palace Master?"

Wang Hao took off his shirt and showed his back to everyone.

In an instant, the entire Yan Luo Temple was silent.

On Wang Hao's back, a five-clawed golden dragon was lifelike, ready to take off.


Wang Hao explained: "I got the inheritance of the real dragon."

Roy said excitedly: "I thought the task given to us by the Ten Temples of Hades was so difficult, but I didn't expect the Hall Master to be so powerful and get the inheritance of the previous supreme god!"

Jingyan was the first to calm down, and he poured cold water on him, "Don't rush to be happy, the Palace Master hasn't been fully inherited yet, not to mention, there are still a few perverts in Longteng God Realm, who are eyeing the position of Supreme God."

Wang Hao asked: "I have a lot of questions, please answer them one by one."

"it is good."

"First of all, if I understand correctly, the Supreme God is the strongest existence in this God's Domain, so why did the real dragon fall?"

"The legend is that in the battle of God's Domain, the real dragon was besieged by several supreme gods from other God's Domain, and was outnumbered."

"Second, why did the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces want me to become the Supreme God?"

"If there is no master in the realm of the gods, there will be chaos. The real dragon has fallen, and a new supreme god must be enthroned. There was a legend that the new supreme god must be born after the old supreme god fell, so there will be genius blowouts in the mortal world. phenomenon appears.

And when I was in Huangquan, I once told you that as we grow up, we will have all kinds of unimaginable adventures that help us become stronger quickly.

Some people will meet the remnant soul of a strong man and confess their disciples, some will find a shrine, and some even have even more bizarre adventures... All because of the fall of the supreme god. "

Wang Hao was stunned. In this way, the system he got was also for this reason.

(End of this chapter)

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