Chapter 1017 But it is Lin Yan who is obviously pregnant and not him, so why is he so stupid? 【Third watch】

"Jiujiu, you don't have any teeth yet, you can't eat what your brother eats, can Mommy give you something to eat last night?"

An Xiangwan coaxed her daughter that the one that Guagua ate had a bit of bone, and it was not edible for Jiujiu now, and she just started to grow small teeth, which would break them.

Jiu Baobao heard about the delicious cakes he made last night, what brother Gua's selfishness is just a cloud, the baby only wants to eat by himself last night.

An Xiangwan saw her daughter nodding her little head, and knew that the little guy was easy to coax, so she went over to give her some. It tasted pretty good, she tasted it twice, and also ate a bowl.

Jiang Luofan's meal came out just as An Xiangwan was passing by, and when he was about to pick up the meal, Zong Che deliberately separated him from An Xiangwan. This was so obvious that it was ridiculously childish.

How could he do what the male ghost was worried about? Even if he wanted to, she would not agree.

Gong Ze and Lin Yan walked in, and couldn't help laughing at the male ghost's childish behavior.

"Afan, Miss Xiaoyu will come over tomorrow, right?"

He mentioned Ayu on purpose, and wanted to help match them up. He always liked to do this kind of thing. He was the one who matched An Xiangwan and Zong Che back then.

"Yes, you forgot, she will come tomorrow and take us into the mountains to find spiritual energy."

An Xiangwan gave Gongze a blank look. Others said that she had been pregnant for three years, but it was Lin Yan who was pregnant and not him. How could he be so stupid?
Oh, it could be that people in love have zero IQs.

"Oh, yes, how did I forget about this?"

Gong Ze pretended to be stupid on purpose, but of course he knew it, but he deliberately proposed it in front of Jiang Luofan, so that he would think more about A Yu and less about An Xiangwan.


Jiang Luofan responded inexplicably, and then took the meal aside and started eating. In fact, sometimes he felt a bit awkward living with them, especially Zong Che's small actions. In fact, although he was thinking about An Xiangwan, But I never thought of making a move.

Maybe after a while, he gets familiar with the human race, and it would be better to move to another place, maybe he can ask A Yu about it.

However, he just thought about this idea for a moment. They had originally come to take refuge here with the human race, and it was not appropriate to separate them.

Maybe the three clans of demon Shura will find them soon, and it will be very troublesome if they separate at that time. Thinking about it, he still endured it.

the next morning.

When Ah Yu arrived on time and rang the doorbell, she happened to meet Chen Wei going out. She recognized this little official and had attended a banquet at her house before.

I just don't know if this little official will recognize her, but I hope not.

She lowered her head on purpose, looking very embarrassed, to prevent Chen Wei from seeing her appearance clearly.

Chen Wei looked at her and thought she looked familiar, but he didn't remember where he saw her. Maybe she had a common face, but she was dressed in a normal way.

"Who are you looking for?"

he asked.

A Yu pretended to be a little surprised and lied back: "Oh, I'm here to find Mr. Jiang and the others, and we have an appointment today."

"Well, just wait here, Qin San, go ask Mr. Jiang to come out and pick someone up."

After Chen Wei gave some instructions, he signaled his subordinates to go out with him.

Ah Yu was relieved to see others go out and go far away. As soon as he raised his head, he saw Jiang Luofan appearing in front of him.

"You came out so soon?"

Ganqing came out running, is he very anxious to see her?

But this thought only lasted a second, how could he run out of the door so fast, what a fool, a nympho.

(End of this chapter)

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