Chapter 1018 Why is there such a big difference in her appearance all of a sudden? 【Four more】

"I just passed by and saw you coming, so I came over."

Jiang Luofan said something, and then invited her into the room.

She came here today to pick up some small tools, which were used to detect spiritual energy. After entering the room and seeing An Xiangwan and the others, she explained to them how to use these things.

After making sure they all understand how to use it, let's go.

They borrowed a few ordinary vehicles from the people in Chen Wei's mansion, divided into three groups and set off up the mountain.

There is a high mountain on the outskirts of this city. People here often go up the mountain to find spiritual energy, but due to physical problems, few people can reach the top of the mountain, and they can also climb up by means of transportation, because the oxygen on the top is weak, and the altitude sickness is strong. Miasma, that is the primary problem.

Although the people here are using high technology, they still can't find a miasma that can't be dealt with.

Ayu's status is different. To deal with the miasma, she has a lot of things at home. She just needs to spray it on her body. Before going out, she asks them to spray it on themselves.It can last about twelve hours, and it will be good to spray again after that.

There should be a lot of spiritual energy on the top of the mountain. Where there is spiritual energy, there is no miasma, so they don't have to worry about collecting it.

Ah Yu and Jiang Luofan share a small vehicle, she is in front, and he stands behind to protect her small body, a bit like the signature scene of the hero and heroine in the classic movie "Titanic".

A Yu was secretly happy in his heart, but Jiang Luofan didn't think much about it, he was only thinking about how to find the spiritual energy. In this miasma-filled place, ladies should not be hurt. This is what a gentleman should do.

When moving separately, they made signs where they assembled.

Park the vehicle there and walk separately to find it.

Ah Yu was looking forward to this moment, so when he went out, he dressed up specially, and even put on delicate light makeup.

After walking for a while, she took off her glasses and put them back in her bag, then tied her hair into a ponytail.

When you are with the person you like, of course you have to show your most beautiful side.

Jiang Luofan didn't notice her small movements, and kept looking around, looking for the so-called aura.

A Yu has been tossing behind him just now, and after getting his own appearance, he pretended to be behind and caught up with him.

"Mr. Jiang, wait for me."

She also deliberately took a few breaths, pretending to be a little weaker, so that she could be protected.

Jiang Luofan didn't realize that she was pretending. After all, the environmental conditions here were really not very good, and women's physiques were not as good as men's.

He stopped, waited for her to catch up, and when he looked back at her, he almost didn't recognize her. If he didn't hear her voice, he would have thought it was someone else.

Why is there such a big difference in her appearance all of a sudden?
The appearance of her in front of him is very like that of a young lady, two completely different styles from the obedient and dumb look he saw for the first time.

Sure enough, the woman dressed up as if she had been enchanted, and she was a different person.

But, even so, in Jiang Luofan's heart, Xiao Wan is still the most beautiful and moving.

"what happened?"

Seeing that he was finally willing to look at him more, A Yu secretly rejoiced that he must have been surprised, maybe he likes girls like this, like the two female friends who live with him, they are very beautiful, although looking at her The dress is very ordinary, but the appearance is really outstanding.

When she entered for the first time, she thought she had entered a concentration camp for handsome men and beautiful women.

So Caiji gradually restored his appearance at home in front of him, but after leaving here, he had to resume his disguised appearance.

I hope to attract him with my appearance, don't the opposite sex start to attract each other with their appearance?
(End of this chapter)

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