Chapter 1021 A brain full of routines. 【Third watch】

The demon Shuras did not give up and continued to attack, becoming more and more anxious as they fought, they were no match for that man at all.

Ah Yu secretly snickered, always thought it was fun, and occasionally deliberately mischievously let them hit a little bit, so that Jiang Luofan would be nervous and protect her tighter, he is so brave and responsible, he is really getting better and better. The more I like him.

But it won't be fun after a long time, she can't waste her time on these light bulbs today, she needs more opportunities to be alone with Jiang Luofan.

But thinking that her parents are not at home tonight, maybe she can...

Take a little hurt on purpose and stay at his place so you can spend the night with him.

She has always been an actionist, she does what she thinks of immediately, and she feels that there is nothing wrong with causing those demon Shura to hurt a little bit of flesh and blood.

After she was injured, Jiang Luofan made more ruthless moves, which made her feel happy. She believed that this man was him, and she would not marry him in this life.

Sneaking is snickering, but he can't detect it, otherwise he will hurt his self-esteem. Maybe many men can't accept this truth.

After A Yu had had enough fun, he directly used Jiang Luofan's hand to turn all the demon Shura into green smoke and cease to exist.

Jiang Luofan was completely ignorant of the truth, and kept sighing in his heart to Gongze, the elixir is really powerful.

But Ah Yu didn't expect Jiang Luofan to have another kind of aura, which was not annoying, and even gave her a very peaceful and clean feeling.

Jiang Luofan was originally the Ksitigarbha King when he was in the Yin and Yang Realms. He also came from the top of Vientiane, but he can't remember where he was really born.

And now he feels that it doesn't matter whether he remembers it or not, he will eventually return to the Yang Realm.

After all the villains were "defeated" by Jiang Luofan, Ah Yu immediately let out an "oops", pretending to feel pain and his knees were weak.

The effect was immediate, Jiang Luofan immediately conditioned reflex to support her, worried: "Miss A Yu, I'm sorry to implicate you, and I didn't protect you enough."

"No, you have done a good job, I am too weak..."

She is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, full of routines.

"You are injured, go back today and come back after you recover, the miasma here will infect your wound."

Jiang Luofan was worried that her injury would be infected and worsen, and he didn't know how to explain to her family. This time it was their lack of consideration that led to this.

I don't know how Xiao Wan and the others are doing now, maybe they are also injured, what about the two babies?
Gong Ze Lin Yan is a weaker combination among them, I hope they all repel the enemy.

Ah Yu naturally felt good after hearing this, and she will come back another day when she recovers from her injury, that is, there is still a chance to be alone with him.

"it is good."

"Can you move?"

Jiang Luofan saw that she was terribly frightened, probably because the human race is too peaceful, she has never encountered such a dangerous thing.

A cunning flash of light flashed in A Yu's beautiful eyes when she heard the sound, she frowned weakly, shook her head and said, "I can't walk anymore..."

After hearing this, Jiang Luofan immediately squatted down, turned his back up and waved to her, motioning for her to lie down.

"I'll carry you."

Ah Yu naturally wanted it, and felt that things were developing smoothly according to what she thought. His back looked very generous and strong, full of a sense of security. She took a deep breath to calm down her excited little emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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