Chapter 832 Into the Void

Looking at the red eyes of the hunters and the inexhaustible tears, Wang Hao felt infinitely sad. They should not be so decadent. They should truly inherit Yili's will, protect their clansmen, and guard the Longteng God Realm One who is not disturbed by the void.

And what Wang Hao has to do is not only to protect this God's Domain, so he also asks them to be strong, stand up again, take up weapons, and fight against the Void Demon.

Wang Hao soared into the sky, and the hunters looked at him in surprise, not understanding what he wanted to do.

"Soldiers, I know that you are very saddened by the death of your companions and leaders, and I also know what it means in your hearts, like cutting your heart and cutting off your flesh and limbs."

"You can cry, you can be sad, but you have to know, who caused this!" Wang Hao suddenly increased his tone when he said this, and he was stunned by what the demon hunters said.

After a long while, someone received: "It's the demons in the void, those dog-day beasts, who killed our companions and the leader."

There was a loud voice, and after a while, the soldiers below Wang Hao shouted loudly: "It's the dog. The devil trampled on our territory, killed our clansmen, killed our companions, and killed us!" leader."

"Yes, they are demons, they are unpardonable."

"It's them, I hate them, I wish I could eat their flesh and drink their blood."

The immature faces shouted fierce words, which made Wang Hao's blood boil a little. With a wave of Wang Hao's hand, a golden long sword was inserted into the land where the crack in the void appeared.

"That's right, I know you all hate the void and demons, so what are you going to do?" Wang Hao asked loudly, his voice echoing in the hearts of every demon hunter.

"We want to kill them all, avenge the leader, avenge the dead comrades, and avenge the clansmen who were killed and devoured by the demons." The demon hunters below shouted loudly in unison, and their anger soared into the sky, reaching the sky.

Sweeping away the sadness and decadence just now, the eyes of the soldiers revealed a look of determination. Wang Hao felt excited when he saw it. With such a group of people, the once broken mountains and rivers, and the corpses everywhere are nothing. .

He, Wang Hao, wants to lead them into the void and let the blood of the void pay for it. Now he wants to ignite the last flame called fighting spirit.

"Soldiers, it's not just the Dragon God's Domain, the void is eroding every God's Domain that has opened a crack in the void, every continent, every time they invade, blood flows into rivers, and corpses are everywhere."

"We not only want to avenge the people who died in Longteng God's Realm, but we also want to avenge hundreds of millions of beings who have been hurt by demons, and let the demons pay with their blood!" Wang Hao's voice was loud, and one person could overwhelm thousands of troops. shouted in unison.

In the ears of the soldiers, it was deafening.

"We want revenge, we want revenge, let the devil pay with blood, pay with blood." The shouts of the soldiers resounded through the sky, shaking the whole field.

Seeing this, Wang Hao raised his arms and shouted: "Now, fight into the void with me to avenge your leader, the broken mountains and rivers of Longteng God's Domain, and the hundreds of millions of creatures infested by demons."

With one call, all the soldiers below responded.

"Slash into the void, kill into the void." Seeing this, Wang Hao leaped forward and flew to the crack of the void. When he raised his hand, the shining golden sword entered Wang Hao's hand.

Holding the sword, Wang Hao waved his hand vigorously, and a golden sword light shot into the void from the crack in the void.

He wanted to announce to the demons in the void that he, Wang Hao, had entered.

Immediately afterwards, he leaped vigorously, flew into the air, and jumped into the void crack.

Wang Hao also imagined what kind of scene would be in the void. It might be hordes of ugly demons, leaving no place for those who entered later, or it might be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Unexpectedly, when I really went to the void, I would see such a scene, the boundless darkness, as if the darkness was rendered with thick ink, without the sun, moon and stars, without a shred of light, only endless silence.

That's right, it's dead silence. The air is filled with dead silence everywhere. Under his feet, there is a bottomless dark abyss. There is no land. He can only soar in midair. Looking up, there is still boundless darkness, without any life. breath.

Wang Hao felt as if he had been placed in a space without living things. He couldn't feel any vitality here, and he couldn't even feel the passage of time. Everything was so dead.

The air of coldness and death was everywhere, and Wang Hao couldn't help shivering. He circulated the divine power of his body, and blessed the power of rules above the righteousness of the sword, and repelled the breath of the void around his body, so that he felt better.

He couldn't help being a little worried, what would happen to the hunter warriors after they entered the void!

But Wang Hao still flew forward. No matter what, he was going to kill the demon today, and the soldiers behind him also flew in. Only then did Wang Hao feel the vitality, which was the burning blood of the soldiers.

It seemed that the worry just now was unnecessary, the darkness and coldness of the void could not eliminate the burning blood of the soldiers.

