Chapter 1014 I'm Worried That She'll Get Deeper

I don't know if this routine can trap him, but he has fallen into the routine now, take it slowly, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

Jiang Luofan heard that this was a good idea, so he followed her to the street to get acquainted with the surroundings and at the same time listened to her introduction of things that were very rare to him.

The communication work here is similar to the mobile phones they use. The communication equipment here is a ring. With just one touch, you can release projections, make phone calls, entertain, play games, and watch dramas. Those in Yangjie can compare with it. When you look up, it looks rougher than you know how many times.

Seeing nine o'clock in the evening, Ah Yu realized that it was late, so he had to go back quickly, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sneak out to see him tomorrow.

Jiang Luofan wanted to send her off, but Ah Yu declined because he didn't want him to know her identity and where she lived...

Before leaving, they also exchanged contact information with each other, and after sending A Yu away, he walked back to his residence slowly in a walking style.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chen Wei sitting there. As soon as he entered the door, those eyes stared straight at him.

Jiang Luofan was covered in goosebumps when he saw him, but he pretended to greet him nonchalantly, and then walked directly towards his room.

He always felt that Chen Weiman worried him.

When the next day was about to approach noon, A Yu contacted Jiang Luofan, saying that she had gone out and gathered at the location they met yesterday.

Ah Yu just said this to make that place look special in the future, do something special, or say something special, so that Jiang Luofan can think of her whenever he passes by here in the future. This is called subconscious hypnosis.

When he came to the restaurant and sat down in the box last night, Jiang Luofan remembered that they seemed to have left before paying the bill last night?
"Miss Ayu, where is the cash register in this restaurant?"

He thought about returning the money for last night's meal to the restaurant. It's wrong to eat a king's meal, and it's a moral issue.

Ah Yu was a little puzzled by his train of thought: "What are you asking for?"

"Didn't you leave without paying the bill last night?"

As soon as Jiang Luofan finished asking this question, A Yu burst out laughing: "I have already settled the payment last night. The payment method here is just a tap of your finger. If you have any money on you, the system will automatically prompt you. Then it's directly deducted."

After hearing A Yu's words, Jiang Luofan felt very sorry. He originally wanted to invite her to dinner, but in the end he became the one who cannibalize people.

"Then let me treat you to this meal."

A Yu shrugged his shoulders indifferently when he heard the sound: "It doesn't matter, anyway, it doesn't matter whoever invites you."

"Well, thank you very much."

Jiang Luofan replied politely, and then chatted with A Yu about the things that he didn't finish last night.

This time, Ah Yu also stopped him halfway through his speech, and told him to take the initiative to invite her to dinner another day, and then tell her.

This made Jiang Luofan dumbfounded, the girl's carelessness was obvious, it's not like he couldn't see it.

It would be very rude to expose her rejection all of a sudden, but if you don’t say it, you’re worried that she’ll get stuck a little bit, and you can’t drag your feet on emotional matters, otherwise it will only hurt the one who is sincere.

Ah Yu thought that his routine was very successful, and when he walked back, he was full of happiness.

She was looking forward to Jiang Luofan taking the initiative to ask her out. She didn't know when it would be, but she hoped that the sooner the better.

Jiang Luofan really wanted to know about the top of Vientiane, but he still had to do it step by step.

Ah Yu is a good girl, and she can see her mind clearly, why not invite her to their residence directly next time.

(End of this chapter)

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