Chapter 1013 creates bad intentions. 【Third watch】

Jiang Luofan couldn't feel it at all.

That restaurant looks very high-end, and the consumption should not be low. When he went out, he didn't pay attention to how much money he brought, but he hoped it would be enough to pay for the meal. This is the first time in his life that he worried about not having enough money after reaching the summit of Vientiane.

The door of the restaurant is shaped like water, so it is good for people to pass through directly, but only the position of the door is like this, it is as convenient as being a ghost, and it can pass through the wall freely.

Jiang Luofan was also very interested in this kind of door. If he brought it back to the Yang Realm and sold it, he would definitely make a fortune and make a lot of money. Although he didn't love money, he felt a little excited when he thought about it.

Ah Yu noticed the interest in his eyes, she seemed to have found more ideas for catching him, and she probably would see each other more often in the future.

"Mr. Jiang seems to be very interested in these things."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Luofan withdrew his curious gaze, and looked at her a little embarrassedly: "Yes." He actually wanted to use these technologies in military affairs after he learned them.

This is definitely a good thing with no harm.

"Go to the sixth floor, the environment on the sixth floor is good."

The sixth floor is actually the designated box that Ah Yu herself often visits. Usually, this restaurant wants to use her specific box, and she has to call her personally to ask for her consent.

Jiang Luofan wondered whether the consumption on the sixth floor would be much higher. He had been estimating whether he had enough money in his pocket. If it was not enough, it would be embarrassing.

The doors of this restaurant are all the same type, but the shape is somewhat different.

After entering the box, the tables and chairs inside are also ingeniously planted. The ordering is completely automatic and unmanned. After ordering the meal directly on the projection device, there will be a live video from the center of the table, watching the chef in the restaurant The whole process of cooking.

After the dishes are ready, they will be sent up directly from the position of the live broadcast screen, and the screen will slowly move away to the side, revealing the food. The clean and white gold-rimmed plate is covered with a crystal cover, which looks very tempting. People's appetite, which is why Ayu likes this place.

During the meal, he didn't talk about his food. After he was full, A Yu ordered a red wine, and while having a drink with him slowly, he answered what he wanted to know.

Regarding spiritual energy cultivation, the main thing is to find the spiritual energy point first. The spiritual energy point can often be encountered in the forest area of ​​the human race, but usually someone occupies it first. If you want high-purity spiritual energy, you have to go into a cave or dive deep into the bottom of the water. Look for.

But Ah Yu was born in a wealthy family, and someone found her, and it was ultra-pure aura.

She wanted to think so, but she didn't reveal her identity to Jiang Luofan. Although he was very handsome, it didn't mean that he would have bad intentions after learning of her identity.

Jiang Luofan didn't expect it to be so simple after hearing this, but how to cultivate the spiritual energy after finding it, and then inject it into those things?

Ah Yu hung his appetite and didn't say: "Mr. Jiang, if you want to know, come and have dinner with me tomorrow."

Jiang Luofan knew what A Yu was thinking when he heard the words. This girl is interested in him, but she will be disappointed in the future because he will not return her feelings.

But in order to know more about Reiki, he promised to have dinner with her here tomorrow.

After understanding the aura clearly, it may be more beneficial to them and improve their cultivation base.

After hearing Jiang Luofan's agreement, Ah Yu got up happily and said that he would take him to the street to see other novelties for him.

(End of this chapter)

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