Chapter 833 Bloodwashing the Void

The battlefield between the demon hunters and the demon legion expanded rapidly, spreading from an insignificant place in the void, going deeper inward, and expanding outward to the place where the void crack opened.

Wang Hao didn't have a sword in his hand, but he had a sword in his heart. When he waved his hands, the lights of the sword intersected, and he flew towards the one-eyed monster as fast as lightning.

Every time a sword light flew out from Wang Hao's hand, a demon would be decapitated, and the purple-black sharp sword that shot out from the demon's eye would not be able to reach Wang Hao at all, and would be radiated by the righteousness of the sword. The power of the law shattered into pieces.

The body of the demon killed by Wang Hao will gradually fade, turn black, and gradually turn into nothingness, while the head will be suspended in the void for a while, and after the sharp sword in the eye is shot, it will fall to the bottom of the void.

Wang Hao looked at the falling demon heads, and wanted to follow those heads to see the bottom of the void, but even with extremely strong eyesight, it was difficult to see through the void.

The demon's head kept falling, falling and falling, all Wang Hao could see was the boundless darkness, how deep and how wide is this void!
It was difficult for Wang Hao to find out what happened, and he didn't know where the devil's head would eventually fall. Maybe there would be no end!There are also those demon corpses that turned into nothingness, where did these go!
Wang Hao realized that he knew too little about the Void. It was too dark and mysterious here. He had to admit that when he first entered the Void, the cold feeling made his hair stand on end. It's hard to be reassuring.

He raised his head and forgot to glance at the boundless void, and secretly vowed in his heart: one day he will let him know the secret of the void.

At this time, the flames of war are getting hotter and fiercer, and the battle is getting more and more intense. The hunter warriors are fighting very hard. This is in the void, and they can't step on the ground, so they need to allocate part of their divine power to maintain their bodies in the air.

In addition, many warriors had already fought a battle in Fenxiang Valley outside the void crack, and both their divine power and demonic power were severely depleted.

Wang Hao saw that some warriors were sluggish in their steps and their movements were slow, while the state of the demons in the void was like a fish in water, especially this one-eyed monster, which was known for its agility and agility, and its movements back and forth were as fast as a rabbit.

Some soldiers were scratched by the one-eyed monster because their divine power could not be consumed, but the blood that flowed out did not melt into the void like the blood of a demon, but instead stained a large area of ​​darkness like thick ink.

The blood vapor transpired and turned into blood mist, which was sucked into the mouth of the one-eyed monsters. After the one-eyed monsters sucked the blood mist, they became more energetic, and stretched out their claws like grabbing the chest of a demon hunter.

Seeing this, Wang Hao quickly concentrated a bit of swordsmanship and swung it at the warrior. The principles of swordsmanship were attached to the weapons of the demon hunters.

"Ceng" is said to be urgent, and then quickly, when the warrior swung his weapon, the righteousness of the sword turned into a golden sword light and instantly exploded the demon's head. This time, even the sharp sword in his eyes could not be released, and it disappeared completely.

But the warrior's divine power was exhausted, his footsteps were unstable, and he fell into the depths of the void. Seeing this, Wang Hao frowned, and waved a burst of divine power into the warrior's body.

The warrior regained his strength, returned to the battlefield, swung his sword to slay the demons, galloping around, his demeanor was even better than before.

Looking at the entire battlefield, Wang Hao found that the soldiers were all injured to varying degrees and exhausted.If this continues, the entire army may be lost in the void.

Wang Hao brought them into the void battlefield to avenge them, not to slaughter the demons. So far, Wang Hao has become ruthless.

Concentrate the whole body's divine power and cooperate with the righteousness of the sword.The power of law is unpredictable, one life is two, two is three, and three is all things.

There is life in life, and there is no death in death. The avenue has its own emblem. Laws not only have the power of destruction, but also the power of creation.

Divine power poured out from Wang Hao's body, mixed with mysterious and mysterious power of creation.

The golden light turned into swords, with Wang Hao as the center, forming a piece of golden land under his feet. In an instant, the power of law in the way of the sword created a large area of ​​life in the barren void.

Spread, spread, spread again, this piece of golden land appeared in the entire battlefield, and when the soldiers stepped on the golden land, endless divine power was released, containing the power of law, pouring into their bodies .

Almost in an instant, the divine power and physical strength of the soldiers were replenished. Instead, they were demons, who stepped on the land created by Wang Hao's law, and experienced a lot of discomfort. Several people trapped in the center Just explode and die.

Green blood, black minced meat, and hair were scattered all over the ground, making Wang Hao feel sick.

The warriors who had regained their divine power bravely fought the enemy, every time they cut off the devil's limbs, their flesh and blood flew all over the place.

"Kill! Kill..." The shouts of the soldiers echoed in the empty space, lingering for a long time and never dissipating.

They raised their knives and fell without any hesitation. They wanted to let the demons experience the feeling of their companions' corpses strewn all over the field and blood flowing like rivers.

