Chapter 780 System Upgrade
If it is a small probability event for a genius to have an adventure, but hundreds of geniuses in Yan Luodian have all grown up like this. If no one arranges it, Wang Hao will never believe it.

"So, our adventures were all arranged by the King of Hades?"

Jingyan shook his head, "I asked Judge Cui this question in private, and Judge Cui told me that it wasn't arranged by Hades of the Ten Temples, they just changed our life and death book according to someone's will."

Wang Hao was surprised that the will that even the Ten Kings of Hades must obey was by no means an ordinary existence.

"Did Judge Cui say who it was?"

"Judge Cui refused to say, but just told me that when we become stronger to a certain level, we will naturally be able to get in touch."

Speaking of this, Wang Hao suddenly remembered something.

"When I was in Wanbao Hall, those people saw my skills and thought I was a god. What is this god?"

It was Yin Miao who gave Wang Hao all the best, "In the realm of the gods, below the supreme god, there are different realms. From high to low, they are god emperor, god emperor, god king, god prince, god general, god face, god man, There are nine levels of gods and soldiers, and each level is divided into upper, middle and lower ranks. Wanbaodian is only the lowest level among the millions of forces in Longteng God Realm. To actually think that the Hall Master only has the cultivation base of a god, is really blind."

Hearing Yin Miao's words, Wang Hao was very surprised.

"Is it true that most of the ascenders were in the realm of divine weapons when they first came to God's Domain?"


"But I listen to you, I seem to have surpassed the realm of gods?"

Yin Miao nodded affirmatively, "The hall master can imprison three middle-grade divine soldiers in just one thought, and his strength is naturally higher than that of the gods."

Roy interjected on the side: "The hall master has obtained the inheritance of the true dragon and the supreme god, so he will naturally start at a higher level, and I feel a strong power of faith from the hall master. reason."

Wang Hao was relieved, since the real dragon was once the supreme god, even if he only mastered a little bit of the power he inherited, it is naturally not comparable to other people who have practiced for thousands of years.

What's more, when he ascended, he got the power of faith from all the creatures in Yuanwu Continent.

Yin Miao continued to explain: "In God's Domain, there are two methods of cultivation. One is to temper the divine power and forge the divine body just like in the mortal world. This method of cultivation is called body training in the God's Domain.

There is another method, which is to gather the power of belief in the realm of the gods or the mortal world, and use the power of faith to condense the soul. This method of cultivation is called soul refining in the realm of the gods.

Ordinary gods will choose one method of cultivation as the main method, and another method of cultivation as a supplement. It is very rare for a person like the palace master to refine the body and soul at the same time. "

Jingyan laughed and said, "If it wasn't like this, how could we be willing to honor the Hall Master."

Wang Hao asked: "Then do you know what realm I am in now?"

Hearing Wang Hao's question, Yin Miao, Roy and Jingyan all frowned, as if they were a little embarrassed.

Wang Hao was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Roy smiled wryly and said, "Hall Master, in the Hall of Yama, the three of us have the highest realm, among which brother Jingyan already has the realm of a low-rank god, and Roy and I are both high-rank gods, but the three of us can't see through you. cultivation."

Jingyan interjected, "I can't even see through you at the realm of a low-rank god, but your realm, Hall Master, is probably at least at the level of gods."

Wang Haorao asked with great interest: "Are there any characteristics in the realm of the gods?"

"Yes," Jingyan continued, "A person with a strong divine appearance can use his own divine power combined with his comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth to expand the domain of gods."

"The realm of the gods sounds very similar to the realm in the mortal world."

"It is indeed similar, but there are also differences. The Domain of God is the fusion of divine power and rules. In the Domain of God, it is invincible."

Wang Hao understood, "I seem to understand, let's try."

Wang Hao released the righteousness of the sword and his own divine power at the same time. The two merged with each other in the body, and then turned into a stormy sea, condensing outside the body.

In an instant, the entire Yan Luo Temple was swallowed by the starry sky.

The Realm of God—Starry Sky Kendo!
Wang Hao checked carefully, and found that the starry sky kendo he unleashed had increased by more than a thousand times in terms of range and strength compared to when he was in the mortal world.

But the biggest change is the Starry Sky Sword Dao itself.

In the starry sky, a commanding star appeared, like a newborn sun, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it.

Wang Hao can feel the warmth of this sun, which is completely condensed by the righteousness of swordsmanship.

But in the feelings of other people in Yan Luodian, the sun's light is full of sharpness and terror.


Wang Hao restrained his domain of God, and Yin Miao said happily: "Judging from the strength of the Domain of God, the Hall Master really has the cultivation level of a priest, and he is close to the middle grade."

Roy clicked his tongue, "Just ascension, he has the mid-level realm of the gods. If people find out about this, I don't know how many jaws will drop. Even if the talent is amazing, it will take at least a thousand years to cultivate to the gods. !"

