Chapter 432 All Are Mine (1)

What's more, the other party is the mother of his wife, no matter how unhappy he is, he has to buy face for her.

Ji Haowen also felt that the atmosphere suddenly became a bit subtle, so he changed the topic, "By the way, why did I see so many children's toys on this floor! Do children often come to play?"

Just on the cabinet under the TV, there are several Transformers placed there.

After Ji Xue realized it, she was almost stunned to death by herself. She didn't find out these details for so long, and she foolishly ran to put away the things related to Mumu on the second floor, but ignored the conspicuous place on the first floor .

Ahhh! !

Ji Xue wanted to give herself a blast, and then thought about how to explain, "That...that..."

"Huh? What is that?" Ji Haowen squinted at her.

Mu Han sat on the side, not intending to rescue her, because he was also very curious, and wanted to know how this little woman would explain these toys to her father.

Seeing that the man next to her didn't intend to help her, Ji Xue suddenly blurted out, "This... This was bought by Mu Han in advance for the child."

Hearing this, Mu Han paused while drinking tea, and then spit it out in one gulp. He hastily took out a few paper towels to wipe his face, and wiped off the water stains that had been sprayed on the table, then turned his face Looking at her, it's unbelievable that she would say that.

For a moment, the living room suddenly became quiet, and even a needle falling on the ground could be clearly heard.

It wasn't just Mu Han who was shocked, but Ji and his wife were also if. The expressions on the faces of the three of them were like pasting and copying, and they stared at Ji Xue's face in shock.

"You... all of you... what's the matter? Is there something dirty on my face?" At this moment, Ji Xue didn't even notice what she just said.

"Xue'er!!" Suddenly, Ji Haowen grabbed her hand excitedly.

Ji Xue looked at him in a daze, "Ah? I'm here! What... what's wrong?"

"Did you have it? Am I going to be a grandfather soon?" Ji Haowen held her hand, trembling because of excitement.

"What... what is this? I... I didn't..." Before she could finish explaining, Ji Xue fell into a big bear hug and was held tightly.

Ji Haowen fell into ecstasy, "I... I'm going to be a grandfather soon, I'm going to be a grandfather, hahahaha..." Looking at Mrs. Ji aside, he said excitedly, "Did you hear that, I You're going to be a grandpa soon, and you're going to be a grandma."

"I heard it, I heard it just now." Mrs. Ji was also in a state of excitement, but when she got excited, she coughed a few times.

Mu Han felt ashamed when he saw this scene. This is a big misunderstanding.

After all, it's hard to say how far he and Ji Xue have developed just last night, and whether there will be little things that survived tenaciously in it! !

Mu Han glanced at Ji Xue's stomach, then turned his face away and made a motion of holding his forehead.

"Dad, Dad, let go of me, I'm going to be strangled to death by you." Ji Xue struggled to make a complete sentence, and Ji Haowen immediately let go of his hand in fright, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, It's dad's fault, dad didn't take your feelings into account."

After a pause, he asked again, "Xue'er! How is my little grandson doing now?"

(End of this chapter)

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