Chapter 1020 This kind of question is too much to show the lower limit of IQ [Second update]

Jiang Luofan nodded back when he heard the words, A Yu was too close just now, her somewhat soft voice rang close to his ears, and her light fragrance filled his nasal cavity, he couldn't help being slightly dazed, but soon Then he came back to his senses and kept a normal distance from her.

"Let's go."

Ah Yu took the hand between his elbow and gently tugged.


Jiang Luofan supported her and continued to walk towards the top of the mountain. Perhaps the spiritual energy could be found at the top of the mountain, but I hope those guys won't do anything when they find the spiritual energy, otherwise the success will be in vain.

Ah Yu also didn't want that kind of thing to happen. Although she really hoped that they could make trouble, she would never allow it to harm their interests.

I thought they wouldn't attack so quickly, but I didn't expect that they couldn't help but attack after only a few steps.

They swung their sharp claws and stabbed at their backs. When they swung their claws, they seemed to smell the bloody smell of human blood that tempted their appetite.

If it weren't for the regulations, the human race would be an ultimate delicacy in the food chain for them.

Jiang Luofan sensed movement in the air behind him, and while quickly wrapping his arms around Ah Yu's slender waist to avoid the attack, he responded with a neat roundabout kick, but it missed.

This time, the ones they sent were no longer the same level as they were in the small floating island of the Yaozu. This time, they were all at the elite level, because they were concerned about the strength of the male ghost.

In order to ensure that County Lord Shura can be brought back, the demons and Shura made heavy investments this time.

The monster clan accepted the order from the fake demon king to assassinate the Lin king, and the assassins they sent were equally skilled, but they were able to kill the man just now, but the woman beside him messed up the situation.

The woman looked like a delicate young lady with no strength to restrain her. If it wasn't for her, the man would have been pierced through the back by their sharp claws and strangled his heart.

What is the background of that woman, to break their surprise attack so easily.

Jiang Luofan thought they were just retreating just to avoid his attack, and he didn't think too much about it. Right now, they retreated to a place far away, whispering, and didn't know what they were discussing.

Ayu was a little worried that those guys would slip up, but if they had IQ, they probably wouldn't ask such questions.

For example: Where do you come from, a woman-this kind of question is too low to show the lower limit of IQ.

But they didn't ask, and tried to continue attacking, trying to make sure if it was a small move made by a woman. The return wind just now seemed to come from a man's roundabout kick.

But Ah Yu just followed the direction of Jiang Luofan's kick, and kicked out the air wave. The air wave can damage their internal organs invisibly. Only blood relatives in the Ayu family can only do so, not rumors.

Jiang Luofan watched them attack again, thinking he couldn't beat them, but unexpectedly he hit them with his bare fist, his fist didn't hit it, it was just the wind of the blow that sent it flying, he I didn't expect my strength to become so powerful.

Could it be the effect of the pill that Gui Gongze gave him?
In fact, it was Ah Yu secretly outputting the qi waves of qigong along the direction of his moves, thus creating the illusion that he hit the demon Shura.

At this time, the demon Shura was also stunned, not sure if it was the woman playing tricks, but it looked like the man's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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