Yin Miao sneered, "With the backing of the Palace Master, I really want to see if the Hundred Ghosts Sect and the Cthulhu Sect dare to stand up in front of us!"

"Hundred ghosts? The evil god sect?"

Yin Miao reopened the map and marked the location of Yan Luodian.

"Hallmaster, look, our Yama Hall is located on the eastern edge of Longteng God's Domain, and there are a total of two main cities in this area, and most of the resources in this area are concentrated in these two cities. The forces behind the city are the Hundred Ghosts Sect and the Heretic God Sect."

She paused for a moment, then continued: "Thousands of years ago, brother Jingyan was the first to ascend to the Dragon God Realm, followed the instructions of the Ten Hall King of Yama, and established the Hall of Yama.

Then the brothers gradually ascended, and Yan Luodian gradually became stronger.

Brothers need resources for cultivation, and resources are also needed to strengthen the Hall of Yama. Our rise will definitely conflict with the Hundred Ghosts Sect and the Cthulhu Sect.

But our Yan Luodian is not easy to provoke. The Hundred Ghosts and the evil god faction dare to provoke us once, and the Yan Luodian will retaliate ten times. They know that we are ruthless, so they dare not go too far.

But they unite the small forces around them to form an alliance to resist us and limit our growth. The brothers have suffered a lot of dark losses.

If our Yan Luodian wants to really grow, we must win at least one city, otherwise we will always be suppressed by the Hundred Ghosts Sect and the Evil God Sect. "

Hearing Yin Miao's description, Wang Hao smiled slightly.

He asked back: "Is the boss of the evil god faction a one-eyed guy?"

Yin Miao was stunned for a moment, "Master, the evil god does have only one eye, how did you know?"

"Of course I know that when I was in the mortal world, he wanted to put me to death." Wang Hao laughed loudly, "I didn't expect to meet old acquaintances just after ascending to the God Realm, wouldn't it be rude not to meet? "

Seeing Wang Hao's confident expression, Yin Miao became excited.

"Hallmaster, take the brothers with you?"

"No," Wang Hao said calmly, "The three of you go with me first to find out the situation. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle."

Jingyan and Roy glanced at each other, they both saw the excitement in each other's eyes, they wanted to make trouble for a long time.

"The date will be set in [-] days. I have just ascended to God's Realm, and I still need to get used to it. Prepare a retreat room for me."

Wang Hao stepped into the retreat room, sat cross-legged, and injected his spiritual consciousness into the depths of his spiritual world.

He wanted to enter the system, but was surprised to find that he was unable to enter the system.

The system is still there, it's just closed.

Wang Hao tried to reactivate the system, but got a cold answer from the system.

"System upgrade..."

System Upgrade? !
Wang Hao was a little confused. When he first got the system, he suspected that the Yuanwu Continent was just the starting point, not the end.

He thought to himself: "Is this the second turn in the game?"

The system cannot be activated for the time being, so Wang Hao had no choice but to exit the spiritual world first.

But he is not without work, there is another important thing waiting for him to explore.

God's Domain...not Longteng God's Domain, but Yuanwu God's Domain!

When he was in the mortal world, Wang Hao completed the final task assigned by the system, and the reward he got was a god's domain!
That's right, it is the same existence as the One Hundred and Eight God Realms of the God Realm.

The system advances the Yuanwu Continent into the Yuanwu God Realm, which is bound together with Wang Hao's soul, so that all will prosper, and all will suffer.

Although Yuanwu God's Domain is small, it is a real God's Domain. Wang Hao wants to explore what can be done in his own God's Domain.

Unfortunately, when he tried to enter Yuanwushen Domain, the cold voice of the system sounded again.

"God's Domain is temporarily closed and can only be opened after the system upgrade is completed."

The system is being upgraded, and God's Domain cannot be opened for the time being. Wang Hao has no choice but to practice first.

He performed the True Dragon Art, and the True Dragon tattoo behind him burned up, and the inheritance of the True Dragon flooded into Wang Hao's mind.

In Wang Hao's mind, there appeared a book of god-level martial arts——Three Dragon Destroying Soul Claw!

After Wang Hao read this martial skill carefully, a scene appeared in his mind. A man was standing on the sea. In front of him was a cliff that could not be seen from the top.

The man circulated the divine power in his body, and the sea around him exploded in an instant, creating turbulent waves.

A resonant dragon chant resounded from the man's body, and immediately after, the man waved his palm, his five fingers forming claws.

Three divine dragons with condensed divine power surged out from his arms, circled each other, and blasted towards the cliff.

In an instant, the cliff collapsed, and before the gravel fell into the sea, it was twisted into pieces by the three entangled dragons.

After watching this scene, Wang Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

The True Dragon Art was circulating in his body, and the resonant dragon chant sounded from his body.

He holds the claw in his right hand and swings forward.

Three dragon soul destroying claws!
Three divine dragons with concentrated divine power roared out from Wang Hao's arms!

(End of this chapter)

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