"Go, let's move forward!" Wang Hao shouted at the front, and then he took the lead and flew forward. After flying for an unknown amount of time, Wang Hao saw a flash of lightning, and finally saw the original creature in the void. No, They are demons.

"Soldiers, have you seen it? There is the target of our revenge! Go!" As soon as Wang Hao said this, the fire of revenge that had been suppressed by the dead silence and desolation of the void burned strongly. , There is a posture of not killing all the demons, and swearing to the death.

Wang Hao took the lead to fly towards the light source, and only when he got closer, he could see clearly that it was a piece of lightning, and a demon army was wrapped in the lightning.

The demon army was marching towards the depths of the void at this moment. Wang Hao accelerated his flight speed, intercepted it, and fled to the demon army deep in the void.

The demon of that demon army was covered with black hair all over his body, with a pair of big black horns growing on his head. His face was hideous and ugly. There was only one eye on his forehead, but two noses on his forehead. Where the eyes should have been.

Wang Hao felt very strange, what kind of demon was this? Whether it was a giant demon god or an ordinary demon outside, the size of the monsters he saw was several times larger than that of humans. Why are these demons the same size as humans, with only facial features? so strange.

"This is a one-eyed monster. Because of its swiftness and agility, it is usually led by a troll god or a general demon god in the void, so as to make up for the shortcomings of the troll gods' large body and lack of flexibility. Also, be careful with their eyes. "Just when Wang Hao was wondering, a charming female voice sounded in Wang Hao's mind, it was the system.

In other words, that demon army should be the one that was going to invade the Dragon God Realm with the giant demon god. Because the giant demon god died in battle, he didn't get out of the crack in the void and invaded Fenxiang Valley.

Almost instinctively, Wang Hao blurted out in his mind, just one sentence: "How do you know."

"I don't know, I forgot."

Only then did Wang Hao realize that the system hadn't fully recovered its memory.Smiling embarrassingly, he raised his hand and waved a purple sword light, only to see that the sword light became invisible, invisible and tangible, and gradually increased.

After several times, it turned into a boundless large piece of thunder and directed towards the demon army, crackling lightning and thunder, illuminating the dead and dark void.

In this way, the purple dots interweave a magnificent and magnificent beauty in the void. The soldiers are really relieved when they see it!

Wang Hao didn't kill this demon army with one blow, because he knew that the hatred of the soldiers was far stronger and hotter than him, all he had to do was to wipe away the layer of lightning that served as the protective wall of the demon army do.

The collision of lightning and lightning can interweave the most magnificent sparks. The lightning Wang Hao emitted was transformed from the principles of swordsmanship he had comprehended, and it was far stronger than the lightning that acted as a demon's umbrella in the void.

So this blow must be able to defeat the thunder and lightning that protects the demons. After the two sides have decided the outcome of the lightning and light, and gradually dissipate, only the hairy bodies of those demons are burnt black, as if a layer of hair has faded. There was a smell like barbecue, but the smell was a bit fishy.

However, in this void, the smell has been diffused eighty-eighty-ninety-nine, which is not enough to make people sick.

"Kill! Kill!" The flames of revenge of the soldiers had long been burning very vigorously. Seeing that the lightning dissipated at this moment, each of them couldn't hold back the fire of revenge in their bodies. They shouted frantically and raised their weapons to attack the demon. Legion to kill.

Seeing this, Wang Hao swept his sword into the battlefield, and saw a dazzling golden sword light, cutting off the heads of three one-eyed monsters in a row.

And after the head fell to the ground, one of his huge eyes did not close, and a black and purple sharp sword shot out from the pupil, attacking Wang Hao.

Wang Hao raised his hand, and the three sharp swords turned into dust in the void, but Wang Hao still felt the power of these three sharp swords.

"Soldiers, this is a one-eyed monster, the follower behind the giant demon god. His eyes have special abilities, and his movements are quick and flexible. Be careful." After that, Wang Hao stood in the void and shouted loudly, reminding the soldiers to deal with it carefully .

However, although the demon hunters heard Wang Hao's voice and were wary of the sharp sword issued by the demon's eyes, they had little effect. sword.

Wang Hao saw with his own eyes that a demon hunter cut off the head of a one-eyed monster with a single knife. However, after the head fell to the ground, a purple-black sharp sword shot straight out of his eyes. The offensive of the purple black sword was launched, but after a while.

The knife in the soldier's hand was stabbed in two by the sharp sword, and the sharp sword stabbed at the soldier's chest before stopping the attack.

Seeing this, Wang Hao quickly waved his hand to condense a beam of sword light, and went towards the sharp sword. Because he condensed it in anxiety, he barely stopped the sharp sword, and it stopped on the chest of the soldier.

In a moment, into nothingness
(End of this chapter)

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