Chapter 431 It Can't Be Her (11)

"Baby, Mommy's cell phone is ringing, it may be from Uncle Shen, you stand for a while, and Mommy takes the phone first."

The drowsiness still persisted, and as soon as Xiao Niipao's feet touched the ground, his whole body took a staggered step and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Mu Xi quickly supported him, "Be careful not to fall."

While taking care of the child, Muxi rummaged through the bag for her mobile phone, and the call was indeed from Shen Zeyang.

"Sister Muxi, where are you now? Why didn't I see you at the hotel entrance?" As soon as the call was connected, Shen Zeyang kept talking.

"I'm on the side of the red street light at the intersection, you should drive here quickly! The child is sleepy and wants to sleep."

"All right, all right, I'll be right over, just stand where you are and don't move." Shen Zeyang was very fast, and not long after hanging up the phone, he saw him driving the car over.

At the same time, just as the two of them opened the door to get into the car, a black Bentley car whizzed by and passed by again perfectly.


Mu family.

After the Ji couple had dinner at Mu's house, they were not in a hurry to leave. Mu Han asked Sister Xia to make some fruits after the meal, and the family sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Mu Han didn't talk much, when Ji Haowen asked him something, he would reply with a smile, since they got engaged, they have been getting along in this way, it might feel a little awkward at first, but after a long time, they will get used to it.

"By the way, it seems like I haven't seen Xiaoxi for a long time, why didn't I see her come back for dinner!" Mrs. Ji asked suddenly.

Ji Xue looked at Mu Han subconsciously, and before she could speak, the man first explained, "Xiaoxi is also busy with work, and often stays away from home, and usually doesn't eat at home when she is busy."

"So that's how it is." Mrs. Ji nodded, and put a sliced ​​apple into her mouth, "It's no wonder that Xiaoxi is now a supermodel, and she is quite famous in China. The group of rich people who played mahjong with me Wife, everyone praised Xiaoxi for her outstanding temperament and beauty, and I said she was my daughter's sister-in-law, and those rich wives were very envious, and asked me to introduce them to their sons!"

Mu Han didn't know what to say, so he nodded with a smile, and Ji Xue also cleared her throat in embarrassment.

But Mrs. Ji didn't seem to notice her daughter's hint, she continued to say, "By the way, Mu Han, does Xiaoxi have a boyfriend now, or does she like a boy? There are a few people around me who are from good backgrounds." Of course, the child is good in all aspects of character, I think I can introduce Xiaoxi to get to know each other."

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Ji Xue felt that the temperature around her had dropped several degrees, and immediately bumped her with her hand, signaling her to stop talking, "We Xiaoxi are so good, among those who chased her, the best There are a lot of men here, why are you afraid that she won't find a boyfriend!"

"That is, these children's affairs, why do you care so much about them! Are you so willing to run errands for others?" Ji Haowen also interjected appropriately, and he also felt that this matter seemed superfluous.

The living room fell silent, and found that Mu Han hadn't made a statement. Mrs. Ji felt that she seemed to have said something wrong, so she explained embarrassingly, "Sorry! That's what I said, just listen to it, don't take it seriously!"

"It's okay! Xiaoxi will find out what type she likes by herself, so we don't have to worry about it!" Mu Han felt that if he didn't speak again, it would be too embarrassing for others.

 ps: super!powerful!Pre!tell!

  1. Su Zimo will soon know the truth about four years ago

  2. There will be an explosive update tomorrow

  3. About listing and charging
  To all the cuties, the editor notified that it will be on the shelves on the 20th, so it means that there will be a fee.

  Wenwen signed a contract with the website, and the charging standard is uniformly charged by the website, 0.05 yuan per chapter, and members will also get a discount.

  Wenwen has gone through a 5-month free period, so that readers who want to follow along can read more free chapters. During this period, there is no income. This period of time is very difficult.

  Some people may ask, why is the book suddenly charged!

  What Huahua wants to say is that the author is also a human being, and he also needs to rely on the manuscript fee to make a living. Only we know how much effort and hardship we have put in.

  Without any income, I endured the doubts of my family and the ridicule of many people, and carried it through with difficulty.

  I am very grateful to the readers who like Su Aojiao. Without your support and love, maybe I would not persevere.

  Finally, in the days to come, I very much hope that we can go on together. I type in front of the computer, and you hold your mobile phones to follow up and accompany 'Su Aojiao' to the end of the day.

  Huahua hereby wishes everyone happy every day, good health, and wishes come true!
  Always love cuties and goblins~ Comparing hearts~

(End of this chapter)

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