Chapter 1019 Extra points if you are not sure. [one more]

Ah Yu took his arm and pretended to walk very cautiously with every step, so that he would walk with her hand, and more physical contact would also enhance the goodwill.

That's what the information I found on the Internet last night said so, she will try it, and there are some things about the behavior of the opposite sex if they like her.

She didn't dare to do this until she saw that An Xiangwan and the others had gone far away. In fact, she already knew the location of the aura in this mountain. She had already asked Xiaocai to ask for a map of the distribution marks on the top of the mountain before going out. .

But she didn't want Jiang Luofan to find him so quickly when he followed her, so that she could be alone with him for a longer time.

But they didn't know that they had already been targeted by the three clans of Demonic Demon Shura when they went out.

Hiding among the human race, these three races of course dare not act rashly, but now they have left the city of the human race and came to the wilderness, where the poisonous gas is heavy, killing them here, the small official of the human race will not notice.

What's more, even if you find out, at that time, these are the criminals brought back by Qinglong from the place of death row prisoners. Maybe the petty official who provided them with a place to stay will have to pay for his future and life.

They followed quietly along the way, and the miasma on the mountain had little effect on them, after all, they were not mortal bodies.

Halfway through the walk, Ah Yu had already noticed someone following them, but she just thought that the other party was trying to snatch the spiritual energy.

In addition, Gong Ze, Lin Yan, and An Xiangwan's family of four, plus two little pets, have already become targets of stalking.

Jiang Luofan could vaguely feel that someone was following them, tried to drop something, pretended to turn around to pick it up, and found out that the person following them was the three clans of the demon Shura.

It seems that there will be another battle later, but Ah Yu is an outsider, but has been involved in unnecessary danger. He is quite worried that their identities will be known by Ah Yu.

A Yu was also worried that her identity would be found out, but she felt that it was just right that there were bad guys following them. In this way, she could try the feeling of being protected by the man she liked, and she felt looking forward to it even thinking about it.

Although I was looking forward to it in my heart, it looked like nothing had happened on the surface.

They were followed by guys from foreign races, and it was easy for Ah Yu to deal with them, but she was not sure if Jiang Luofan could deal with them, she had to give him a chance to show off, if not, then she would be a beauty saver OK.

That way you can add points.

Jiang Luofan is not worried about himself now, what he is worried about is the safety of An Xiangwan and the two little ones, and even wants to go back and look for them, he is afraid that the male ghost will not protect them well.

He was also worried about Gongze and Lin Yan, they shouldn't have acted separately, they were careless.

After seeing the situation behind him, Ah Yu looked anxious: "Mr. Jiang, what's wrong?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Luofan returned to his senses and glanced at her, sighed secretly, but from the corner of his eye, he was paying attention to the guy hiding behind the misty trees behind him, and lowered his voice and whispered in her ear: "We are being followed, we Worried about the safety of your friends."

Ah Yu's heart was beating wildly because of his sudden intimacy. Although it was to avoid being heard by the villains who were following them, she still couldn't control her heart rate.

It took a few seconds before he calmed down a little, and leaned close to his ear socket and asked, "You also noticed that we were being followed."

It was the first time for him to get so close, looking at his clean wheat-colored side cheeks, she couldn't help but want to kiss him, to try what it felt like, just fantasizing about it made her heart beat faster .

(End of this chapter)

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