The soldiers crazily vented the anger in their hearts. The more demons they killed, the higher the blood of the soldiers. In an instant, the battle situation was reversed. The hunters were fearless in life and death, slashing and killing on the battlefield.

The hideous and ugly heads were cut off by the soldiers, and the sharp swords shot from the eyes were all resolved by Wang Hao secretly with the sword intent of the great way, so the soldiers sang with enthusiasm all the way, without any danger.

"Kill, kill them all..." After only a moment, the demon army composed of one-eyed monsters was slaughtered to the very last.

The golden continent built by Wang Hao is full of demon corpses and heads.

The demon corpses that fell on the mainland no longer melted into the void. Wang Hao was also very puzzled by this phenomenon. Could it be that demons are lifeless things, so they will melt back into the void after losing their ability to move, and their heads will fall off. What happened to the fall!
Wang Hao was puzzled, but he still rushed into the battlefield and chopped off the remaining demons with his hand.

"Soldiers, the rift in the void is about to close, we have to leave the void quickly." Wang Hao said, pointing to the rift in the void that was gradually leaving the Dragon God Realm.

Only then did the soldiers see the gap in the void that was getting farther and farther away from Longteng God's Domain and was gradually closing. It was the only place in the dark void where there was still a glimmer of light.

"Let's go! I, Wang Hao, promise to bring you back one day..." Wang Hao shouted loudly.

At this time, the soldiers who were ecstatic at the destruction of this demon army gradually regained their composure. Listening to Wang Hao's command, they stepped on the golden continent and rushed towards the crack in the void.

The demon's corpse, flesh and blood were trampled to pieces by the hunter warriors. Although the warriors were in a "fleeing" posture, the color of victory was vivid on their faces, without any concealment.

Wang Hao saw it in his eyes, and felt calm in his heart. The purpose of entering the void this time has been achieved.

Wang Hao glanced at the depths of the void, it was a dark void, there were no soldiers left behind, and Wang Hao also flew towards the cracks in the void.

On the way, Wang Hao stopped. Just now he seemed to feel something looking at him. At that moment, his whole body was icy cold, as if he had been placed in a ten-thousand-year ice cave.

After a while, the last warrior walked out of the crack in the void, and he dared to look back. From near to far, the golden land he created was just a small piece in the void.

The golden land spreading across the entire battlefield is so unbearable. The vitality of the creation that Wang Hao felt just now has become weaker and weaker under the erosion of the void and death.

But the depths of the void were still dark and silent, as cold as an ice cave, and what frightened him even more was the pair of eyes in the depths of the void. He only felt stared at, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

He has never been so afraid before, including when he ascended, in that space, the power of blood is completely gone, and he has never been so afraid when facing the God of War Dragon with mortal resources.

There was a faint sense of despair welling up in his heart, pervading in his mind, as if he was going to swallow him up, and he clenched his fists before he knew it.

After a while, Wang Hao realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly circulated the power of the whole body, the internal organs, and the power of the limbs and bones flowed for a few weeks.

With the sound of "Kach, Kacha...", it turned out that the breath of despair had penetrated into his bones. If he hadn't discovered it in time, his whole body and even his soul would be eroded by this breath of despair.

After the body was baptized by the operation of divine power, most of the breath of despair was removed, but Wang Hao still felt that a trace of despair still existed in his body, faintly invading the soul.

Wang Hao was shocked, this despair is really "stubborn"!Seeing the void cracks gradually closing, Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat.

He absolutely can't go out like this, he can't bring this air of despair into the Dragon God Realm, everything in the void is too dangerous and too mysterious, if he doesn't handle it well after going out, let this air of despair spread , the consequences could be dire.

He could realize that this air of despair was far more terrifying than the invasion of demons. After letting him go out, Longteng God Realm might be in despair. At that time, the whole God Realm would become as dead as void.

Wang Hao would absolutely not allow such a thing to happen. Even if the cracks in the void closed today and he separated from the Dragon God Realm, and Wang Hao was sealed inside, he would never allow even a single bit of despair to come out of the void.

Wang Hao became ruthless, clenched his fists tightly with both hands.

"Ah!" Wang Hao yelled, using his divine power, and slashing at the desperate energy in his body together with the Dao of the sword.

Immediately, the air of despair, the golden divine power and the law of the sword, collided fiercely in Wang Hao's body, and the divine power and law full of vitality and a dead black energy swallowed each other in Wang Hao's body, which Wang Hao did not expect.

Whether it is divine power or the law of swordsmanship, there is a tendency to be assimilated during the battle. Seeing this, Wang Hao cut off the connection with that divine power, laws and other forces without hesitation.

The air of despair was finally thrown out of the body by Wang Hao together with the divine power and law. After that, Wang Hao actually saw with his own eyes that his power turned into air of despair in the void.

Seeing this, Wang Hao quickly backed away, and his despair also took advantage of the situation to chase after him.

The moment the cracks in the void closed, Wang Hao rushed out, returned to the Dragon God Realm, and stood in the sky above Fenxiang Valley, but the air of despair did not rush out the moment the cracks closed, and was trapped in the void. Wang Hao could see everything clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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